Su Xiuyu woke up from his sleep in a deep mood, his head was still faintly painful, he drank too much carelessly last night, after all, he and Madara drank with the entire Yuzhibo clan, which still had a little impact. More is the impact after suddenly letting go of the string in my heart.

He finally has the basic self-preservation ability in the Hokage world, and the psychological tension of the strings has also been loosened. The wooden door creaked open, and Mito entered, confectionery in hand. "Is Xiu Yu awake? Grab a bite to eat. Su

Xiuyu found that his clothes had been changed together. Raising his eyebrows, he asked, "Mito my clothes?"

"The clothes were changed for you by me and Ling, because you are too heavy, and it is very troublesome to help you change alone." Mito blushed, it seemed that what he had just said was not the topic of helping Su Xiuyu change clothes, but the problem of helping Su Xiuyu undress.

As a man, Su Xiuyu actually has no intention of continuing to tease Mito, after all, Mito is still the little princess of Uzumaki, and the two are not a couple in name.

"Mito, let's go back to the Vortex family. I will communicate well with the Great Elder about the future position of the Vortex Clan and your affairs. "Su Xiuyu knows that he has to settle his own affairs with Mito first, and at least give Mito a basic title.

"Hmm." Mito makes a mosquito-like sound.

For Mito, returning to the Uzumaki family is the way home. Along the way, Mito and Su Xiuyu talked and laughed, and the expectations in their hearts were about to come true.

"Xianghe, our two old men are back safely. Hahaha" Masahiko and Hibikiwa began their daily dislike of each other again.

"Masahiko is a bit of an aspect. We've experienced quite a few scenes of war.

"But we've never met Susanoo or Kito vs. Susano. Don't brag as if you've seen it. Now

it was Xianghe's turn to be speechless. Yes, now this group of young people is really terrifying, three people can calm the entire Fire Nation.

The world is changing too fast, and the two old guys of myself and Masahiko almost didn't keep up with this era. Fortunately, in the end, Su Xiuyu became his own person, so thinking about it, he was a little excited.

The group of four soon arrived at Whirlpool Village. Looking at the familiar Uzumakio Village, Mito also has a sense of homecoming. The group was quickly taken to the Great Elder's conference room by the whirlpool guards.

"Yo, little Mito is back. And Xiu Yu. The Great Elder looked at the two and said with a smile.

"Great Elder and the two of us." Masahiko raised his left hand out of place. The Great Elder saw it and said perfunctorily, "Oh Masahiko is also back." Hibikiwa kicked Masahiko underneath, "Can you not look for a sense of existence at this time?" Did you come to sell moe? Mito

almost couldn't help but laugh when he heard Hibika's mocking words about Masahiko.

"Xiu Yu, what are you coming to the Vortex clan for this time." The Great Elder had already inquired about Su Xiuyu's current strength from various channels. I sighed that I really bet on the right thing in the first place.

"Great Elder, the first thing is that we Uchiha and Senju are about to form an alliance, and then together with the other ninja clans of the Fire Country to build a huge village, we have decided to pacify the Fire Country and end the chaos of this Warring States." Su Xiuyu's understated words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in the ears of the Great Elder.

Thinking about the strength of Su Xiuyu, Ban and the three people between the pillars now, it is really not difficult for them to calm the chaotic world. Thinking about the relationship between Su Xiuyu and the Vortex family again, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"I understand your determination, and I don't reject the unification of the Fire Nation, so Xiu Yu, what I want to know is, what do you think of the Uzumaki clan?" The Great Elder pondered and asked his question.

"There is no doubt that the Uzumaki clan is also my clan, and my relationship with Mito is placed here - not to mention that the Uzumaki clan treats me like a relative, how can I not see it if I am not a fool." Su Xiuyu also said from the heart. Although the Vortex family also bet on themselves, the Vortex family never asked for anything, and even did not consider anything in return, blindly paying, such a direct and bold trust also completely moved Su Xiuyu.

The Great Elder was also relieved in his heart when he heard Su Xiuyu's words, although he bet on the right person, but if Su Xiuyu was a white-eyed wolf, it would be all in vain—fortunately, Su Xiuyu was not such a person.

''Then, we Vortex clan are willing to ally with the Uchiha clan first, but we Vortex clan only listen to your dispatch and opinions. In other words, the bond between us is yours, Shuyu, not the Uchiha family.

Su Xiuyu also understood what the Great Elder meant, it was nothing more than believing in himself, but Yu Zhibo still had some concerns over there. Of course, Su Xiuyu can also understand, after all, the alliance between one clan and another clan is not a child's play.

"In addition, I also formally requested the Great Elder: Please give me the promise of Uzumaki Mito, and we will first make a marriage contract and give Mito an official title." Su Xiuyu knelt on one knee, took out a bouquet of flowers and said to Mito: "I'm sorry Mito, maybe this scene is not formal or romantic enough, but I think you should be waiting for such a day."

Mito shed tears with excitement, picked up the flowers, and said with a smile: "Yes, I seem to have waited for a long time, a long time, and I have only known you for more than a year." The

Great Elder looked at this scene with a smile, and his mood was better, Mito Yatou found his wishful Langjun, and Su Xiuyu was the god of ninjas, complementing each other, and it was a great prosperity for my whirlpool family.

After some discussion, it was decided to invite Uchiha's clan to hold a slightly simpler engagement ceremony, and Su Xiuyu and Vortex Mito had no opinion.

Poor Masahiko Vortex and Hibiki Vortex had two old faces and went with a letter to inform the Uchiha clan. Madara and Senna quickly prepared an extremely luxurious procession and rushed to the Vortex clan with a cartload of gifts.

Along the way, the sky was happy, the gong and drums were beating, and the atmosphere was not lively.

In Whirlpool Village, everyone was also lit up and busy. Everyone loves the little princess who loves their family, Mito Uzumaki, and Mito's object is also Uchiha Shuyu, who has been to the village before. Although everyone felt that Uchiha's people were not particularly easy to get along with, Shuu Yu had been humble and polite when he was in Whirlpool Village before, and everyone had some impressions. What's more, now the name of Shuyu and Madara and the three people between the pillars "Ninja God" has gradually spread.

The people of the whirlpool clan know what kind of person their little princess fancy, and they all silently bless their little princess in their hearts.

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