As a member of the Otsuki clan, Jin Shi is an alien powerhouse that the entire Hokage World is temporarily unable to resist. Su Xiuyu accidentally discovered that the Golden Slaughter Plume Clan was also opportune.

Although I don't know where the Yuyi family provoked the golden style, it is obvious that the unlucky Yuyi family is destined to die in this world from today onwards.

Jin Shisheng is very tall, more than 2 meters tall, coupled with a huge palm like a fan, and a pair of white eyes that can travel through time and space, and can even blur himself to avoid harm like a kaleidoscope with soil, and has super physical skills, and the level of physical skills is comparable to Sasuke, who opened the six-hook jade reincarnation eye in the later stage.

Obviously, the current Golden Style is one of the strongest combat forces on the planet. The reason why it is one is because Su Xiuyu remembers that Jin Shi also has a boss of Datumu and another clan member of Datumu. Although his bloodline is now strictly speaking also of the Otsuki clan, it is a pity that compared with these three Otsuki, he is currently a younger brother, too young, just stepped on the ninja road, and needs more time to catch up.

Su Xiuyu carefully used the Imperial Earth Art to detect the situation on the ground underground, for fear of being discovered by the golden style. If Kim Shi finds out, there is no other way but to use the system to escape.

Encountering the big tube wood family so early is something Su Xiuyu did not expect, even if the pillars and the spots are at their peak now, they can't take the big tube wood, and now it is a tragic scene of the full-level big slaughter of the novice village.

After everything was quiet, Su Xiuyu still did not come out underground, after all, the Datumu clan was too evil, and it would be troublesome if it was accidentally exposed. After waiting for three days, Su Xiuyu came out of the ground.

The golden style has indeed gone, and the tragic scene of the Yuyi family is unbearable to look at directly. Jin Shi did not use any ninjutsu to deal with the Hakai family at all, but simply used physical skills to completely erase the Hakai family. The degree of destruction and gore caused by physical arts far exceeds that of ninjutsu.

Su Xiuyu endured the breath of blood and filth and patiently looked at the entire battlefield, after all, this is an important demonstration of the combat effectiveness of the Datumu clan, and the leopard in the tube can also understand his future enemy in more detail. Obviously, with the proud attitude of the Datumu clan, there will be a battle with the Datumu clan in the future.

There is not a single living mouth in the entire Yuyi family, and it is indeed dead and clean. It is a pity that a Warring States clan disappeared, so that future generations have forgotten the existence of this clan.

"Is this the banana fan of the Six Dao Immortals?" On the central altar of the Yuyi Clan, there is a white and red fan, which looks a lot like the Ninja Basho Fan of the Six Dao Immortals. Su Xiuyu directly picked it up and tried it, a burst of incitement is a hurricane, and another instigation is a raging fire, sure enough, this is a banana fan that can cast the five attribute ninjutsu of wind, fire, water, mine, earth, and earth at one time.

It's a pity that Su Xiuyu doesn't look at this banana fan in his heart, and it's not even as good as giving himself a sharp grass sword. After all, he is also a large tube wood bloodline with all five attributes, yin attribute and yang attribute, and he does not lack Chakra to control this six ninja tools that consume Chakra extremely much, but it is meaningless. Ninjutsu will put it on its own, and you don't need this thing at all.

In the end, you can only collect it as a collection, and see who uses it in the future.

Su Xiuyu spent a whole day carefully counting the entire Yuyi family, and basically deduced part of the strength of the golden style. Fortunately, when I was a little proud, I encountered a golden style, and now I am much more sober under the empowerment.

"I still have a long way to go, and the Datumu family will have to face it sooner or later. Can't be too slack. Su Xiuyu sighed.

After witnessing the destruction of the Yuyi clan with his own eyes, Su Xiuyu's heart became more and more anxious, and he couldn't help but speed up a little on the road.

Half of the schedule finally arrived at Uchiha's clan land, and I saw that although the Uchiha clan personnel were sitting in an orderly manner, their expressions were slightly panicked, obviously something had happened.

"It's me, Uchiha Shuyu." Su Xiuyu saw the guard take the initiative to show his chakra eyes. This can reduce misunderstandings, because he has been accepted as a "clan" by Madara and other Uchiha, so now Su Xiuyu calls himself Uchiha Xiuyu in Uchiha.

The guard just wanted to shout out about the enemy attack, but when he heard someone introduce himself as Uchiha Xiuyu, he carefully recalled that indeed the clan had introduced Uchiha Xiuyu to himself, but he was not familiar with it and almost mistook it for an enemy attack.

Su Xiuyu, who successfully entered the clan land, was also informed by the guards just now about the current situation of

Uchiha: Patriarch Uchiha Tajima and the Thousand Hands Patriarch Thousand Hands Buddha were both injured, and now they are seriously injured and bedridden, and their condition is critical.

Su Xiuyu waits outside the door where Uchiha Tajima is recuperating, and inside is Madara and Izumi taking care of Tajima.

"Who's coming outside?" The voice is not loud, but it is very neutral, but it is secretly a little weak.

"It's me, the clan elder, Uchiha Shuyu."

"Ahem, ahem, come in."

Hearing Tajima's words, Su Xiuyu did not procrastinate and gently pushed the door in. Then he closed the door gently.

"Is the patriarch okay?" Su Xiuyu didn't know what to say to Tajima, after all, the first impression was not too good. And to be precise, Uchiha Tajima is an unscrupulous person, not a father who can get along with him. So I had to say a word.

"It's not good." Tajima replied bluntly.

"Father!" Madara and Izumi next to them both felt that their eyes were a little sour. Strictly speaking, Tajima was not a proper father, and he did not protect Madara several younger brothers. In addition to him and Izuna, there is also a Jiri who Su Xiuyu saved, the other siblings have long been turned into dry bones.

But in this troubled world, Tajima is a qualified patriarch, and in this era when life is a luxury, he protects the family. It was also a dark age when there was no possibility of surviving without a family.

"Don't be sad, this is the fate of ninjas. When people are killed, they die. The six immortals all turned into clouds of the past. Learn to look forward, too. "It seems that Tajima can see very soberly now.

"Rest assured, the injury of the Buddha is no better. "

Father, don't say this at this time." Healing your injuries is the most important thing. "

Madara, Izuna, listen to me seriously. And Shuyu Uchiha. Tajima interrupted the two brothers.

"I have a hunch that maybe I will die soon, and you will take my place in the future." Be the patriarch of Uchiha. Izumi and Shuyu, you can help Madara well, okay? Izumi

nodded, and Su Xiuyu did not refuse. After all, his relationship with Madara is there, even if Tajima doesn't say it, Su Xiuyu will support Madara.

"The continuation of the family is in your hands, Madara. Take responsibility on your shoulders. Lying on the bed, Tajima, who was pale, looked sideways at Madara, waiting for Madara to answer.

"I will. I will definitely revitalize Uchiha! "

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