"Why does the leader of Konoha need to grind and chirp for so long? The villages are almost built, and the leader has not yet been determined? The leader is, of course, our Uchiha clan!

"yes, yes, what else is there to consider? Since ancient times, the leader has always spoken by strength, and now the strongest in Konoha is our Uchiha clan, do you still have any questions about the personnel of this leader? "

Within the Uchiha clan, everyone feels that there is no doubt about the leader of Konoha Village. They all came from the battlefields of the Warring States Period, is there anything wrong with speaking by strength?

However, the other ninja clans were vague, and it was clear that they did not support the Uchiha clan to ascend to the throne. Everyone is afraid of the Uchiha family.

Only the Senju clan agreed to the Uchiha clan as the leader, and neither the Kuruma nor the Senju clan agreed with the Uchiha people as the leader.

"Big brother, what do you think? It's impossible for me to agree to Uchiha being the head of Konoha Village, absolutely not, and not only am I unwilling, but the clansmen will not be willing either. The other ninjas, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, Sarutobi, Shimura, they would not agree. Big brother, don't waste your effort.

He turned his face sideways and refused his eldest brother's request. The arms clasped between the shoulders showed great resistance. This is the first time that he has completely ignored his eldest brother's opinion.

"Now that our dream has come true, does it matter who is the leader of the village? Peace is imminent, and is it worth delaying the entire peace process for this matter? "Zhuma didn't understand why he was so stubborn this time.

Tsuma finally got angry, gritted his teeth and slowly told his eldest brother: "Big brother, you are too naïve!" Do you know? Why don't other small ninjas support Uchiha? Because now the Uchiha family is the biggest! They have Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Shuyu! Why do you think the other ninjas fell to our side?

He looked at his eldest brother and was angry, "Because of your idealization of big brother, you didn't carefully consider our current situation at all, big brother, do you know?" Even if you are a ninja god, Uchiha now has two ninja gods! Our Senju are now huddling with other little ninja clans to warm up. Big brother, have you considered the future of the Thousand Hands clan in the future? Pillar

looked at the angry Kuruma and knew that his brother was really angry this time, but Pillar couldn't understand these concerns. In the final analysis, Pillar is the kind of guy who is willing to believe in others, and Pillar believes that people will eventually usher in an era of mutual understanding.

Only Kuruma has been guarding against the Uchiha family, especially after studying the way the Uchiha family opens their eyes, he feels that it is too easy for the Uchiha family to obtain the power of the chakra eye. Both Madara and Izuna's kaleidoscopic eyes are due to excessive mental stimulation – and excessive mental stimulation can easily lead to mental imbalance. Only Su Xiuyu's Writing Wheel Eye did not obtain any relevant information.

Therefore, Su Xiuyu is the most feared person in the house. Superman even surpasses the talent of his eldest brother, mysterious past coupled with various secret intelligence, there is no doubt that Su Xiuyu's body is full of secrets. If it weren't for his eldest brother to compete with it, it would be difficult to obtain these basic information by himself now.

Ignorance is the greatest fear. He didn't dare to tell his eldest brother these words, he was worried that his eldest brother would turn around and tell Su Xiuyu. The eldest brother is such a fool, as long as he believes in the people who will have no reservations.

"Big brother, think about it yourself, anyway, this leader can only be produced among the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan is impossible. Even if Konoha has a bright future, it won't be Uchiha's turn to intervene! This

time, he was stubborn and slammed the door after speaking, leaving a deep sigh between the pillars.

Uchiha clan land. Madara, Senna, and Su Xiuyu enjoyed Ling's tea ceremony.

"Ling's tea ceremony is indeed good." Madara said with sincere admiration. Uchiha's clan are all acute, and the tea ceremony is really not suitable for the Uchiha family. To put it ugly, the Nara family drinking tea you may think that it is a wise general, the Uchiha family drinks tea, and you even wonder if Uchiha is planning to break the cup.

"Xiu Yu, you said that we need to fight for the leader of Konoha." Madara sees the current situation clearly. I probably had a plan in my heart, but I just wanted to know what Shuyu and Izumi thought about this matter.

"Big brother, we Uchiha can't give up the battle for the leader. This is related to the status of the Uchiha family in the future, and it is also related to the future planning of the village. Izumi felt that Uchiha should go all out for the position of leader.

"Actually, don't you already have the answer in your heart? You want to fight for it, but you don't want to break the hard-won peace. The end result is that whoever is willing to work hard is likely to get the final victory. Su Xiuyu understood Madara's thoughts, Madara did not want to compete, but clearly knew that if he tore his face, the peace agreement just reached would be in vain.

Ban and Su Xiuyu knew that there must be a push behind all this. Pillars can't do this kind of thing, only Kuruma has the ability and motivation to do so.

Madara's hand holding the teacup stopped in mid-air and slowly lowered it again. Looking at the busy scene outside the window, his long hair was half-covered and he couldn't see where he was looking.

"Yes, Xiu Yu, you can see it clearly, but it's a pity that I can't break this situation." This village is also my dream place since I was a child, ah, how can I let it die again. "Probably no one would have thought that the god-killing Uchiha would rarely have such a warm moment.

"Madara, this world is vast, and even the world outside this world is even more vast. It's just a small village, and looking at the world, Konoha is actually just your little thought. Whether you intend to fight for this position of leader or you intend to give up, I support you unconditionally. After all, the cannon and the truth are in our hands.

Madara and Izumi stared at Su Xiuyu's face, waiting for Su Xiuyu to explain properly.

Su Xiuyu looked at the eyes of the two, and the kind of gaze that you didn't hurry up to say made Su Xiuyu almost get goosebumps. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you a little bit of a secret. Just remember that you know, you can't record it in Uchiha's books.

Madara and Izumi looked at Su Xiuyu's serious look and knew that a huge secret was involved, and the two nodded in unison, signaling Su Xiuyu to quickly continue.

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