In the end, Su Xiuyu's disguise was still seen through by Kana. Although Kana protected his chest with both hands and made a very disgusted expression, he still followed Su Xiuyu and did not leave.

"I'm all like this, you still dare to follow me? Really not afraid of me? "Su Xiuyu really has nothing to do with this Kana, he is still unwilling to leave if he turns into a fool.

"Uncle, I know that you are pretending, your eyes and expressions do not have the feeling of narrowing, uncle, you can't act!" Kana evaluated Su Xiuyu's acting skills while observing the surrounding situation.

"Uncle, what do you mean by taking me near the hotel? You don't want to treat people..." Kana began to tease Su Xiuyu again.

"I'll find a place to rest for the night, you hurry up and go home, don't follow me anymore." Su Xiuyu rolled his eyes. "No, uncle, it's still early."

Su Xiuyu quickened his pace and ignored Kana. Passing by a telephone business hall, I quickly went to get a calling card. Contact members of each squad through a public network.

"Where are the squad members now?"

"Captain, I'm in the Amazon rainforest, I don't know when I'll be able to go out." What am I exploring another world, exploring the rainforest without saying a word. There are so many mosquitoes and bugs that they explode, I'm going crazy. Who will save me. "The charter has been transformed into Xianglin's sister-in-law in the public channel, and she is crazy to complain.

"The captain is Lei Gang, and I am in Shibuya, Tokyo. Well. Shibuya, who had been to our own world before, now seems quite familiar.

"Envy, envy and hate, why am I in a place where such birds don't."

"Ray just came to find me, I'm also in Tokyo, Akihabara in Tokyo, on this road, you write down the address and hurry up to find me."

"Okay captain, I'll be there soon."

"Envy, jealousy, hate, actually in the same city as the captain."

"Captain, I'm in Nagasaki, and if I rush to join you, it will be at least tomorrow." This is Li Yunrui.

"Captain, I'm here..." After everyone communicated, basically only Lei Gang and Li Yunrui could quickly converge with Su Xiuyu. Others are either too far away or in the desert. The worst thing was that one of them broke his leg and was lying in the hospital of Mi Lijian.

"There are some things that everyone must remember next. First of all, I have a preliminary understanding of the background of this world, so I have some suggestions for you, you should remember carefully, do not ask me why this and why. You just have to remember what I said and follow it strictly. Su Xiuyu decided to give the squad a hint.

"The first is the arrangement of rest time in these days, all for me to sleep during the day and get up at night, to maintain this rhythm. And prepare a sturdy rope or a high-strength explosion-proof shield. But I remember that only Ray Gang brought a shield. Others can get it if they have the ability. "

There may be attacks by weird creatures at night, don't take it lightly." Believe me, I have superpowers to foresee the future. Su Xiuyu couldn't explain why he was so familiar with this world and the parasitic beasts he would encounter later, so he could only shirk his ability to foresee the future.

"Just kidding, Captain? Can you still see the future?

"You can joke with me, don't blame me for not arranging for you as the captain when you die." Su Xiuyu said jokingly.

"Listen to me, the last thing is to be attacked at night, don't panic, give priority to protecting your head, and give up as long as your other body parts are not lethal positions." Limbs can be tied with ropes in case of invasion. As for what exactly the attack is, my prediction cannot be so detailed, and I can grasp it myself.

"That's all my requirements, and the intensity of implementation depends on your own." Let's hurry up and come over Ray. Su Xiuyu went offline from the public channel after speaking.

It didn't take long for Lei Gang to rush over. As a result, he did not recognize Su Xiuyu's appearance after using the transformation technique. It was Su Xiuyu who took the initiative to greet Lei Gang. Lei Gang saw that there was also a female high school student next to Su Xiuyu, still wearing a maid costume, and he was suddenly full of emotion. The captain is really powerful, how long has it been, in the new other world provoked a girl, although he does not like weak girls, but the captain's skill is really impressive.

Su Xiuyu knew that there was a big misunderstanding when he saw Lei Gang's expression, but he couldn't tell him that it was all a misunderstanding. "Captain, what are we...?"

"Find a place to rest, what else can you do." Su Xiuyu now directs Lei Gang and has no psychological burden, after all, he has grown.

"Hey, uncle, why did he call you captain." He's so big, and he's so afraid of you. You won't be a spy, will you.

"Spy, Kana, go home." It's not early. Su Xiuyu rushed people again.

"Don't I refuse. I go wherever you go. Kana completely entangled Su Xiuyu this time.

Su Xiuyu couldn't help it, so he didn't bother to care about her. With Lei Gang, he quickly found a hostel with a good environment nearby and checked in directly. Kana, on the other hand, lived directly in the room next to Su Xiuyu.

"Uncle, if you can't sleep at night, you can come to me, we can chat." Do you feel that people care about you?

"And uncle don't look at me so open, in fact, I'm still pure now, so don't think I'm a vixen."

Lei Gang next to him listened to the words of this girl named Kana, and was extremely envious. Where to find such a flirtatious and pure girl, as for what kind of purity this purity means, I know everything. Even if Lei Gang doesn't plan to fall in love for the time being, he is really envious.

Su Xiuyu snapped and closed the door of his room. Lei Gang also returned to his room.

"Hmph, stingy uncle." Kana pouted and went back to her room.

As the night gets darker, the city falls asleep except for those who live in the night. Suddenly, a large number of spores appeared in the night sky, and these spores seemed to appear out of thin air, scattered and fell to various places. As soon as the spores landed, they drilled through the cracks in the doors, windowsills, into the room.

Most people in their sleep are unaware of this. A spore drilled directly into a person's head, and the man's painful and hideous expression in his sleep only lasted for a moment before gradually subsided. Such scenes continue to play out all over the world.

"Damn, what the hell is this thing? Is this the spore attack that the captain told us to watch out? It really looks weird and disgusting. "Su Xiuyu's squad was affected by his advance instructions. The unlucky bastard charter in the Amazon rainforest didn't even run into spores at all.

Lei Gang had knocked on Su Xiuyu's door at this time. Inside, a Su Xiuyu opened the door and let Lei Gang in. Lei Gang saw that there was also a Su Xiuyu lying on the bed. Curiously looked at Su Xiuyu.

"No need to look, I'm a doppelganger, I'll wake him up." That's right, it's Su Xiuyu's shadow doppelganger. This was stolen from Kuruma during the last competition with Kuruma. After all, there is a shadow avatar to help, so why worry about it yourself.

After Su Xiuyu got up, he picked up two spore parasites that were constantly struggling in his hands. The parasite screamed, but no matter how much it struggled, it was not any threat to Su Xiuyu.

"Lei Gang, and the sneaky Kana at the door, come in."

"This is a parasitic spore that parasitizes on the host's brain and occupies the host's body. Lei Gang: That's what I told you to be careful. You should have sensed the commotion outside. "

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