The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1286 Breaking the Formation


Wo Hop Shek Cemetery.

The mountains are undulating, and the tombstones are like forests. The Hopewell Stone Cemetery is very eerie in the night. In the whirling night, the mist is floating, but you can see shadows in the dimness, and you can't tell what things are weirdly twisting, moving, and making strange sounds. , a vague sound came.

At the foot of the mountain, in a private cemetery, more than twenty people of all kinds stopped here, stopping in front of a tombstone.

In Hong Kong Island, a place where every inch of land is like gold, not only is the place where the living live expensive, but the place where the dead live is also expensive and overcrowded.

In the coffin area of ​​​​Hehe Stone, all coffins buried in the ground are only allowed to be buried for five years. After five years, the bones must be dug out to make room. If you want to continue burying, you have to pay again, and the five-year fee is very low in this era. Just tens of thousands of dollars.

Ordinary citizens simply "can't afford to die" and can only buy a 30-centimeter-square ashes niche in the golden pagoda area on the top of the mountain.

In the columbarium area over there, niches containing ashes, like small Chinese medicine boxes, are densely packed all over the wall.

Even such a small box costs more than 10,000 yuan each, but fortunately this columbarium is permanent, so there is no need to worry about its expiration.

Just like everything in this world, these problems are headaches for ordinary people. For those who have money and power, they will not have such troubles at all.

At the northern foot of Hehe Stone Tomb Mountain, there are a group of cemeteries that are simple and elegant in shape, like ancient Jiangnan houses. This is the private cemetery area for prominent families. The people buried in the cemetery were all rich or noble during their lifetimes.

The environment here is elegant and spacious, in sharp contrast to the densely packed Chinese medicine boxes on the top of the mountain.

Su Yi tracked it twice using the fuji tracking method, and finally locked on one of the tombstones in this private cemetery.

The owner of the tomb is a declining family on Hong Kong Island. According to insiders, their family immigrated to Zhe Peng more than ten years ago and never came back.

More than 20 people stood in this cemetery, but they didn't feel crowded. Everyone looked around and examined the surrounding environment. Some were suspicious, some were emotional, and some were excited.

"We have searched this cemetery several times and found nothing unusual? Could it be a mistake?"

"Have you noticed? This place is obviously a Feng Shui treasure, but staying here makes people feel a little uncomfortable! Oops... we all ignored this before! There may really be a problem here!"

"It would be great if She Qing is really hiding here!"

These more than twenty people are all members of the "Suicide Squad". They come from all over the world and are all practitioners. The only purpose of gathering here is to eliminate She Qing.

No matter how small the circle is, they are all the same, and these twenty people are no exception. They are vaguely divided into four or five factions. They ignore, despise and even host each other. It is only because of the common goal that they can be temporarily twisted into a rope.

Su Yi has come into contact with most of the people here. Because of his identity as a Wanwan native, coupled with his reputation for "suspected" getting rid of Huang's father before, and his low-key and pragmatic style, he has become the most popular person in this place for more than 20 years. Popularity among people is very good.

Especially because his previous layout worked so well that he followed the clues and found this place today, which made everyone have a better impression of him.

Of course, maybe the reason why everyone was so "tolerant" of Su Yi was also related to his fatal injury.

Su Yi's injury is no secret among the death squads. Everyone knows that he came here with the determination to die this time, so even if someone really has some opinions about Su Yi, they won't show anything.

After all, "death is the most important thing."

While everyone was talking, Su Yi used the hair that he had removed from the corpse demon's head to track it again. This time, the result was even more obvious. A straight line pointed directly to the place where the coffin was buried behind the tombstone in front of him.

"This is it!" Su Yi said with a serious expression. He stared at the land in front of him with some doubts in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, there is an ordinary grave in front of you, nothing out of the ordinary.

Not only did he have this doubt, everyone present had this doubt.

People from the death squad had passed by here several times before, but they still didn't notice anything was wrong.

But the fuji tracking method is infallible.

Even if it is really wrong, it means that there is something in the tomb in front of him that is interfering with Su Yi's spell, which means there is a problem here.

At this moment, the descendant of Longhu Mountain had already seen the problem.

