"Oh, Li - Yun Rui? Is it called by this name, hahaha, is the injury healed? "A short man with freckles on his face greeted Li Yunrui with a stunned face." This time I started a little lighter hahaha, do you want to compete? "

If it weren't for the few of you not doing it together, I would have lost so badly?" Li Yunrui retorted unconvinced.

In addition to this freckled face, there was also a fat man, a few ordinary faces, freckles and whistles, and then a group of foreigners hugged over. "Harry, what's wrong? Have fun? Hahaha"

The squad looked at this group of foreign supernatural people who were like skins and gritted their teeth angrily. Originally, it was a group of low-level superpowers, and they got carried away without committing anything. It is also this group of Gentiles who are smart, and if they really commit a crime, the Special Intelligence Agency has long been carrying a gun, after all, low-level superpowers simply cannot carry modern firearms.

"Oh, Li Yunrui is this group of punks?" It's not that Su Xiuyu looks down on them, whether it's looking at their combat literacy or using the perception of the imperial land to detect, this is a group of complete rookie chickens.

The freckled face in the lead was a big Qin Tong, who actually understood what Su Xiuyu said about "little gangsters", and directly scolded "Fu*k you". Su Xiuyu frowned, waved his hand, and dozens of rock pillars stretched out in the green belt next to him, entangled all the skin in front of him and dragged it back to the lawn.

"Damn what kind of power is this! Harry, you didn't say there were advanced powers! "Damn it, Tracy, you're a physique powerhouse to break free and save us!" "I tried, I couldn't break free at all!"

"The weather is nice today, let's bask in the sun on the side of the road." Su Xiuyu led the team, "Go, let's go to the next stop."

"When we come out!" There was a scolding. The rock pillar wrapped everyone in a tight rice dumpling, only showing their heads, and letting this group of skin scolding did not help. Even the rock pillar changed into a single sarcophagus, firmly imprisoning dozens of people in place.

"Captain, doesn't that matter? It won't happen. Lei Gang asked Su Xiuyu in a low voice.

"It's okay, you can't die, let them find someone to save themselves." Su Xiuyu did not take these people to heart. It's just a pearl of rice.

Not long after, the group cheekily asked nearby onlookers to help them call the police. As a result, the Special Intelligence Agency was surprised to see this situation, after all, this exaggerated ability is similar to the fantasy scenes in film and television dramas.

As soon as the person in charge of the scene asked that it was still the hands of the special mobile combat team under the secret service, he was even more lazy to pay attention to these splashes.

"Damn it! You Daqin are so barbaric! I want to expose you! Harry blames you! People don't know the details, just pull us into the water! "A fat man was there scolding.

A few people were not good birds, and they scolded each other when they boarded.

"Our Special Intelligence Agency is responsible for the handling of major cases, and your situation is not life-threatening, and it is not within our scope to deal with it." Liang Jin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, thinking that you troublemakers deserve to laugh here this time when they kick the iron plate.

"And it's a pity that you are trapped by this hard rock, we don't have the means to save you, our special intelligence agency is good at fire suppression, strong attack and blasting, we can't take bazookas or detonators to blast you, right." Liang Jin, as the person in charge of this attendance, don't mention how cheerful he is this time.

"Don't worry, I have contacted our Yangcheng Precision Machinery people to deal with it, they have professional instruments to deal with this problem, of course, you will bear the cost." I'm still busy, goodbye, foreign friends.

After Liang Jin finished speaking, he left with the other team members on duty, leaving this group of foreigners there to babble different dirty words.

After a while, the people of Yangcheng Precision Machinery came, and although they had received a notice from the Special Intelligence Agency in advance, they couldn't help but see dozens of people trapped inside the sarcophagus now.

First, estimate the hardness of the rock. "We've already mobilized a dozen cutters to cut you right away, but this rock is very hard and takes some effort."

"Damn, I don't want to stay here for a minute." "Can't you hurry?" No one wants to be trapped in this, especially the increasing number of onlookers around.

"Unless you cut with a high-pressure waterjet, but it is estimated that even you will cut it together." The person from Yangcheng Precision Machinery shrugged his shoulders, "In addition, each person needs to pay a labor fee of 8,000 Qin coins.

"Damn, why don't you guys grab it! So expensive! You guys are blackmailing!

"Whatever you think. You can also wait slowly. Our Yangcheng Precision Machinery is a regular unit, and we will not buy and sell strongly. But I would like to remind you that after 3 hours is the rush hour, when the crowd of onlookers will be particularly large. And if overtime pay is required to start work during off-hours, the cost is higher.

"Damn it! Shit!!! Help me get it out right now! I can't pay yet! I don't want to stay in it for a quarter of an hour. "

Several people immediately began to set up equipment and start cutting rocks. After the first batch of successful extrication from the trap, it was already time to get off work, and the crowd of onlookers was crowded, all of whom heard that there were powerful people here who came to watch, which was originally the peak of work, and the water leakage was directly blocked.

"It turns out that this is the ability of the superpower, so powerful, it can control rocks, it's the same as making a movie." "Who said it wasn't, it really made me envious!" "If only I could awaken, it would be better to be invisible..." "Stealth has a fart use, you must be able to fight!"

"You don't understand this, stealth is the romance of every man!" "Although I think you don't make sense, I always think you're driving!!" The surrounding crowd gathered together like watching monkeys, and those who had not yet come out of the trap were embarrassed. There are even those who have already escaped from difficulties and want to directly violently disperse the crowd.

"Hi Kangbada, I advise you to better not do it, especially to ordinary people. Otherwise, it would not be such a kind warning to strike, and it may be dead. A bearded Hispanic reminded.

"They dare!"

The bearded man shook his head and said with a smile: "I have lived in this land for more than ten years, and this is my life experience. At the beginning, there were also my acquaintances who wanted to be presumptuous in this land, and without exception they did not end well. Think for yourself and say it all. The

bearded man no longer said much, after all, some people like to find death, and they can't stop it. I was unlucky today and happened to pass by and was involved. Otherwise, he who has lived honestly for more than ten years would not have suffered this crime.

Of course, he did not explain anything to the young strong man, who did not disdain to use small means against himself. Just honestly let the family have a beating. Why can't you get by with yourself.

This is his own decades of life wisdom, but unfortunately, today's young people do not understand their own painstaking efforts.

In other words, that strong man is too terrifying, these young people don't understand, but they look at it from beginning to end, this supernatural strength is outrageous, several levels stronger than today's common F-level superpower.

I don't know if I have a chance to hug his thigh.

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