"Is Mr. Su sure that the data flow pressure of this system is too great?"

"Well, although I don't know much about science, I am still very confident when it comes to the spiritual field."

"If other countries are using the same Ponzi system, I suggest you'd better note them." Otherwise, the mecha driver goes up for a test drive, which is equivalent to sending him to death. Su

Xiuyu remembered that the Pons system still killed several experimenters in the early stage. It was kind enough to remind them.

Wang Tao has generally understood what kind of person Su Xiuyu is during this time. At least when Su Xiuyu definitely told something, then it must be a fact that he was sure of.

"Hurry up and contact PPDC, I remember they also did their first driving test today, quick!"

By the time the opposite phone was connected, there was already bad news, and sure enough, the driver of the first experiment on the opposite side had been violently killed. PPDC has not yet determined the cause of the driver's death for a while, and now according to the information provided by Su Xiuyu, it has directly determined that it is a defect in the Pons system.

Fortunately, this information was provided in a timely manner, because PPDC planned to try another driver. More or less saved a driver at a critical moment.

Soon the PPDC side used two people to link the Pons system to achieve good results, and the mecha test was a complete success. It shows that there is basically no problem with the prototype, and what is needed now is to hurry up and manufacture a mass production model.

Not long after, Vancouver was once again invaded by the Kaiju beast. This time, the Kaiju beast resembled an old tree, and it began to wreak havoc after landing.

"What to do? Now the first batch of produced mech fighters has not yet been completed and has no combat capability. Are we asking for help with those aliens again this time? Or continue to use nuclear bombs? "

PPDC has sparked heated discussions.

"Let's fight with a prototype with Catherine. You can't always rely on outside forces. Now that you have the ability to resist, let's try it. It

was Lieutenant Donofio who volunteered to fight with Catherine in a prototype.

Everyone knows that the lieutenant and Catherine are both people who are single-handedly involved in the establishment of the entire PPDC organization and mecha research, and they have stronger expectations of mecha than anyone else.

"Lieutenant! Triumphant return! Lieutenant

and Catherine make their first appearance in front of this world in the prototype mecha "Noisy Boy".

Karlov has obtained a lot of information about the previous invasion and knows that only nuclear bombs can threaten him in this world.

Of course, none of the Kaiju beasts could transmit the information of Su Xiuyu and his group back. In front of the eternal kaleidoscope, the Kaiju Beast did not even have the ability to truly recognize the world. But all the memories that can be preserved are the memories before they were systemed by Su Xiuyu and his group.

In the face of this strange mecha prototype, Karloff also directly fought with the noisy boy mecha. In hand-to-hand combat from fist to flesh, Karlov gradually lost his match for the noisy boy.

The tacit cooperation between the lieutenant and Catherine largely exerted the power of the prototype mech, and Kaiju Beast Karlov encountered this type of counterattack for the first time and gradually fell into the downside. Half an hour later, Karlov had been beaten to death by the prototype.

"Yay!" Both PPDC and Rabbit Country watched the battle from satellites, and the victory of the prototype meant that humanity had finally found its way to deal with the outbreak of the Kaiju Beast. The audience cheered, and the crisis that hung in the balance of life collapsed at this moment.

Just as the prototype was about to end the kaiju beast, a huge earth dragon suddenly surged on the ground, wrapped around the body of the prototype, and stopped the final blow of the prototype.

That's right, it was Su Xiuyu who appeared. But it was nothing else, Su Xiuyu planned to still sign a contract to turn this open ju beast into a psychic beast in the old way.

The lieutenant saw this earth dragon come alive, stared at himself (the cockpit position of the mech), and basically guessed whose handiwork.

Only those aliens on this planet have this ability. Both the lieutenant and Catherine gave up their plans to continue to mend the sword and open the ju beast, and the two were quite grateful to Su Xiuyu for several rescue actions before. After all, no matter what the purpose of Su Xiuyu and his group was, it could not change the fact that they had saved thousands of people.

Even the first intuitive contact with supernatural abilities aroused great interest in both the lieutenant and Catherine. The lieutenant is a person who admires strength at heart, and Catherine is full of curiosity.

Soon, this dying Kaiju beast was forcibly concluded by Su Xiuyu, and the psychic went to the psychic world to recuperate.

Su Xiuyu, who had finished his business, disappeared directly with the teleportation technique.

In any case, in the eyes of all countries, today is a memorable day, and today for the first time, human beings have completely resisted the attack of the Kaiju Beast with their own strength. Even if this time still caused a lot of casualties, it could not hide people's joy.

Including Rabbit Country, everyone is celebrating this day.

"Although I understand your joy, I still want to pour cold water on you once. The Kaiju Beast is constantly adjusting and transforming to deal with human attacks. "

When Su Xiuyu forcibly let the Kaiju beast sign a psychic contract, he found that this Kaiju beast was different from those Kaiju beasts in the past.

Although Kaiju Beast Karlov lost under the iron fist of the prototype, in fact, this Kaiju Beast was specially strengthened and could defend against nuclear explosions. Several previous nuclear bomb attacks have allowed the pioneers to strengthen the defense capabilities of the Kaiju beast, especially the ability of high temperature and shock wave.

It can be said that Karlov was strengthened by the "nuclear bomb", the ultimate weapon dedicated to humanity. If it is not a prototype this time, and Su Xiuyu does not intervene, it is obvious that it will be difficult to solve Karlov with a few nuclear bombs this time.

The pioneers strengthened the Kaiju beast very quickly, and humanity faced not a beast without intelligence, but an alien civilization with some advanced biological modulation technology.

However, this civilization is different from the Datumu family, and the Datumu family tends to strengthen their own abilities, and the power of heaven and earth is attributed to themselves. The pioneer civilization is more similar to human civilization, both take the scientific and technological route, but they are biased towards biomodulation technology.

Su Xiuyu's reminder woke up Wang Tao, who knew the importance of this matter and immediately shared this information with PDDC and the heads of various countries.

The rare celebration was thus overshadowed.

However, it is also the blessing of Tosu Xiuyu, and everyone knows more clearly that they are facing a terrifying alien civilization, not a group of barbaric beasts. Almost everyone lost in the first victory.

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