"This area sits on a mountain and looks at the water, hiding the wind and absorbing the energy. It is indeed a geomantic treasure land, otherwise it would not be selected as a private mausoleum area by these dignitaries." The descendant of Longhu Mountain said with some surprise, "Look here, all around Four mountains, surrounded by running water, with black basalt bowing its head, dancing redbirds, meandering green dragons, and docile white tigers, are the tributes from all directions and a sign of peace in the world. "

Another goatee old Taoist stroked his beard and nodded when he heard this, and said: "Master Zhang is right, this is the treasure land of the Four Symbols, and it is an excellent tomb layout, but if you look closely, you always feel that something is wrong... It makes the old Taoist feel good A thrilling feeling!”

"I feel the same way. Standing here makes my scalp tingle!"

"Me too, I feel something is wrong, but I can't see where it is..."

"There must be something wrong here. This is a warning sign from God..."

Everyone agreed.

Most practitioners can sense good and bad luck, especially when they sense it carefully.

So when everyone says this, it means there is indeed a problem here.

"Zhenzhen Zhang, since it is a geomantic treasure land, why does this place make people so uncomfortable?" Uncle Feng asked.

Maoshan is not good at Feng Shui, so Uncle Feng asked if he didn't understand.

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Master Zhang from Longhu Mountain.

This person is a master of Feng Shui and is very famous throughout the Chinese-speaking area.

Master Zhang did not answer directly, but made secret seals with his hands, stepped on the seven stars, and muttered words.

Gradually, his expression became more and more solemn, and his eyes flashed with surprise from time to time.

When he stopped, he took a long breath and said: "I know what's going on. It's really... such a powerful layout! What a smart approach! What a vicious intention!"

"Master Zhang, stop being so pretentious and tell us what's going on!" A scar-faced man said impatiently.

Master Zhang did not feel dissatisfied, and calmly pointed to the east and said: "Look at the four images, the Eastern Green Dragon Mountain, what is that built at the foot of the mountain?"

"Bus stop?" Sang Xin asked, "I remember that the bus station used to be outside Wo Hop Shek Cemetery. Later, a bus stop and a parking lot were built in this cemetery. It is more convenient for citizens to go to the cemetery and they don't have to travel such a long way."

"But that's where the dragon's feet are. If you build a place where qi flows, how can the dragon's feet touch the ground?" Master Zhang shook his head and pointed to the top of the mountain to the west. "Look there again. The columbarium was built near the top of the mountain. "

"This is the situation where the white tiger carries the corpse!" Someone suddenly realized, "If you look at it alone, it's nothing, but when you put it in the context of the four-symbol Feng Shui situation, it's really wrong!"

Many things are actually just a layer of window paper. Many people here know Feng Shui. As Master Zhang revealed the mystery, some people also saw that something was wrong.

The old Taoist Baihe pointed to the south and exclaimed: "There is an artificial waterfall built there, and the red bird releases water. This is very bad!"

"And the north! The mountain in the north used to be caused by landslides due to flash floods, but now it has been flattened and turned into a public mausoleum area for the government!" A delicate Taoist nun frowned and said, "Isn't this the case of cutting off Xuanwu's head?"

"Xuanwu hides its head, the blue dragon has no legs, the white tiger carries the corpse, and the red bird cries sadly..." Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain took a breath, "Everyone, this is no longer a four-image situation. As I expected, this is a two-dimensional situation." The Eighteen Evil Ghost Gate Formation!”

"This is something from the Dongmi evil sect!" Someone had heard of this formation and frowned in disgust, "Wasn't this sect destroyed in the Ming Dynasty?"

"But the things of this sect have spread to Zhepeng!" Uncle Feng said with a solemn expression, "As far as I know, the Jiuju sect has absorbed the spells of this sect!"

"The Jiuju sect?" Master Zhang looked at Uncle Feng, "Master Feng, I heard you say before that the evil cultivator Zhe Peng seven years ago was from the Jiuju sect?"

"And this corpse demon." Su Yi added, "She also uses the spells of the Jiuju sect."

"You little devil, you are determined to kill me!" Hu Yidong cursed bitterly, "Those with special numbers should kill all these beasts!"

Everyone was filled with indignation.

Like Su Yi, there were also people who didn't know what the Twenty-Eight Evil Ghost Gate Formation meant, so they asked people who knew about it.

It was Uncle Feng who answered them.

"Twenty-Eight Evil Ghost Gate Formation is a formation that gathers Yin Qi and Corpse Qi." Uncle Feng said solemnly, "The so-called Twenty-Eight Evil Spirits are actually the selection of twenty-eight virgins corresponding to the twenty-eight constellations. Girls, insert a flower seed concocted by a special evil method from their Baihui point, and then bury them alive for seven or forty-nine days, and the flower seed will suck out their brains. A kind of flower that suppresses evil grows. These twenty-eight flowers that suppress evil are the formation flags."

