The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 260 0260 Two-in-one

"I believe everyone has heard about Mr. Peng's reform of adding elected members to the Legislative Council. The goal of the Zhihe Party when it was first established was to compete for seats in the Legislative Council. We will confirm the candidates as soon as possible and then announce them to the outside world."

Su Yi paused for a moment when he said this, and waited for the noise below to subside a little before continuing: "The third news I want to announce is actually closely related to the first and second news, and that is the establishment of the Zhihe Party. The original intention is to find a way out for the 130,000 members of He Lian Sheng. Therefore, I will do everything possible to persuade the Governor of Hong Kong, Mr. Peng, to issue an amnesty policy for the 130,000 members of He Lian Sheng and allow them to clean up their crimes. I hope that all of the registered criminal records of Liansheng Club members can be cleared, so that they will no longer be subject to strange eyes and can start a new life."

“I invited the elite team of Baker \u0026 McKenzie International Law Firm to provide us and Lian Sheng with partisan and group asset integration and legal supervision. The most important thing is to clean up the 130,000 members. , provide legal aid..."

Su Yi was talking eloquently, and both the reporters at the scene and the audience in front of the TV were all stunned.

It is not new for the big bosses of the society to want to clear their names. Since the end of the era of the Four Detectives in the 1950s, the life of the society has been in decline, and there are always big bosses who cannot survive, or who have gone to the extreme, and seek to clear their names.

Over the decades, some have succeeded and some have failed, but no matter who they are, they only care about their own whitewashing.

No one could have imagined that Luo Ji, the leader of the society, would be so courageous. He actually wanted to take 130,000 young and Dangerous boys to clear his name!

Just after Su Yi announced the news, Mr. Peng, who had been paying attention to the press conference at the Hong Kong Governor's Office, his face turned red with extreme excitement, and he stood up with a bang!

Big gift!

An absolute gift!

The fact that a leader of the Black Society with hundreds of thousands of subordinates became a good person because of his influence was already big news that shocked the world.

Now this good black gang leader actually wants to "return to righteousness" with his 130,000 young and Dangerous men. Mr. Peng is sure that if this thing is successful, the sensation and impact caused by this incident will definitely be huge. It will go down in history!

And if he can control Luo Ji, it will be equivalent to controlling a new Chinese party with 130,000 members!

If this party can act according to the plan he made, then he can complete the task assigned to him by No. 10 Downing Street ahead of schedule!

Thinking of this, Mr. Peng could no longer hold back and made a call directly to Brother Gui Lao Yi's mobile phone.

"Yan, I need you to fully cooperate with Luo Ji's show! Guide public opinion and ensure his positive image!" Mr. Peng ordered, "But you must fully control all his handles! I want you to dig out all his Weakness, I want to ensure that this person must be used by Britain!"

There is no doubt that Su Yi's importance has skyrocketed in Mr. Peng's mind.

That cafe.

Lu Qichang stared blankly at the high-spirited Su Yi on the screen who was scolding Fang Qiu. What kept popping up in his mind was the meeting between him and Su Yi before killing Ni Kun.

Su Yi said that he wanted to be the most powerful boss in Hong Kong Island. He said that he wanted to make Hong Kong Island free of young and Dangerous boys.

Although Lu Qichang had never believed it, he had always supported Su Yi with other purposes.

Nowadays, he, a "little guy", has long forgotten his original intention. He has been marginalized by the police force and can only spend time in idle jobs.

But the young man who was angry and killed the thief back then, even though he had gained both fame and fortune, was still fulfilling the oath and promise he made back then step by step.

The young man is chivalrous and makes friends with heroes from all five cities!

The liver and gallbladder holes, the hair is standing up, standing in conversation, life and death are the same, a promise is worth a thousand gold!

Unconsciously, Lu Qichang clenched his fists and his eyes turned red.

On his side, Mr. Shi's brows were knitted into the Chinese character "Chuan". His eyes were full of worry and he murmured, "This is playing with fire! It's too dangerous! It's too dangerous!"

At the same time, Huang Zhicheng's face showed deep confusion.

