With a "bang", the bullet shot towards Su Xiuyu at a rapid speed. Su Xiuyu took the Ku Wu block and waved his hand to bounce off the bullet, splashing countless sparks.

The charter was originally worried about injuring the captain, but now seeing Su Xiuyu directly slashing bullets (Ku Wu), he finally understood that he and the captain Su Xiuyu were not at the same level at all. Then he fired a few shots, and sure enough, they were easily split by Su Xiuyu. When it comes to this, there is nothing more to say about the charter, after all, it is a cowman who cuts bullets with a knife, and there is no need to show his archery.

"Captain, I admit defeat, I don't have to keep trying. I am convinced. The charter directly raised his hand to indicate that he had lost the competition, and simply expressed his support for Su Xiuyu's leadership. Only Li Yunrui was still lying on the ground miserably, and for a while he fell into a situation where he was not up, and it was embarrassing if he didn't get up.

"Well, since you don't have any other opinions, then my orders are everything in the future, please remember to follow my command in everything." Today has given you the opportunity to challenge, who dares to be yang and yin in the future, don't blame me for being unkind. Su Xiuyu also said ugly things ahead. Save yourself a whole moth when someone actually performs a task.

"Resolutely obey orders!" At this time, the entire squad shouted in unison.

"My name is Su Xiuyu, you can call me Team Su in the future, or you can call me Captain. Physical skills, shooting and so on will be a little. "The charter under the field and when Li Yunrui heard the introduction of the meeting, he always felt that the captain was actually pretending to be X in front of everyone.

"There's a mission tomorrow. There are more than a dozen mutant deer in a forest farm on the eastern outskirts of Yangcheng, and our task is to capture or kill the deer alive, or at least drive the deer herd. The task is simple and clear, everyone goes back and prepares their own equipment. Meet tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. Now scatter.

Su Xiuyu left Lei Gang, "Lei Gang, you stay."

After the squad dispersed, Su Xiuyu decided to give Lei Gang's practice a little guidance. Although Lei Gang belongs to the awakened superpower, Su Xiuyu's current strength is more than enough to guide Lei Gang.

"Thanks Captain!" Lei Gang is very happy, Su Xiuyu is willing to guide himself no better, a martial idiot, the favorite is to challenge himself.

"I'm on that captain." Lei Gang immediately began to attack as soon as he knew some of Su Xiuyu's true strength, and he was not worried about hurting Su Xiuyu at all.

Basically, as expected, Lei Gang's set of combos did not even touch the corners of Su Xiuyu's clothes. But the sense of strength is full, and it is obvious that the potential far exceeds that of Li Yunrui, who is also physically strengthened. It is a lack of combat experience and immature skills.

Su Xiuyu commented: "In fact, Lei Gang, your physical fitness and potential are still good, but you lack experience, so. You can come to me at night these days, and I will give you more training to exercise your combat experience. There are also some power techniques that you can also learn.

"Okay Team Su!" "Actually, in private, you can call me Su Xiuyu, after all, we were originally classmates in the same class, and calling me Team Su in private is indeed a little unaccustomed." Lei Gang also exclaimed, "Su Xiuyu." The

next day, the special operations team assembled. Everyone except Su Xiuyu brought enough guns and ammunition, after all, even if they mastered superpowers, the current squad members used fire coverage as the main means of attack. Lei Gang also brought a special reinforced explosion-proof shield.

Lei Gang's original positioning in the squad is even a front tank, with a tall body and strong physique resisting damage in the front row, and the members in the back row are good at their best.

"Go." Su Xiuyu said concisely and directly set off for the forest in the eastern suburbs.

"Everyone made final preparations, scattered into the forest, encountered life-threatening danger, and called for help in time." After Su Xiuyu finished speaking, he led the team forward.

Half an hour later, Su Xiuyu first discovered the target. The huge antlers are almost the size of an ordinary family car. These deer are also at least 3 meters tall.

"Everyone, pay attention, the target appears." Su Xiuyu came directly above the mutant deer in an instant, and knocked down the mutated giant deer with a whip leg. The rest of the deer herd appeared around them, seemingly mistakenly thinking that their leader had been killed by Su Xiuyu, and frantically attacked the squad.

Charter is the best marksmanship in the squad, and shoots first. Although the marksmanship of the charter is good, it is a pity that the deer herd is also very agile, which is not comparable to ordinary sika deer. And the bullet hits the deer herd, the deer herd can continue to attack, obviously the power of the bullet is not enough, not enough to instantly subdue the mutated deer herd.

"Hurry up! I couldn't hold on. "Lei Gang, as the front row, was hit by several mutant deer, full of strength. Lei Gang felt his lungs vibrate.

It's a pity that the squad poured all the ammunition and barely killed the weaker ones. The rest were still hanging on to their wounds and took the opportunity to attack them.

Su Xiuyu shook his head, now the combat effectiveness of the squad is really too poor, and it still needs to be exercised well. Directly made an instantaneous appearance, stunned all the mutant deer herds.

The members of the squad watched as the captain easily solved the deer herd, and they were also embarrassed. All of them gasped, now they know what it means to sit in the well and watch the sky, thinking about the previous challenge, it turns out that the Su team has not let it play much.

"Okay, everyone take the dead two heads back to the base of our squad, and after the rest of the mutant deer that I knocked unconscious are tied up, you will notify the secret service to take them away."

"Yes, Captain. X12"

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