"This crossing felt good, much better than the last time. Sure enough, the system is much more reliable than natural wormholes. Su

Xiuyu and everyone successfully crossed and came to a wilderness. Because it is in the vast wilderness, it is difficult to judge which world it has come to for a while.

Everyone is in a hurry, planning to rest in the wilderness tonight and set out to explore tomorrow. Su Xiuyu very intimately used the art of the imperial earth to build several rock houses.

"Xiu Yu, your earth escape is really convenient, it is similar to the wooden escape between the pillars." Madara sighed.

Su Xiuyu silently complained in his heart, in fact, Mu Dun himself will too, but it is not as convenient as Tu Duan.

Early the next morning, everyone woke up and set off. They are all ninjas, and the rush speed is very fast, even the little Shallow Hill of Uzumaki does not fall behind.

It's hard to see a person from afar, and you can tell that it is a modern society when you look at what you are wearing. Su Xiuyu directly hypnotized this person with the Sharingan eye and asked for the general information of this world.

This is a modern society very similar to the earth in its past life. It's August 1, 2013, and they're in a wilderness in Southern California.

This world is too similar to the society of his previous life, and if he didn't ask a head of state, he wondered if he had traveled back.

"I have a preliminary understanding of this place, this place is completely different from the ninja world, the people here are ordinary humans, there is no Chakra or other power beyond mortals. But the technology here goes far beyond ninja society. Everyone pay attention.

"By the way, technology is similar to an advanced puppet technology, but there is a big difference, technology can be used on a large scale, and mortals are the beneficiaries and creators of technology."

"At the same time, there are satellites in outer space, and if necessary, the governments of this world can even track us through satellites."

Madara and Izumi were amazed, thinking that this was an enhanced version of white eyes with excellent detection results. He even asked Su Xiuyu if he could bring it to the Hokage World to use.

"Ena, it is a very sophisticated technology product, we really worked hard to take it down from heaven, and we can't use it in the ninja world, and we lack the support of energy and precision technology. I think the gains outweigh the losses. Madara and Izumi listened and had to give up the bold idea.

"So to sum up, let's keep a low profile."

"Xiu Yu, you are so skilled, isn't it the first time you have come into contact with this kind of world?" Only Uzumaki Mito found the blind spot. Looking at everyone's gaze, Su Xiuyu replied dryly, "Yes, it's indeed not the first time to cross into this kind of world.

"Our dress is too different, let's cover it up a little with a transformation technique." When everyone heard this, they also quickly dressed up.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive in a not small city, San Francisco in the United States. The modern society is very attractive to everyone except Su Xiuyu. After all, they are all scenes that are completely different from the ninja world.

"Xiu Yu, why are these women on the street so revealing, even wearing underwear directly on the street." Uzumaki Mito asked Su Xiuyu with a red face. Uzumaki shallow hill, a small Shota looked at the embarrassed expressions of the two, and also turned his head embarrassed.

"Local customs, let's pay attention. Those are nothing.

Uzumaki Mito leaned against Su Xiuyu's ear and asked softly, "Does Xiuyu want me to dress like that?"

Su Xiuyu's face turned red, and he muttered, "It's not impossible—of course, I can only show it to me."

"Think beautiful!"

Madara and Izumi lamented the peace of this world, and it is rare that a large number of people can maintain such a peaceful environment.

Su Xiuyu saw Madara and Izuna's confusion, "It's not ah, there are wars in this world, but overall it is relatively stable." "

These days people are wandering around San Francisco and experiencing the customs of the other world. The children of the whirlpool shallow hills have a lot of fun in their hearts. Mito followed Su Xiuyu to enjoy the world of two.

Here, Mito is not the little princess of the Uzumaki clan, and Shuu Yu is not the pillar of Uchiha. Madara and Izumi don't have to think about the future of Uchiha and the ninja world for the time being, everything is so good.

Suddenly, the surging crowd on the street began to rush in their direction, if they were not ninjas, ordinary people would definitely be trampled to death, and

screams and cries spread throughout the street. The whole earth began to shake.

"What happened? Earthquakes?

Su Xiuyu always felt that this vibration was similar to the vibration caused by the giant psychic beast being summoned.

"Let's go, let's go ahead and see what happens." Everyone did not hide this time, and directly jumped on various buildings and began to rush to the starting place.

No one noticed these anomalies, after all, everyone was busy fleeing, who had the mind to care about a few people who violated the law of gravity. It's just a hidden camera on the corner that faithfully records it all.

The howl of a huge beast resounded throughout San Francisco. An axe-like giant beast climbed up from the shore.

All kinds of helicopters, gunboats, and even fighter jets are bombarding this behemoth. All kinds of missiles greet this monster as hard as they don't want money. Unfortunately, these attacks are like tickling, and this giant beast does not hurt or itch, and it does not even break its skin.

Before a fighter could launch a few more missiles, it was slapped down by this behemoth. The Golden Gate Bridge soon fell apart under the brute force of the giant beast.

"What kind of psychic beast is this?" Ban's question almost made Su Xiuyu not hold back his laughter.

"Big brother, it's obvious that this is not a psychic beast... Don't you see this monster going crazy all the time?

Madara turned his face, "I just described the size of this monster before." The body is huge, the defense also looks very strong, and the tailed beast is afraid of it. "

Xiu Yu, shall we help?" Mito looked at the people running around and moved his heart of compassion, and whispered to Su Xiuyu.

At this time, Su Xiuyu already knew which world this was. Because this monster is too distinctive, huge size, super defense, plus this modern world, nine times out of ten it is a bad Pacific world.

I didn't expect to travel into such a world this time. And the few memories of the previous life still have the impression of this monster, the axe-shaped head, yes, the first open chrysanthemum beast that invaded the human world - the axe.

When I first heard the name of Kaiju Beast, I was still very curious why it was called Kaiju Beast, but now I understand that Kaiju Beast means "monster" in Japanese. The axe invades San Francisco, the first time the world has faced this terrifying alien creature.

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