'What the hell is this ...... ......?'

The morning after an all-nighter.

I couldn't hide my surprise at the "current state of this world" that I had arrived at in the sunshine, and I screamed out.

Two things have changed in this world.

The first is the fact that there has been a 'technological innovation' in this world.

This is a welcome advancement.

Depending on how you use it, the technology to process the magical stone, which can be converted into various forms of energy, has made this world's civilization reach an explosive level.

For example, the light bulb that Lilith explained to me yesterday is an example of this.

Extracting the energy from the magical stone has led to innovations in various industries, and people's lives have changed dramatically.

But if you ask me, there were a lot of things that made me snicker and wonder if we need to automate it to the extent that we can do it with magic: ......

Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

That's exactly where I was surprised by the second fact.

'My God. The level of magicians has dropped to an unbelievable level: ......!

The book I'm reading now, for example, is a prime example of this.

Despite the lengthy and ostentatious language, the technology described in this book was something that, 200 years ago, children of less than 10 years old would have been familiar with.

But this book, for example, is still better.

There were even books that proudly put wrong magical constructions in their introduction and explanation.

Have you ever really constructed magic by pouring out that magic syntax?

There are too many tweaks.

It's full of flawed bugs and it's going to be 100 percent out of control. I'm an expert, so there's no doubt about it.

I stretch out and jump out of my chair.

I open the door to ventilate the room a bit and see that there's a piece of bread in front of the door.

'Master Abel, I'll leave breakfast and lunch for you. I'm off to work. Please relax at home as I will be back after the evening. ─ ─ Lilith.

Perhaps the note was a reminder to me to focus on reading.

Work. Work.

That's right.

Lilith has to do some kind of work for a living.

I'm curious.

What is he doing in this village full of people?

d*mn. ....... I'm starting to feel sleepy about this .......

He hasn't stopped missing since a while ago.

I knew it was hard to stay up all night with my young body.

No. .......

It's time to start getting sleepy, so I'll just read a book to the point where it's good to be done.

It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends and family.


The sound of the front door opening.

Hmm? It's like someone came into the house.

Clearly, the atmosphere is different from Lilith's presence.

The sound of energetic bouncing footsteps came closer and closer to the storeroom, and then someone bang! And open the door.


Are you a dojo-breaker or something, you.

Suddenly, a blond boy who looked about ten years old, like me, stepped into the stacks.

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