After all, Kurosaki Ichigo is just a high school student, and because of the family atmosphere, he is essentially a kind child, otherwise he would not have helped Chado when he was bullied, and he would not have gone straight to the corpse world for Rukia.

Even if this time was indeed calculated by Urahara Kisuke, if Urahara Kisuke had informed him of the danger of blue dyeing at the beginning, Kurosaki Ichigo would have rushed to the Corpse Soul Realm without hesitation.

Even Kisuke Urahara had some surprises, but he didn't expect Ichigo Kurosaki to forgive himself so easily.

At the same time, a entrenched force in Kuza Town set its sights on Ichigo Kurosaki.


"Xiu Yu, don't we have to go back and forth to this world through the realm gate?" Inoue Orihime did not return directly to the present world with Kurosaki Ichigo and his group, but decided to go back with Su Xiuyu.

"No, I can directly open the spatial passage to avoid the boundary and the sudden, which is fast and convenient."

"Is this also the ability of the Grim Reaper?" Inoue Orihime is indeed a stupid Baitian, and she has also been in the corpse soul world for a while, and she can't figure out this problem.

"No, this is my own ability, it's best not to tell others." Of course, it doesn't really matter if you really tell others, the strength is here, especially Su Xiuyu's attainment in space capabilities, which is an era stronger than the Technology Development Bureau.

He casually drew a circle in the air and opened a space door, and even through the space door, he could directly see the courtyard opposite—it was the dojo that Su Xiuyu bought in Kuzacho.

After stepping through one step, he smoothly arrived in this world.

"You guys

" "It's so convenient! This is much more convenient than passing through the boundary door! "There is no need to race against the sudden, nor do you need to use Lingzi to pave the way, which is relatively convenient.

In the evening, Inoue Orihime happily took Ryuki Arizawa to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook, of course, the place for dinner was of course the dojo.

But the keen Arisawa Ryugui soon felt that Inoue Orihime seemed to have a much closer relationship with Su Xiuyu, especially the shy Inoue Orihime took the initiative to talk to Su Xiuyu, and even Su Xiuyu answered naturally.

This made Ryuki Arizawa wonder what happened between the two during this spring break.

"Orihime, what are you doing during the holidays? I remember you told me that something was leaving Kuza-machi, but you never said exactly where? You won't be with Mr. Su, will you? Yuze

Ryugui couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

"How so... Hahaha..." Inoue Orihime, who is not good at lying, can only fool the past. But at this time, Heribel just stared at Su Xiuyu's face, as if asking Su Xiuyu if what Longgui said was true.

During this time, it has been Fribel's current life to take care of this remote dojo.

"I went to the Corpse Soul Realm, you know, it's all death, you can't go, at least temporarily." Su Xiuyu is also telling the truth, Heribel's strength is still very strong, of course, this is compared to the God of Death.

Really facing a few veteran Grim Reaper, Heribel is hopeless.

Ryugui left the dojo together under the foolishness of Inoue Orihime, and the vacation would be over in a few days, and it would be necessary to go to class at that time, so the two went back to get ready for class.

And Su Xiuyu directly took Heribel back to the void circle.

"Is there a feeling of nostalgia?" The virtual circle is still as always in the night.

"Is it okay to bring me back?" It was rare for Herribel to say a word.

"Don't move, a little surprise." Su Xiuyu took out the collapsed jade that he had collected before, in fact, Su Xiuyu had also studied the use of the collapsed jade, and had even done experiments on some of the virtual ones long ago.

Therefore, after mastering the basic usage method, Su Xiuyu decided to let the already Herribel directly break the face.

Breaking the face can not only enhance the strength, but also increase the mystery, and the broken face of the virtual will make the virtual closer to the human form, and become more in line with the aesthetic concept of normal humans and the god of death.

The power of Hongyu is essentially similar to the ability to make wishes, and the wishes of the holders can be fulfilled to a certain extent according to the ideas of the holders, but whether these wishes can be fulfilled depends on themselves.

For example, the reason why the void breaks the face is because there is a possibility of breaking the face, but if you make a wish to Honyu and ask to become a Super Saiyan, it is completely impossible. Because the void itself does not have the possibility of becoming a Super Saiyan.

There is a relationship of opposites and unity between the void and the god of death, at least in essence, spirits, so there is a possibility of communion.

The role of Hongyu increases this possibility, breaking the boundary between the void and the god of death, but it does not mean that Hongyu is a universal wishing machine.

With Su Xiuyu's control of Bangyu, a strange energy gradually penetrated into Heribel's body, making Heribel feel extremely terrified.

The essence of the void was afraid of this energy, but apart from the instinct, Heribel believed that Su Xiuyu would never harm her, and instincts and reason competed with each other, but soon Heribel fell into a deep sleep because of this energy.

"Is it really not so fast?" Su Xiuyu was not surprised, breaking the face is a process, and it is completely normal to spend a little time.

"Mu Dun - the art of the Four Pillar Family!" In an instant, Su Xiuyu created a simple wooden house in the desert of the void circle, and then guarded Heribel.

Heribel's face-breaking lasted for about three days, and Su Xiuyu was in a state of guardianship during this period, and even sent spiritual power to Heribel in the broken face many times - if it were not for the process of breaking the face, the spiritual power of the God of Death Healibel would be completely unable to digest.

However, it was precisely because of the broken face that Heribel began to absorb part of Su Xiuyu's spiritual power, and even because of this reason, Herribel finally broke the face more thoroughly.

Yes, the image of Heribel is very close to the broken face image in the memory, such as exaggerated chest and explosive body, but probably because Su Xiuyu did not skimp on spiritual power transmission, Heribel has become closer to human form, and even almost no different from humans.

The bone armor in parts of the body has also completely faded, revealing delicate skin.

Even in a completely naked state, Su Xiuyu did not see where the void hole was.

When she woke up three days later, she sensed something was wrong with her—or rather, she became stronger, even with a slashing knife born from her soul.

The birth of the slashing knife means that Herribel successfully broke the face and completed part of the void death.

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