"Admit it, you are my younger brother, after all, you are not as old as me. Rebuttal is useless. Madara has now removed all disguise and revealed his rare honest side.

"Na, Xiu Yu, when my father's anger is gone, let's go and wipe out the Blood Pool clan together." Madara looked into Su Xiuyu's eyes and said, "I, ah, can't forgive that useless self, Jiri almost died in front of me." I always remember how desperate Jiri looked at that time. "

I want the Blood Pool clan to pay the price they deserve!"

"Even if this hatred continues?" Su Xiuyu asked Ban.

"Then I will kill all the clansmen of the Blood Pool clan! Cut off this hatred once and for all! Madara widened his blood-red chakra eyes and replied word by word.

"Got it. Today I also brought you a lot of dessert, let's eat a little together. Su Xiuyu took out the dessert that had been prepared a long time ago.

Madara ate the dessert happily, "Xiu Yu, I'm really happy today. Not only did I know the good news that the governor was still alive, but I also met a new clan brother.

"By the way, Xiu Yu, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. That Jiri is not a boy, in fact, Jiri is a girl.

"What? Not a boy? Then why did you call her brother? Su Xiuyu was puzzled.

"When I was a child, my mother teased me that I had another brother, and I took it seriously, although I later learned the truth, but my brother, who has been shouting for a long time, is used to it and can't change it."

"And your mother?" "My mother has passed away."

"What about your father?"

"Don't mention him." Madara turned his head away.


"Actually, Shuyu, I'm not just two siblings, Izumi and Jiri. But now it's just the two of them. If it weren't for you, I would have lost Jiri by now.

"We ninjas carry hatred, as a mercenary weapon of war, competing with other ninjas, killing, hating each other."

"We ninjas have blood on our hands, and sometimes even our own families, our brothers and sisters can't protect us."

"In my dreams, I vaguely remember the appearance of the two dead brothers, and gradually blurred my memories in the gradual years of conquest."

"Xiu Yu, when do you say that the chains of hatred in this world will be completely cut off?" Madara seemed to have some emotion.

"War will never end, as long as there are human beings, war is difficult to avoid." Su Xiuyu was accustomed to war in his previous life. Although the world was generally peaceful in previous lives, local wars have not subsided.

Although war can never be eradicated due to human greed, controlling the scale of war and maintaining the general stability and peace of the world, even if local disputes are inevitable, will not affect the main line of world peace. This can be done.

Madara's eyes lit up when he heard Su Xiuyu's words, "What do you mean?"

"Unify the world, or create a unified nation." Only when there is unification can disputes not easily arise, and even if there are disputes, they can be handled through consultations within a peaceful framework. All in all, the foundation is to build a small unified organization. Su Xiuyu replied.

"Do you agree with the idea of the pillars?"

"No, although there is some truth in the statement between the columns, it is still different from the meaning I want to express. The pillars were too idealistic, and he always felt that the era of true peace could be ushered in by people's mutual understanding.

"I don't know that such a simple idea is too idealistic." Although human beings have noble qualities such as sacrifice and bravery, they also do not lack bad roots. Pinning peace on ethereal mutual understanding is the real joke! "

Su Xiuyu likes the character of the pillars, a humble, a guy who is willing to think about others, who would hate it. Pillar really believes that people can always understand each other, but unfortunately he knows that it is just a beautiful and dreamy soap bubble that bursts with a poke.

"So, Madara, why don't you try to build a village where everyone lives together, and on this basis, try to build a unified country, and finally try to unify the world?" The people's hearts cannot be guessed, but a unified country and a unified system can contain the people's hearts. Su

Xiuyu gave Madara an idea. In the future, it is better to listen to the black and absolute nonsense, it is better to listen to your own foolishness. What I say is a practical fact in the previous world.

Madara feels that he is suddenly enlightened: Zhuma has been instilling in himself that people can finally usher in an era of mutual understanding, but he has always suspected in his heart that people can really understand each other. Now Su Xiuyu tells himself that even if people's hearts cannot understand each other, they can create peace through the system.

After all, Zhu Ma is an idealist, and the peace of this world depends on me and Xiu Yu to achieve it after all.

Pillars, you still lost to Uchiha after all.

"Madara, what are you thinking? Now these are too far away from you, don't think too much. If you want to build a unified village, you better first think about how to get your father to release you. You're still locked up by your father." Su Xiuyu couldn't help but struck.

"Damn it! I know! Xiu Yu, you take me out and sneak out!

"No, I can't even beat you now, wouldn't it be to be killed by your father if he caught him." You really dare to think about it. Su Xiuyu said that he resolutely did not listen to Madara shit's advice. Uchiha Tajima is getting angry, and it's not a good idea to go and stimulate Tajima now.

"Xiu Yu, do you say we still have a chance to see that peaceful world?"

"You can see some of it when you are alive, and you may see most of your dreams come true after you die." Me. I should be able to live until I am old. "

Su Xiuyu knew that in the future, he would develop the technique of rebirth of dirt, and Madara could be resurrected even if he died. Or Madara will still plan the resurrection on his own. And Su Xiuyu looked at his system panel and knew that having a system of himself, immortality was not a luxury.

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