"This is the Chakra fruit, the specific source of which is unknown. With mysterious powers, even the most complete Chakra fruit can immortalize people - of course, the Chakra fruit you eat is not to this extent.

"What?!" The three exclaimed.

"Why did such a precious thing be divided into three parts for us? Wouldn't you be able to age or die if you eat a whole piece directly? "

What Mito said makes sense, Shuyu, what do you think?" Such a precious thing has to be divided into three parts, I'm afraid that this will not have such a strong effect, right?

Madara looked at Su Xiuyu in front of him with some disbelief, such a precious thing let him share it so simply and rudely, and he didn't even leave a copy for himself. Madara really admired Su Xiuyu's temperament.

"This thing is so precious, you make me feel guilty of it." Izumi has always been a person who rarely speaks, obviously a person who likes to talk has to look sullen all day. This time, it was also rare to express an opinion.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. This fruit is indeed very rare, and if you use an inappropriate analogy, this fruit is much stronger than the so-called Hokage position in Konoha Village. After all, the Hokage is only temporary, and this fruit is different. Your strength will slowly improve because of the fruit, and it will be difficult to not grow old or die, but there should be no big problem in living for thousands of years. "

Thousands of years ... So what do you do, Xiu Yu? Mito didn't care that Madara and Izumi were next to him this time, and hugged Su Xiuyu. Vortex Mito can't accept that he has lived forever while his lover is old.

"Why don't you keep a piece for yourself?"

"Because I don't need it, I could have lived for at least a few thousand years." Su Xiuyu smiled and touched Mito's head, as if everything was so light and breezy.

Uzumaki Mito opened his mouth, he really didn't expect this to be the reason. But Su Xiuyu did not carefully explain why he could live so long, but the people present were not interested in digging into the bottom of the matter.

For a long time, except for when Madara and Su Xiuyu just met, Madara gave Su Xiuyu a lot of help. Later, with the rapid growth of Su Xiuyu, Ban Neng provided less and less help to Su Xiuyu. Even Madara will feel embarrassed, and now Madara is still a simple idealist. In front of such an "ideal younger brother" as Su Xiuyu, Bandu felt a little ashamed. After all, this brother is still not competent enough.

"Only a long enough life can have enough time to experience the wonders of the world. Just don't blame me for being selfish. In your long life, you are likely to experience various life and death partings in the future. But you all have time to take your time to witness it all. So immortality is not necessarily a particularly happy thing.

"Think back to the history of the entire Uchiha clan for thousands of years? In fact, even the legend of the Six Dao Immortals was only a thousand years ago. What you will witness in the future is a long history. You not only have the strength to be the best, but also have the opportunity to witness the vicissitudes of the sea.

"So you can accept it with peace of mind." How can I bear such a lonely road alone? Su

Xiuyu knew that he was facing an infinite universe, and his wonderful life had just begun. How can we look ahead? Now his last worries are gone.

"You guys digest your improvement, we can rest for a few days and prepare to return to the ninja world."

Three days later, Vortex Mito, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Senna preliminarily digested the boost brought by the fruit of the sacred tree. The ability of subsequent fruit residues will further strengthen their bodies and chakras. Even Uchiha has the possibility of giving birth to Mu Duan. After all, the Divine Tree Fruit completes the genetic fragments in the Uchiha clan.

On the other hand, it brings the talent of all-attribute affinity to the three. Originally, the Uchiha clan was generally good at fire escape, but under the action of the fruit of the divine tree, Madara and Senna would gradually master all the ninjutsu attributes and yin and yang escape techniques. There is no doubt that this is a great enhancement.

However, the improvement brought by the Divine Tree Fruit to the basic physical quality of the three people was even more amazing. Most of the ninjas of Naruto World belong to the "assassin" characters in the game, that is, obviously high attack and low defense. So the ninja mortality rate in Naruto World is very high.

The Divine Tree Fruit strengthened the physical fitness of the three people, but made up for the last shortcoming of the ninja. A powerful ninja with no obvious shortcomings is a real killing machine.

"Our mission in this world is over for the time being, and tomorrow we will leave for Konoha. I haven't been back to Konoha for almost a year. "Su Xiuyu and Mito, Madara and Senna four people lay on the beach on the beach on the south sea of Rabbit Country, enjoying the rare good time.

"Back in the village, it is inevitable that you will encounter some fly camp dogs. I have to say that Senjuma is indeed very talented in this regard, but unfortunately, almost half of his talent is aimed at the Uchiha family. "Madara has been in contact with modern society for a year now, and he can clearly understand what skill plus points mean, and his speech is no longer as lifeless as before.

Now it's just that Kuruma puts the position of the Hokage in front of Madara, and Madara won't care. It is always easy for people's vision to be limited to their own cognition, and this is the case with previous spots. Although Madara and Pillar's strength stands proudly at the top of the ninja world, neither of them can bypass the inherent drawbacks and limitations of the ninja world. Even Madara couldn't see the attribution of the Hokage's position for a while.

Now Madara is the same as Su Xiuyu, only the infinite world and his family's harbor are left in his heart. Su Xiuyu, himself and his younger brother will always become the guardian saints of the Uchiha clan, witnessing thousands of years of rise and fall.

"Yes, Kuruma likes to target the Uchiha family. Xiu Yu, you and Mito are careful, don't toss the Vortex family when the time comes. But I guess he's not that stupid. If you target both Uchiha and the Vortex clan, it is equivalent to putting half of the strength of Konoha Village on the opposite side of yourself, unless Kuruma really wants to split the village. Izumi echoed.

Su Xiuyu actually didn't care more and more about what he did now. In fact, Kuruma is a very smart person, because in fact, Su Xiuyu also understands that Kuruma has steadily pinched his weaknesses.

Su Xiuyu is a person who advocates order, and he will not take the initiative to destroy the established order without endangering his own interests. The finger is very accurate, even if it is aimed at Uchiha, it is all upright, making it difficult for you to pick out any big faults. In this case, Su Xiuyu would not take the initiative to disrupt order for this little thing.

But if he dared to challenge Su Xiuyu's bottom line, he was already on Huangquan Road.

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