"Wang Tao, these are the two Kaiju beasts I just captured, and they basically belong to the standard of fifth-level Kaiju Beasts. You can ask researchers to do some research now. There is nothing wrong with collecting the blood of the Kaiju beast. Rest assured, I have them under control and they will not have any resistance.

Wang Tao listened to Su Xiuyu's words, responded with a grateful look, and then immediately notified the researchers to quickly put in place and carry out relevant testing and research. This valuable data is very important for the further improvement of the mech and subsequent response.

This time, the two kaiju beast leatherback turtles and rat standing tail are typical targeted invasions, rat standing tail uses strong acid to kill a mecha, and the leatherback turtle uses EMP to paralyze other mecha. The pertinence is very obvious, which is obviously the handiwork of the pioneer behind the Kaiju beast.

Wang Tao led the scientific research team to obtain new data on Kaiju Beast and also shared it with PPDC, this time PPDC spent a lot of effort, and everyone's position is the same in the general direction of human survival.

At the same time, PPDC headquarters.

"You and the monster's brain successfully established synaesthesia and successfully learned the location of the wormhole?"

The doctor's words gave the general hope, "Then if we directly blow up the underwater wormhole, won't we cut off the invasion path of the Kaiju beast?"

"This is true in theory, but it is not surprising that we humans should not have reported a breakthrough wormhole, and the pioneers set up a secret method similar to our network on the wormhole, and we can't directly break through the wormhole."

"Just say what should be done! I can't wait!

"We can use mecha to hold a living Kaiju beast through a wormhole, similar to bypassing the secret key to start the program, but it is more difficult to capture a living Kaiju beast, and it is fighting at the bottom of the sea, and there are too many accidents..."

"In this way, I will go and negotiate with the rabbit country and implore the group of powerful aliens to make a move." If they agree, then it is foolproof. The

general felt that without further ado, he contacted the Rabbit Country directly, and now he is waiting for a reply from the Rabbit Country. However, if Su Xiuyu and they really do not interfere, PPDC will also implement Plan B.

"So Mr. Su's situation is like this, the wormhole that opened the ju beast to invade has been discovered, and now PPDC also pleads with you to help out, of course, whether or not to make a move is purely up to your will." Wang Tao knew that this operation was risky, after all, it was a seabed battle, and even had to enter the space-time wormhole.

And Su Xiuyu was waiting for this day. Since the space-time wormhole has been discovered, and a new ownerless planet is in front of him, how could he miss it?

"I know, I will participate in this battle, you and PPDC docking, you can notify me at any time when the preparation is completed."

After 7 days, everything was ready, PPDC contacted Rabbit Country as promised, and Wang Tao mobilized a helicopter to send Su Xiuyu to PPDC headquarters.

Originally, Uzumaki Mito and Uchiha wanted to fight together, but they gave up under Su Xiuyu's persuasion.

It is difficult for Mito to exert his strength in deep-sea combat now, and Madara may also face risks from another world after passing through the wormhole. Only Su Xiuyu is a big tube wood bloodline, although it has not fully grown up yet, but the basic space survivability should be no problem.

What's more, after really arriving at the pioneer planet, Su Xiuyu is about to start his own tree planting business.

"It seems that planting trees is the fate of the Datumu family!" Su Xiuyu sighed with emotion. In exchange for a traverser, it is still inseparable from the fate of planting trees in large tubes.

When Su Xiuyu coveted the world behind the wormhole, the helicopter had successfully arrived at the PPDC headquarters.

"Is this the alien that has been rumored above? It looks no different from us, but it still looks like an Oriental.

"Be careful when you speak, don't offend people." Last time people saved us.

Su Xiuyu was not surprised by the whispers of everyone at the meeting place, after all, it was normal to see aliens discussing a few words.

"Everyone is assembled."

"If nothing else, this battle is likely to be your last mission. I hope each of you will be back safely. Go now! "

Storm Crimson, Cherno Alpha, Stormtrooper, Dangerous Ranger four mechs began to start, planes to transport.

Su Xiuyu directly got into the co-pilot seat of Storm Crimson. This is made by the rabbit country in a temporary rush. Su Xiuyu actually didn't need Storm Crimson's help, but he was worried that Storm Crimson would have an accident, so after thinking about it, he still planned to take care of Storm Crimson.

After the four mechs were in position, they began to dive, constantly approaching the location of the wormhole.

Soon the radar showed a couple of big guys coming towards themselves.

"All on guard, the Kaiju beast is coming!" Six Kaiju beasts rushed towards the mecha.

"It seems to be because of your own butterfly effect? Originally, there were not so many Kaiju beasts in this battle, because he intervened and now saved 4 mecha, so it was also due to increase the number of Kaiju beasts this time. Su

Xiuyu planned to end the battle neatly this time, and did not mean to wait for the four mecha to grind again.

"Susanoo!" The golden Susanoo instantly appeared in the sea. The sheer volume of water pressure had little effect on Susano. Su Xiuyu can still control it easily. What's more, Su Xiuyu didn't show his full strength at all.

On this planet, Su Xiuyu is not needed to give his full strength to fight hard.

"The Art of the Imperial Land!" In an instant, Su Xiuyu condensed 6 rock javelins through the magical power of the imperial soil, and specially strengthened the hardness and density with chakra.

The first time I used Susanoo to bid for the gun, but it should not be difficult to have the aid of the Sharingan. Sure enough, after the first javelin shot, it hit an open chrysanthemum beast, and then it was very simple to nail the open chrysanthemum beast to the seabed.

The storm that was about to fight with this daisy beast was red and had no pressure.

"Mr. Su made a move, right?"

"It must be Mr. Su!"

"I know if you don't say it! This is the bottom of the sea, who else can there be besides Mr. Su who can use this javelin?

"You three are too noisy!"

This is the discussion of the driver of the four brothers of Storm Crimson.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xiuyu threw out all the remaining javelins, and each javelin accurately hit the Kaiju beast. The situation was reversed in an instant. It can be said that in 5 seconds all the battles are over.

"You guys clean up the mess, I'll fix the rest of the wormhole problem." After speaking, Su Xiuyu grabbed the first stabbing Kaiju beast and dragged it towards the wormhole.

"Doesn't Mr. Su need a nuclear bomb?"

"No, what do I want that thing for?" I have a way to destroy the wormhole, what are you going to do after cleaning up the mess. "

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