"Go and die!" Shimada Hideo ejected countless tentacles with both hands, turning into sharp sharp knives and breaking through the air towards Su Xiuyu and Lei Gang.

"Lei Gang, look at it, how to use the knife." Su Xiuyu pulled out the Chakra knife, and the chakra blade blessed by the wind was unmatched, and no tentacle could resist Su Xiuyu's sword.

"Damn it! What kind of weapon is this used and why can't I stop it! Obviously just a low-level human being. Less proud! Shimada Hideo shouted frantically, unable to accept the reality in front of him.

"Where the hell did you come out of here? To die and die..." Su

Xiuyu was no longer interested in playing with this parasitic beast, "Lei Dun - go to the ground", Su Xiuyu controlled the use of the smallest Lei Dun power, trying not to kill this parasite.

Hideo Shimada fell to the ground screaming, his body smelling of burnt. However, the vitality of the parasitic beast is quite tenacious, and such an injury is not fatal. Shimada Hideo still struggled to get up, ready to continue the attack.

"Lei Gang, now use it to practice your hands. This time it cannot be taken lightly, even if it is a seriously injured opponent who is on the verge of death.

"Got it, Captain." Lei Gang knew that this was Su Xiuyu's kindness to take care of himself and give himself the opportunity to exercise. Other people don't even have this opportunity.

"Remember to keep him alive, it's still useful."

Even if Shimada Hideo was so badly injured, Lei Gang still hit dangerously. It took a lot of effort to subdue Hideo Shimada. "Captain, he has his last breath left."

Su Xiuyu looked at Shimada Hideo, whose chest was slightly heaving, intending to torture the intelligence. Illusion - Sharingan! "Do you have a stronghold?"

Shimada Hideo's eyes had lost his focus, "The stronghold is-

" "Captain, the car has been destroyed, how can we get by?" "With your legs, or else?"

"Captain, why didn't you leave that car at that time, so that we can still drive to the stronghold of these parasites."

"Okay, I don't have a driver's license yet! And even if I have a driver's license, I can run faster than a car, why do I care if I have a car? Su Xiuyu felt that he had been poked in the sore spot of not having a driver's license.

"Then why are we still running slowly?"

"What do you think? It's not because you're too slow, if I had arrived myself. That's right, you're a drag-backer. Now

it was Ray's turn to be frustrated. For half a day, it was because he dragged down Su Xiuyu's progress. Of course, in fact, Lei Gang has seen a lot of secrets of Su Xiuyu, and judging from the exploration of this space-time wormhole - Su Xiuyu will also have many mysterious superpowers, such as sealing parasitic spores on his arm, like torturing the blood-red eyes of the parasitic mutant.

But Lei Gang never asked, one is that these are Su Xiuyu's own affairs, and the other is that he has suffered too much care from the captain, and he doesn't say anything, and the gratitude in his heart is certain. The captain has no scruples about showing these abilities in front of himself, which is a performance of believing in himself.

In fact, this is purely Lei Gang's own brain supplement, and the reason why he randomly cast it in front of Lei Gang is very simple: this is not a secret. Su Xiuyu didn't think about hiding it. There is only one real secret, and that is your own system. Other than that, it's not a big secret.

"Be prepared! The front conference room is the target this time. As

soon as Lei broke through the door, as soon as he entered the door, he found dozens of parasites looking at him with their eyes open and drooling. The ground was covered with bloody broken flesh and blood.

"Sorry to disturb you guys to eat? You guys use it slowly, I'll take a step first" Lei Gang said and turned around to run, dozens of parasites stopped eating and rushed towards Lei Gang.

"Captain, help!" Lei Gang let out a miserable cry for help. Lei just knew that he would have to deal with one or two parasites at most, and dozens of parasites rushed up, which was not enough for people to stuff their teeth.

"Fire - fire extinguished!" A sea of fire covered the entire space of the conference room, and dozens of wails rose one after another. In a narrow indoor environment, the fire extinguishing, which was originally good at large-scale destruction, achieved a leapfrog effect. The intense high temperature is accompanied by a huge explosion. The parasite instantly plunged into the fire.

"Next time you are so presumptuous, let's bake the fire with them." Su Xiuyu glanced at Lei Gang. I used to think that he was a stable character, but after a long day, he was also a daredevil.

"Let's go, let's go to the next stop after cleaning up here."

In a few days, Su Xiuyu took Lei Gang to travel around, and basically the places he had been to, the parasites would be swept away. If he is lucky, Shinichi will most likely not encounter the parasite that caused his family to be destroyed again. Kana also most likely avoided the original death.

He is still in Tokyo simply because his squad has not yet been assembled. Several people have been scattered around the world, and until now, there are still no convergences. If nothing else, this time except for Lei Gang, the others are really cold, and the opportunity is fleeting. There are no new spores now, and with bad luck, you may encounter parasites.

Finally, after more than a dozen days, the squad was assembled. Everyone looked at Lei Gang with a burst of envy and jealousy. Everything good made him catch up. It is really the moon first near the water, and the sunflower trees are easy to spring.

"Damn it, Lei Gang, you actually secretly left your brother alone to secretly get a chance, it's uncomfortable... I just crawled out of the rainforest yesterday, and today I saw you screaming with me, you know, I can't hide your emotions if I want to knife you now!

Lei Gang said nonchalantly, "Or do we compare now?" The captain has also recently taught knife skills, and with my parasite, I should be able to fight ten. "

Now Li Yunrui and the charter are instigated, yes, Lei Gang with a parasite is no longer what it used to be. Now he is not Lei Gang's opponent together. Everyone now believes that sometimes luck is much more important than hard work.

Several people looked at Su Xiuyu with their eyes open, hoping that Su Xiuyu could still find a chance...

"Don't look, there is no chance, you guys came too late, now there are no parasitic spores, it is difficult for the clever woman to cook without rice, and I can't do anything now." Su Xiuyu shrugged his shoulders and made it clear that he couldn't help.

"A few people have already gathered. I decided to go home and go straight back to the present world. The world is not attractive for the time being—certainly not a force, and I am not reluctant to continue exploring it. "

Everyone heard that their captain was planning to leave, and there was no point in staying, after all, now that the parasitic spores are gone, there is not much point in not going back and staying here.

"Captain, don't you say goodbye to Kana?" Lei Gang seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Kana? Forget it, it's not a person of the world, saying goodbye to her saves her other thoughts. Let's go. Su Xiuyu was unimpressed and beckoned everyone to leave.

Kana wanders the streets of Akihabara. Since the last time I separated from my uncle, I haven't seen each other for half a month. I don't know where the uncle is now staying. Suddenly, I saw a group of people on the street full of anger, and the pedestrians next to them gave way.

Kana's nose moved, "It's uncle!" Surprised to catch up, he saw that the leader was a teenager of similar age. Kana felt that she was not mistaken, and this nice smell was him.

"Uncle!" Kana waved her hand vigorously, but the pedestrians around her kept pushing her out.

Su Xiuyu looked back at Kana, who was full of tears, sighed softly, turned around, and continued to hurry.

Kana struggled and kept chasing Su Xiuyu's team, all the way to a forest on the outskirts. After seeing them go in, people disappeared. The footprints stretched to a clearing under a large tree.

Kana sat on the ground and cried. "Uncle, why don't you say goodbye!" I couldn't stop crying for a long time. The parasite turns into a soft palm caressing Kana's head.

"I will definitely find you, uncle, no matter what world you are in."

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