"Zhenzhen Zhang has already mentioned the layout of the four elephants just now, so I won't go into details. As for the formation eyes of this formation, they are usually made of white marble or gold inlaid with jade gui. If that's right, they will be buried here. ”

Uncle Feng pointed at the cemetery in front of him, and his voice became deeper and deeper: "This is a kind of evil method that is harmful to nature and has been banned by the spiritual world for a long time. The twenty-eight evil ghost gate array is arranged here, it is really a big deal! The people who set up the array are really generous. , is to gather the Yin Qi and Corpse Qi of the entire Heheshi Cemetery for his use! This ghost gate blocks most of the Yin and Evil Qi, making it impossible to get in and out, so it’s no wonder that we haven’t been able to find anything unusual.”

After Uncle Feng finished speaking, everyone cursed angrily, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

In order to set up a formation, they had to take the lives of twenty-eight innocent girls and brutally bury them alive. The person who set up the formation was really inhumane.

Anyone with a conscience will deeply abhor this vicious practice.

"What now?" someone asked.

"Fortunately, Master Zhang saw the heel of this formation, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss!" Uncle Feng said with lingering fear, "If we rashly dug out the formation's eyes, I am afraid that one of us would be affected by the evil spirit. Impact! Hundreds of thousands of people are buried in the entire cemetery. With such a huge amount of corpse energy and Yin energy, not to mention there are only more than twenty of us, if another two hundred people come, they will all be dead!"

"Yes, I almost stung a hornet's nest!" The other old man with a goatee was also frightened.

After hearing this, everyone thanked Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain one after another.

However, Master Zhang was not very happy and sighed: "Everyone, we have encountered such a dangerous move before we even started. In today's battle, we are afraid of life and death..."

He had no intention of getting involved in these disputes, but he couldn't escape the bondage of the mortal world. Finally, after learning the purpose of taking photos, he had to join the death squads under pressure from all parties.

That's why he was so emotional at this moment.

Among the people present, some came voluntarily, but there were also a few who were forced to get involved like Zhenren Zhang, such as the delicate Taoist nun. She was a disciple of the Mazu Temple in Hong Kong. This time, she had no choice but to be sealed as a master and died by drawing Signed.

However, Master Zhang just sighed and quickly got back to business.

He asked the people next to him to use flashlights and write on the ground with pens. He calculated the positions of the twenty-eight formation flags, and then discussed with everyone how to break the formation, and everyone immediately split up and took action.

The number of people is limited, and almost everyone is assigned to one formation flag position, and some people are assigned to two.

Su Yi is one of the "some people" who can do more work. He took the initiative to volunteer and assumed the responsibility of dismantling the two formation flags.

Not only that, he also has to take on a more important task when he dismantles the formation flag later.

Several Feng Shui experts worked together to calculate the orientation of the formation flag, which was basically accurate to the centimeter.

Soon, everyone found their bearings and began digging for the formation flag.

This formation has been set up for some years. Although the formation flag is an innocent girl buried alive, this formation is a cruel and sinister thing that cannot be seen in the light, so naturally there will be no grave bags, but it will be kept on the ground, pretending to be consistent with the surrounding environment. The way it looks.

After all these years, the places where the formation flags are buried will certainly not remain unchanged.

Some places are still just land, which is easier to dig.

However, in some places, the ground is paved with asphalt, cement, floor tiles, etc., and has been hardened, making excavation very difficult.

Even though practitioners generally have very strong hands-on skills, it still caused a lot of trouble for some people.

Of course, dismantling such a large formation that gathers yin and corpse energy is not a casual and simple matter. It needs someone to coordinate and dismantle it in a specific way. There must be no mistakes in the steps or any mistakes.

This is no joke, it can kill people and is very dangerous.

Su Yi had better luck. One of the two positions he was responsible for was in the woods halfway up the mountain, and the other was disguised as a cemetery, with the tombstones toppled and the formation flag underneath.

After digging three feet and three inches into the ground, we dug out the formation flag.

The girl who was buried alive was buried in a sarcophagus painted with black paint and engraved with dense runes.

The material of the sarcophagus is Zhenshi, which is a stone with extremely yin properties and is often used to arrange yin evil formations. This stone can also be used as medicine to treat diseases such as excess heat and stubborn phlegm.

After digging out one third of the sarcophagus, Su Yi stopped.

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