The ninja families present were silent. This method really helps to increase the base of Konoha ninjas, and helps to increase the level of force in Konoha as a whole.

But the premise is that the major families of Konoha need to pump blood to the ninja school in the early stage, which is equivalent to digging the corners of the ninja families and subsidizing the civilians, even the ninja families do not have so much surplus food.

Most ninja families are not happy in their hearts, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, pretending to talk about it. But it is impossible for everyone to oppose Kuruma's suggestion on the spot, and it is not a wise move to offend the Senju clan now.

Just when everyone gritted their teeth and was about to think about how to cut a part of the meat so that it didn't hurt, Su Xiuyu, who was seated, suddenly interjected: "We, the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan, are willing to support some elite ninjas as teachers of the ninja school." After graduation, students with excellent performance can even learn from the elite of Uchiha or the elite of the Uzumaki family. The

first person to speak in support of Kuruma's proposal turned out to be Uchiha Shuyu, one of the leaders of the Uchiha clan, which none of the people here expected. Even Uchiha didn't expect Shuyu to be involved in such a thing.

However, Uchiha feels that Su Xiuyu has always liked to plan ahead, maybe he also has his special ideas, and he didn't say much.

Karuma quickly returned to his senses, "Then thank the Uchiha clan for their support." What about everyone else?

"We, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Akimichi clan, are willing to support, and we can also support xxxxx to establish a ninja school."

"We the Inuzuka clan also support..."

Soon, all the ninja families in the entire conference room agreed to the construction of the ninja school. Don't agree to it, Senju has to do it, Uchiha still supports, don't agree if you don't want to mess around in Konoha.

"The second proposal is that the current security measures in Konoha Village have not yet been established. I propose that the Uchiha clan serve as Konoha's garrison and be in charge of security in the village. "

Another amazing plan was thrown out.

Only Su Xiuyu had long known that he might encounter such a plan. In the original book, this method is used to play the Uchiha family in the palm of your hand. How can a violent organ please the civilian population?

So over time, the Uchiha family was marginalized and even demonized.

Su Xiuyu wasn't sure if this was a conspiracy or a trick, but now that Su Xiuyu was there, this hot potato would not be picked up anyway.

"I refuse. Uchiha is not suitable for the garrison, and I think the Senju clan or the Inuzuka clan are more suitable.

Su Xiuyu's stern refusal also made Kuruma very confused. In fact, the garrison proposed to be held by the Uchiha clan in order to give the Uchiha clan some power, which can be regarded as a compensation for the Uchiha clan. But I didn't expect to be simply rejected by Su Xiuyu.

"Then put this proposal on hold."

"The third proposal is to establish a ninja hierarchy. The main thing is to perform the task later conveniently. It is divided into three levels: lower Shinobi, middle Shinobi, and upper Shinobi, to cope with entrusted tasks of different difficulty.



Since the resolution does not involve any interests for the time being, it is proposed to be adopted quickly.

"The fourth proposal is to establish a special unit for ninja assassination tactics, directly under the control of Naruto. Mainly responsible for preventing foreign invasions and defending Hokage. It is a long-term uniform that is well suited to carry out Konoha's secrecy missions. Personnel are selected from various families and selected on merit.



Everyone knows that this proposal is the basic plate of Hokage, and the dark part is to do some dirty work, as for protecting Hokage? Everyone looked at the Thousand Hand Pillars, and they didn't know who would protect whom after the establishment of the Dark Department.

"The last thing is that everyone recommends that their children set up a Hokage Guard to participate in the Five Shadows Conference in a few days. As the head of the five major powers, we still need the minimum platoon of the first summoning of the Five Shadows Conference. It is also a sign of respect for the rest of the countries. "

Uchiha Senna and Uzumaki Asagaoka can take on this mission."

As soon as the words fell, Su Xiuyu proposed the two. There is no special reason, just simply want the two to show off the muscles of Uchiha and the Uzumaki clan.

As for himself and Madara or forget it, it would be too humiliating for the two to appear for the sake of a five-shadow meeting.

"Could it be that the age of the Vortex Shallow Hill is too young?" He would not suspect Su Xiuyu's intentions, and the two were old acquaintances, even if the relationship was not good, they would not worry about Su Xiuyu's black hand. Just vaguely remember that the whirlpool shallow mound is a younger generation.

"Don't worry, Asagau has mastered all kinds of sealing techniques, and is also one of the geniuses of the Uzumaki clan, only under Mito in the younger generation, he still has large psychic beasts, and it is definitely qualified to be a Hokage guard."

Su Xiuyu's words were categorical, making the doubts disappear.

"Well, that's Senna and Asagaoka, that's it. Will leave tomorrow. The

meeting dispersed, and Su Xiuyu and Uchiha did not greet the two brothers of Senju anymore, and went directly back to the clan.

Because the matter at hand was temporarily determined, Su Xiuyu finally decided to return to reality. It's been a long time since I went back, and my parents don't know how.

And the most important thing is that this time he went back, he decided to take Mito to meet his parents with him and give them a little news of stability. The two old men have always wanted nothing else, but now they are much more relaxed, and give them a little bit of their daughter-in-law's thoughts, saving them from worrying.

"Mito, I have something very important to confess to you." After speaking, Su Xiuyu immediately unfolded an enchantment. Although it is in Konoha Village, it is more reliable to set up an enchantment just in case, especially in the dark.

"What's going on? Xiu Yu, you won't tell me that you still have a beautiful girl outside, right? Mito said jokingly, in fact, Mito was very nervous, and always felt that Xiu Yu wanted to confess something strange to you.

Su Xiuyu's face was black when he heard Mito's words.

"Actually, I'm not from this world, my birthplace is another world."

When Mito heard the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's not important." Yes, Mito has long suspected whether Su Xiuyu is a person from another world, because Su Xiuyu's daily behavior is more or less different from the people of the ninja world.

The wise Mito never asked these questions, because these questions had nothing to do with Mito's love for Su Xiuyu.

Mito felt that if he waited patiently, he would get the answer to this question sooner or later. Finally, today Su Xiuyu confessed to himself.

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