"Big brother, father said that you go find him, he has something to tell you." Tsuma looked at the pillar with a look that I didn't even see that you were such a big brother. But Han Zhujian didn't understand the meaning of the eyes at all.

"Father, let me come to you, what's the matter." The Thousand Hands Buddha looked at the pillar with a child's grown eyes, and this time asked more casually: "Pillar, in fact, this is the case, the whirlpool clan recently had a celebration meeting, mainly the traditional festival of men and women of the whirlpool clan watching the fireworks festival." Because we are a staunch ally of the vortex family, we also need to strengthen exchanges with our allies. "

With an expression of what father meant, I didn't seem to understand it, thinking about the true meaning of what my father said.

And the Thousand Hands Buddha looked at the pillar and listened to the lecture so carefully, and finally had a feeling that a child had grown up and was sensible, "So I decided to send a small team led by you and Kuruma to visit the Vortex family." "

Zhuma finally understood what his father meant now, and yes, he led his clan to visit Whirlpool Village. This time it was not a war, and Zhuma was very happy and said goodbye to his father happily.

The Thousand Hand Buddha was still holding a prayer sent by the Vortex family. It reads:


the Senju Patriarch, Lord Senju Buddha, and since ancient times, the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan have been staunch allies. The eldest son of the Wen Thousand Hands clan, the Thousand Hands Pillar, is unparalleled in strength among young people and can be described as a hero of the Warring States. I don't know if there can be a marriage match between the thousand hand pillars....

The Thousand Hands Buddha looked at the letter again, and finally sighed with emotion, and the pillars will also hook up with girls. I think that I also fell in love with my mother at first sight...

At the same time, because it will soon be the annual fireworks festival of the Whirlpool family, the village is a prosperous scene.

At this time, Uzumaki Mito carefully looked at the laurel on the back mountain under the moonlit night, and remembered the disciple of that day.

"Damn Su Xiuyu, obviously agreed to meet in that place, and a girl of mine cheekily promised you, and she disappeared for two consecutive days. It's clear that you made an appointment with me, and I'm angry with me! "

Uzumaki Mito in the moonlight gritted his teeth angrily, but rouge fandy, beautiful girls are angry and fair ladies.

"Don't let me see you as a disciple! Hum. Eat my sealing! "

Mito, it's me." A silver-haired grandmother looked at Mito with a smile.

"Second grandma, what's wrong?" This grandmother is the second grandmother of Uzumaki Mito, who is old, and it is very rare to be so old in the Warring States.

"Second grandma heard that you have taken a fancy to a young man, you have to seize the opportunity in this fireworks show." The second grandmother touched Mito's head.

Mito immediately blushed shyly, "Second grandma, who did you listen to, don't tell others like this, I don't fancy any young man." The

second grandmother looked at the shy Mito, and thought to herself that it seemed that Mito was really in love, and this had to help her palm her eyes, in case it was not suitable to break up as soon as possible.

As the princess of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Mito shoulders the fate and expectations of the clan, and sometimes marriage is not able to make its own decisions.

"Masahiko Uzumaki and Uzumaki Taiga told me. Say that you have quietly run out to meet with people these two days. When

Uzumaki Mito heard that it was really the two guard uncles in his own clan, it was difficult to refute it. What did Masahiko and Dahe say, he only met Su Xiuyu once. Why do you spread rumors that you like people?

It's a pity that Mito hasn't found out until now that the young man mentioned by the second grandmother is not Su Xiuyu.

"Don't worry, the second grandmother will call the shots for you, and his family and he will come to participate on the day of the fireworks festival." Little Mito, just wait with peace of mind. "

Mito hid directly in his boudoir now, embarrassed to come out again. My heart was half expectation, half trepidation.

On the other side, the Uchiha tribe. "What? Why dress like this? Su Xiuyu saw Madara take a set of formal clothes that are usually only worn when the Uchiha clan meets, and asked himself to wear it tomorrow and leave with him.

"Why? Let's go to visit the Uzumaki family, of course, we have to dress more formally. Madara explained naturally, "And the day after tomorrow is the fireworks festival of the Uzumaki family, and I just happened to meet the girl in the whirlpool at this time."

"What? Isn't Uchiha having a bad relationship with the Uzumaki clan? What are you going to visit now, and you are not afraid to drive people out? Su Xiuyu didn't understand what the purpose of Yu Zhibo was to participate so actively in the assembly of the Vortex clan, but Su Xiuyu felt that with Yu Zhibo's appearance of a dragon and arrogant sky, he would not be able to visit at that time, and he was afraid that he would be blasted out.

"I'm not going, in case someone drives us away, how embarrassing!" Su Xiuyu didn't want to wade into the muddy waters with Madara this time.

"You're the protagonist, how can you not go? We sent all the posts, saying that we Uchiha are going to marry a girl from the Uzumaki clan" Madara looks like the protagonist is you, and we cheer you up.

Su Xiuyu was speechless, he just met Uzumaki Mito, the sealing technique of the hungry family, although Mito is indeed very beautiful, but he really plans to marry someone without seeing him! Well, now that the posts have been sent, if they don't go, will it make the Uzumaki clan think that Uchiha is playing on them?!

"Don't worry Su Xiuyu, I hit the head with Quanna, and there are dozens of elites in the clan, which can definitely support you up face." Madara patted Su Xiuyu's shoulder and handed it to me.

Su Xiuyu complained in his heart, your team of dozens of people went with red eyes, people are afraid that we are going to rob people. After a thousand calculations, it was not calculated that Madara turned out to be a person who likes to pull red lines.

"Great Elder, the worship post of the Uchiha clan over here has also arrived, asking to participate in the fireworks festival together." The Great Elder of the Uzumaki Clan looked at Uchiha's post, and couldn't figure out how Uchiha's madman could be interested in Uzumaki's fireworks display.

"Could it be that Grand Elder Uchiha came to make trouble?"

The Great Elder looked at this Vortex Masahiko, everything is very good, and the sealing technique is not bad, but the speech is too improper. What is troublemaking? Uchiha is a bunch of crazy people, not children.

The Great Elder looked at the prayer post sent by Madara and thought that it was not the current patriarch Uchiha Tajima, it should not be a serious problem.

"Masahiko Uzumaki, then the Uchiha clan will be received by you, well, the reception is good, if there is a problem, I will find you." The Great Elder felt that this pot was thrown at Masahiko and felt much more comfortable in his heart.

Masahiko Uzumaki showed a bitter face, bad, blame himself for talking too much, and spread such a stall to break things.

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