"Uchiha Shuyu, we have already obtained relatively accurate information, if nothing else, in these two or three days, the war between Uchiha and Senju will begin." The Great Elder summoned Su Xiuyu and told him the information during this time.

"If you're going to act, be ready now. I don't know which side you're going to be on.

"Thanks to the Great Elder's intelligence, in fact, I have already made a decision before, this time I am not going to participate in the war, I am going to save them." Although not helping each other means offending both sides, I have no regrets. Su Xiuyu had already made a decision, this time he was sandwiched between the pillars and the spots, and he could only act arbitrarily.

"Did you really think it through? Usually you can't please both ends like this. The Great Elder sighed.

Su Xiuyu nodded. The essence of this war is that there has been a long-standing grudge between Uchiha and Senju, and everyone needs to vent. Madara and Pillar are now heading towards their dreams.

"Then I won't advise you, this time our whirlpool clan is not easy to interfere, you take the whirlpool Mito, the whirlpool Masahiko, the whirlpool Xianghe together, the right is to go out and travel, give you a hand."

Su Xiuyu suddenly felt guilty, originally in the Vortex Clan, he had prostituted so many sealing techniques, and now when he went to the battlefield, the Great Elder actually sent the Vortex Clan people to help.

Until today, Su Xiuyu did not know that the sealing technique of the Vortex clan was indeed not passed on, and even a foreign man was not qualified to learn. It is not because he is the object of Mito's favor that he teaches himself, but simply because the people of the Uzumaki clan are optimistic about themselves.

Without any requirements, without any restrictions, I have to say that the Vortex clan is really waiting for Su Xiuyu.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed, what our Vortex family has identified, we will pay without asking for anything in return." You just need to treat Mito girl well in the future. The Great Elder could see Su Xiuyu's debt.

"Yes, Grand Elder."

"Go find Mito and them, they've packed up, you guys go today." The Great Elder also stopped speaking, waved his hand, and signaled Su Xiuyu to go.

Looking at Su Xiuyu's distant back, the Great Elder sighed softly, "I don't know if this is right or wrong." The fate of the Uzumaki clan is left to you Mito. "


After a few people packed up, they left the Vortex Village and began to hurry.

"Xiu Yu, I can finally go out with you this time!" Mito is still excited, and every route with Su Xiuyu is fresh.

Mito's innocence also infected Su Xiuyu, and now this war is not so cruel. The two were chatting in front while hurrying, although it was still too arrogant in this Warring States Period, but now Su Xiuyu was also confident in his strength. The big tube of wood does not come out, between the pillars, Madara and himself are the strongest in the world.

Masahiko Uzumaki and Hibiki Uzumaki slowly followed behind, following too close for fear of being disliked by the two. Su Xiuyu is okay, and she knows that if she is respectful, Mito's mouth is more poisonous, which prevents her from getting along with Su Xiuyu alone, and she will definitely be hated.

"Alas, pity us two old guys who come out and will be slapped with dog food, and they will suffer this sin when they are old."

"Hey, hey, Masahiko, don't put me with you, I have a wife, the old husband and wife are very loving, here only you are the one that no one wants." Xianghe immediately spoke sarcastically.

"Damn it! Hibikiawa, what do you mean by this? What does it mean that only me and no one wants? "Uzumaki is smoking.

"Am I not clear enough? Aren't you the only one here? My family dog has companionship, as long as you are single. Mito and Su Xiuyu are also in love, do you look at you again?

"Hibikiawa, I'll tell you! I accidentally blew up the toilet on purpose! I just saw you blow up in the toilet! Are you happy now? Masahiko directly blew himself up.

"Damn it! After all these years, you've finally told the truth, right? I knew you did it on purpose! You see I won't smash your mouth this time! After

saying that, the two fought in the back, but after fighting, the two were still very measured and did not use ninjutsu.

Su Xiuyu asked a little hesitantly: "Shall we wait for the two of them and help them mediate?"

"Don't worry about them, they've been fighting for decades, they are all measured, don't care too much." Do you remember that I was alone when you first saw me, but they were there at the time, running to the periphery to fight. So you didn't see them at the time. "

Mito has the confidence that you don't have to go with them, and Su Xiuyu didn't say anything.

"Mito, how much the Vortex Village has invested in me..."

"There is no need to be pressured," Mito gestured that Su Xiuyu did not need to mention this, "Even if the clan does not teach you the sealing technique, I will teach you, and the final result is the same."

Su Xiuyu looked at Mito Yun's light and breezy appearance, so he didn't continue, a big man doesn't need to twist and pinch.

In the afternoon, he finally arrived at Uchiha's clan land, and saw Su Xiuyu and the whirlpool Mito beside him from a distance, and the guards hurried to inform Madara about it.

"Xiu Yu, you are finally willing to come back." Madara saw that Su Xiuyu finally rushed back, "How did you bring the people of the whirlpool, they should be the allies of the thousand hands." "

Well, this time the Uzumaki clan will not interfere, only Senju and Uchiha. Uzumaki Mito and the other two should be my helpers this time.

"Madara, you know, the battle between you and the pillar is inevitable, even if the hatred between the two races can be put down, you will inevitably have a fight. I don't want to get involved in the doomed struggle between you, even if you have the same dream, you have to fight for an initiative.

"Needless to say, I know," Madara stretched out his hand to stop Su Xiuyu's words that he was going to continue explaining, "You are my younger brother, and like Senna, I don't need your intervention between me and Izuma. "

Su Xiuyu knows Madara arrogance, or for people other than Uchiha, Uchiha's arrogance is no different from arrogance.

"Madara, if nothing else, Uchiha will not need to worry about the alliance between the Uzumaki clan and Senju in the future. The Uzumaki clan will slowly draw a clear alliance with the Senju clan, and gradually change to a neutral state.

Madara glanced at Su Xiuyu in surprise, and asked very suspiciously: "You won't give up your surname and choose to join the Vortex clan, right?" "

“...... No. I'm still me. I don't know why the Vortex family is willing to pay so much money, but I have confirmed with Mito that there should be no problem. Su Xiuyu knew that Madara also had a lot less scruples, and responded to Madara doubts affirmatively.

"It always feels like the Vortex clan is playing a big game of chess, and of course, it's good for you. If nothing else, you will be the one who will control the Vortex family in the future. Madara felt that this was a good thing, one was to let Shuyu, who could not inherit Uchiha, really have his own power. Second, Su Xiuyu was equal to helping Uchiha break one of Senju's legs on the side. It's a good thing for the Uchiha family.

"Since this is the case, I am more relieved. Xiu Yu, I always have a feeling that your connection with this world is too thin. Now that you have a girl who likes you, a ninja who bets on you, will you have more nostalgia for the world?

Su Xiuyu was stunned, yes, although he and the pillars, Madara, Uchiha clan, Mito, and Uzumaki clan all had deep or shallow bonds, they were still outside the world. Because I am really not a person of this world. So there is always an invisible diaphragm that closes itself.

Looking at Mito present, Madara and Izumi in front of him, Uchiha's clan, and the interesting Uzumaki clan of Wakishi Village, and the pillars, the world really unfolded in front of him.

It turns out that before you know it, you already have so much.

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