The Reincarnation God

Chapter 2 - Jane

The kid comes out of the metal room.

The grin on his face vanishes.

'The gorilla won't wake up any time soon.' he thinks and stares up in the sky.

The sun is in the west. Almost dying out. Just a few more minutes, and night will start.

He hasn't been a fan of the daytime.

He has never liked the sun. It gives fake hope. Or so he thinks.


Yeah, that's the time he likes the most. Heck, it is the only time he likes.

He soon places his gaze down to see what's around him.

'Metal room on the back, I'm surrounded by garbage and animal carcasses. Great...' he thinks.

Then he notices a water tap beside him.

'Hmm? Nothing happened?'

He then rotates the valve anti clockwise.

'Damn! F.u.c.k it!' he curses in his mind.

Whatever he does, the water does not come out.

And there is a problem. A big one.

The hairy whore's stool was sticking on the fingers of his left hand.

It was a big bother.

The boy turns around, and opens the door of the small metal room.

He reaches the thot and kicks her head.

The feeling of kicking around, it is so satisfying.

He can not wait for more satisfaction.

But right now, that can wait. He has to remove his bother.

Sure, he can chop off his left hand, but who is foolish enough to do that? At least he isn't.

He reaches her b.r.e.a.s.ts with his left hand rubs his fingers against them.


He sighs, rather he is feeling more disgusted.

Now, his left hand is feeling sticky because of her sweat. The poop hasn't been wiped out too.

'Maybe if I put my fingers inside her mouth, or if I wipe the s.l.u.t's shit with her bra or p.a.n.t.i.e.s, I can deal with this bother'

He crouches and brings his face near her bra, and...


...sniffs it.

"It smells. Probably her sweat. Does this bitch even bath? Hmm... I doubt that." He mutters.

Then, he reaches her bra with his left hand and wipes off her shit.

He stands up, quite impressed. Her poop has finally gone back to her.

Admiring his clean hand, he lands a kick against her abdomen.

However, it just jiggles. It does not look as if her body has taken some damage.

"Damn you, fatass." He speaks with venom in his calm voice and kicks her head.

A smile creeps on his face for a second.

He goes out of the room and starts to search for the opening of underground base.

It is the same underground base where his other 'guardian' experiments with him. The gorilla's family lives there too.

Life has been pretty cruel to him.

First, be harassed by the whore.

Then, be used as a punching bag by the s.l.u.t's kid.

Later, be used as a lab rat by the abomination's husband.

"Thinking about it, this thot didn't even spare his own brother. She turned him into her husband." He speaks to himself while putting his right hand against his chin.

The only person that has tried to be nice to him is Jane. She is the little sister of Jean.

Despite being of the same age, Jean looked down on him.

Jane is a year or two younger than him.

'On a second thought, I don't even know which year is it. I don't even know where the hell I am.'

His thoughts are disrupted by a shout.

"Big brother Rei!"

A little girl comes in front of Rei. Bob cut brown hair, and a white attire consisting of skirt and shirt.

"...Jane?" Rei asks, not expecting her arrival.

"You're back from the hostel? Why didn't you come back home? Why are you standing here? Let's go!" She exclaims innocently.

On the other side, Rei's thinking of what to do now.

"Big brother Rei!" She tries to gain Rei's attention.

Rei's mouth opens, then closes.

Then opens again...

'Does he want to say something?' she thinks.

"Hey! Why are you in your p.a.n.t.i.e.s?" She asks.

Rei looks towards her face before speaking, "This? You see, orange juice fell on my trousers. So I threw them away." He says with a smile.

Her father may not look like it, but is actually very rich. He does everything to make her 'his ideal daughter'.

In short, he has a daughter complex. So, everytime she dirties her clothes, he disposes them off and provides new ones to her. That's what she always thinks though.

In reality however, he uses her dirty clothes as fap materials.

'Buy it! Buy it! Buy my lie! Or else I will have to cut your throat right now! You're a hindrance in my plans! Hmm... something isn't right... Something...' he thinks.

"Hey, aren't you bothered by the red stains on my T-shirt?" He asks.

"These? No. These are designs, right? Father also have them on his lab coat!" She replies enthusiastically.

'Blood stains? I am able to make a number of possibilities. The most reasonable one is that I am not his 'only' lab rat. Wait, why am I acting like a retard and a genius at the same time? Damn it!'

"Hey Jane! Can you lead me to our home? You see, living in the hostel has caused a shit load of work on my brain cells. I don't really remember all the directions." He makes up a lie.

"Hey! Stop swearing! It's bad! Well, let us go." She replies.

The duo reaches a wooden coffin of some sort.

'Something isn't right... It looks like my mind is being controlled by someone. But how can that be possible? Coming next, why is Jane acting so calmly?' he thinks and says, "Jane dear, can you please close your eyes for a minute? I have to do something important."

"Huh? Why? Ok." She says, revealing a pout and crossing her arms.

She closes her eyes.

Rei moves back, picks an old metal knife, and a battery. The battery has a few wires attached to it.

He noticed them when he came after kicking the thot around.

He puts the picked objects inside his p.a.n.t.i.e.s.

"Let's go." He says.

"Ok!" She then proceeds to open the wooden coffin.

Once it is open, she says, "Come inside."

Rei does not reply back and steps in the coffin along with Jane.

Jane bends down and pushes the metal floor with her hands.

'A metal floor in a coffin. My best guess, it's a lift of some sort which will take us down there, in the underground base. And I think she made a contact with the floor because it requires fingerprints.' He soon dismisses his thoughts.

'Wait! Why am I making possibilities? What I should be thinking right now is that why Jane is- Ugh! My head!'

It just happens as he thought. The floor moves downwards. It actually is a lift.

The surroundings of the duo change. Rei looks up. It is almost night. The coffin has started to close.

He is about ten feet underground right now.

Soon, he is shrouded in darkness.

His right hand makes his way to his p.a.n.t.i.e.s. He has kept his guard up ever since the little girl arrived.

Who knows, what may happen to him the next moment?

Suddenly, light blinds him. There is too much of it.

He slowly opens his eyes, only to be met with a smiling Jane, and empty grey corridors.

The facility looks as if designed by aliens. It looks too complex.

But Rei knows the truth. Why are these corridors like these in the first place.

"Hey! Big brother Rei! Why is your right hand inside your p.a.n.t.i.e.s?" The little girl asks.

"Hmm? What are you talking about? I never put my hand inside there in the first place." He says.

'Like hell I am going to tell you that I was trying to take out my knife to slit your throat' he thinks inwardly.

"Let's go meet Father!" She exclaims.

Rei suddenly puts his right hand's thumb inside her mouth.

"Eww! It's so gross! What are you doing?"

"This? It's nothing. Don't bother with it. Now listen, I want you to give father a sweet kiss on his cheek. Okay?" Rei says, smiling.

"Hmm..." She nods her head and runs away.

'After seeing her behaviour towards me, it is highly unlikely that she may be plotting something against me. However, I can't lower my guard. Now coming onto the next topic, she has some kind of father complex. She will kiss him just fine. Even if she doesn't, I have already made thirty two backup plans on the way here. This family is disgustingly too weird.' he again starts thinking about his next plans.

Jane has caused him enough trouble of noticing him.

But it was only because of her, that he was able to find the underground base so soon. Or else, it would have taken him about an hour or so to do the same.

He is slightly grateful to her for showing him the way to reach down here.

"I must hurry..." Rei mutters.

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