The vast beach is covered with a blue-black viscous liquid, and the sea is polluted. A group of staff wearing chemical protection suits are working hard to clean up the blood of the beast. Even at the beginning, he had the audacity to directly touch the blood of the Kaiju beast with his hand - unfortunately, now that the unlucky egg has gone into the coffin.

With the lessons of the past, everyone is now very careful in handling the limb residue and blood of the Kaiju beast, after all, he has accidentally died in front of everyone's eyes. However, according to the results of the research institute, the limbs of the kaiju beast are not without the possibility of use.

The Kaiju invasion in San Francisco ended up with more than 13,800 casualties – in fact, according to the video footage afterwards, the death toll would have been at least tripled had it not been for the intervention of several superpowers at the time. The dead need to be counted slowly, but the living are still homeless. In the aftermath of the San Francisco disaster, millions of people were displaced awaiting U.S. resettlement. Unfortunately, due to the large number of people affected by the disaster, it is difficult to resettle these affected groups for a while.

There is no doubt that this invasion of the Kaiju beast has even shaken the international status of the United States. The United States is even a problem with relocating the affected people.

Unfortunately, the resettlement of the affected people this time was put on the back burner. On the one hand, the United States is taking defensive measures to prevent another invasion of the Kaiju beast. It is a pity that there is no good way for the time being, only nuclear bombs. What is even more disappointing is that the reason why the Kaiju Beast Axe was successfully solved by a nuclear bomb this time was mainly because the energy field at that time restrained the power of the nuclear explosion (the Four Red Sun Array limited the power of the nuclear explosion to a small space). If it detonates normally, according to the remaining limbs left by the Kaiju beast, it is estimated that three nuclear bombs will detonate normally to completely destroy the Kaiju beast.

After analyzing the results, everyone was very frustrated, and the radiation of a nuclear bomb has made San Francisco a dead place unsuitable for a hundred years.

What if I encounter the Kaiju beast later? Smash a nuclear bomb? Using so many nuclear bombs is tantamount to chronic suicide.

On the other hand, when the Kaiju beast invaded this time, the monitoring clearly photographed several "super people". Or in fact, people don't care about the problem of exposure at all. The group helped evacuate the affected people in San Francisco, showing superpowers of various types, such as controlling the land and walking walls. Even after that, he tried to attack the Kaiju Beast Axe, once again showing various superpowers such as spitting flames and spitting high-pressure water currents.

The most exaggerated thing is that the satellite monitored the huge crimson energy field, which was actually released by one of the people in this line. At that time, everyone wanted to sigh - a human can actually release an energy stance, which can also defend against nuclear explosions.

Members of the House of Representatives feel that this may be the first time that humans have come into contact with accurate aliens. It can only be said that in this matter, the congressmen of the United States were crooked and guessed the identity of their aliens. It's a pity that I want to contact this group of people again, but I can't find them.

After solving the Kaiju Beast Axe, Su Xiuyu and his party started their salted fish journey again. Basically stop and go on the road and enjoy life.

Madara and Izumi even slowly learned to drink at bars. Uchiha's troubles that let go of his body and mind are gone.

"Xiu Yu, can your eyes predict the next invasion of the Kaiju Beast?" The salted fish has been too long, and Madara still can't help but ask Su Xiuyu about the news of opening the juju beast.

Su Xiuyu was a little surprised, how could Kaiju Beast arouse Madara's interest.

"I want to try to capture the Kaiju Beast and see if I can control the Kaiju Beast to become a psychic beast. In this way, even if we are not there, we can protect the Uchiha family. Madara spoke what was in his mind.

"You can try, but the Kaiju Beast is actually an artificial weapon, and it can communicate with its maker in reverse. After we capture the Kaiju beast, we need to brainwash it and then turn it into a psychic beast. Su Xiuyu affirmed Madara's idea, if the Kaiju beast is a psychic beast, basically few people in the ninja world can resist it, and even pulling it over and beating a tail is easy.

Shouzuru, who was far away in the desert of the Ninja Realm, suddenly felt cold, "Damn it! Who is spying on Uncle Ben? "

Be patient, Madara, it's still a while before the next Kaiju beast arrives." Su Xiuyu remembered that the second Kaiju beast was Manila, which directly attacked the Philippines.

"Let's go to the beach together, go to a place to wait for the rabbits."

The group soon arrived in Manila, Philippines. The Philippines has beautiful beaches and a suitable environment, making it a great place to spend a vacation.

The group sunbathed on the beach every day. It's just a pity that Su Xiuyu didn't see Uzumaki Mito's swimsuit. Mito said he was embarrassed to wear such revealing clothes in public. But promised that he could wear it to Su Xiuyu in private in the future.

The days went by, and the day was business as usual. Su Xiuyu, who was lying on the beach, suddenly sat up, "Everyone pay attention, the Kaiju Beast is coming." "

Su Xiuyu has already sensed the arrival of the Kaiju Beast through the perception ability of the Imperial Land Art.

The calm waves suddenly rushed violently to the shore, and a hideous kaiju beast descended again 6 months after the death of the axe. The surrounding crowd frantically began to flee, and the whole scene seemed to be repeated in San Francisco yesterday.

"Madara, do you want to try it?" Su Xiuyu turned his head and asked.

"I'll try it, this time we must solve it as soon as possible, otherwise the nuclear bomb will come and be troublesome." Madara decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Susanoo!" The giant Chakra giant rises from the ground, and soon Madara stabilizes Chakra. The complete body Susanoo is much taller than the Kaiju Beast, and in front of the eighty-ninety-meter-tall Kaiju Beast, Susanoo is almost a god.

Madara did not use Susano's weapon, fearing that he would accidentally kill the Kaiju beast on the spot. Just by simply using his fist, he beat the Kaiju beast and kept screaming.

Military satellites of various countries constantly scanned the daisy beast in Manila, and they were originally worried about how many casualties this time the beast would cause - but this time an even more terrifying giant appeared.

This blue translucent armored giant stood on the beach like a mountain, and easily pressed the Kaiju beast on the beach and beat it up.

The fighters prepared by the governments stopped setting off, waiting for new orders from various departments. Even this spectacular mythical scene made tourists who had escaped stop and take crazy photos.

Su Xiuyu helplessly held his forehead, "Mito, look at this group of people who are not afraid of death." I didn't even run away.

Mito smiled and hugged Su Xiuyu's arm, "It's a rare opportunity, ordinary people also want to see the monster war!" "

The more Madara fights, the more excited he gets, and sure enough, Kaiju Beast is very suitable for being a psychic beast, so resistant to fighting is simply a super large meat shield. Susa can completely body dozens of fists, this kaiju beast is bleeding and howling, looking full of strength, and can resist until night. It seems that he does not use Susa's sword or ninjutsu, and it is difficult to kill Kaiju Beast in a short time with brute force alone.

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