He is also a policeman. He has been engaged in anti-gangsterdom for more than ten years. It would be a lie to say that Su Yi's words did not touch him.

If Su Yi can really do what he said, if Su Yi really doesn't have any conspiracy or selfishness in this matter, then that kind of future is undoubtedly what Huang Zhicheng yearns for.

If this is really the case, then how can he be considered right if he now only wants to catch Su Yi in jail? Still wrong?

Hutchison Building.

Zatate Ohuraguro and Chen Yongren, who were not arrested by the police, gathered together to take charge of the overall situation.

They are also watching TV.

Su Yi's speech was a baptism for Chen Yongren.

Even Su Yi didn't realize that because of his words, Chen Yongren immediately became his most loyal believer!

No one hates Heisehui more than Chen Yongren, and no one has more complicated and entangled feelings for Heisehui than him.

In fact, Chen Yongren has always been confused. He can't see where the future is.

Until Su Yi revealed his identity and position, he finally felt that everything he had done seemed to be given some meaning.

But he was still very entangled, because this required him to deceive Huang Zhicheng, and he didn't know whether he was right or wrong to do so.

But at this moment, he knew.

He was sure that he had found his life goal, and he believed that Su Yi would lead him to the bright road.

"It's easy to put it down..." On his side, Ohura's face was uncertain, "I started selling unique products, selling ecstasy pills, when I was twenty years old. Today, the unique products I sell have sentenced me to ten lifetimes in prison. More than enough! I don’t believe that the police can really clear my name and wipe out everything in the past!”

Chen Yongren came back to his senses and glanced at him.

Oura Hei suddenly said to him: "Kitou Luo only believes in the four kings under him. You, me, and Yutoubiao are all outsiders to him! He killed Yutoubiao today, and he may take another turn tomorrow. It’s up to you and me! Especially you, Ren, you surrendered here, Kitoura is so suspicious, he can never really trust you!"

Chen Yongren was a little surprised.

"I'm stupid, Brother Hei can speak directly if he has something to say." Chen Yongren said with a smile.

Ohura Hei looked at him deeply and said: "We will benefit from cooperation. You have to think clearly and come to me at any time!"

After that, he walked out without looking back.

Chen Yongren looked at Oura Hei's back and slowly suppressed his smile.

At this time, the press conference on the screen has entered the reporter's question and answer session.

Because there were too many people who wanted to ask questions, the police had no choice but to come out again to maintain order, and Brother Gui Lao Yi had no choice but to guest star as the host.

He clicked on a reporter.

The reporter stood up excitedly and asked: "Mr. Luo, you said you would take 130,000 young and Dangerous boys to clear their name. Have you ever considered that they have done so many bad things before and if they don't blame them all, what will happen to those who have been harmed by them?" Is it very unfair to innocent citizens? If you really have justice and fairness in your heart, have you ever thought that they should actually pay the price for the bad things they have done before?"

Su Yi took the phone and said with a smile: "This is a very pointed question."

"What I can guarantee is that the cleanup of the 130,000 members of Lian Sheng must be carried out within the framework of the law and on the principle of voluntariness." Su Yi said, "I asked the lawyer team of Baker \u0026 McKenzie International Law Firm to I came here just so that when my members are washing their bottoms, they can make an assessment of my members in advance. It can also be regarded as a survey of the entire Heliansheng to see who are suitable for washing their bottoms and who are not. ."

After a pause, Su Yi said: "Not all members are suitable for cleansing, and not all members' cleansing can be accepted by the citizens. This is an objective fact, but I hope the citizens can view this with a tolerant attitude. Something, thank you."

Su Yi's answer was actually a bit roundabout and unfinished. The reporter still wanted to ask questions, but Brother Gui Lao had already named another reporter.

"Mr. Luo, did you establish a political party as soon as the Hong Kong Governor abolished the Societies Ordinance to express your support for the Hong Kong Governor's political reform?" The foreign reporter asked in half-familiar Chinese, "What do you think about Hong Kong Island?" What do you think about the Bill of Rights?”

Su Yi looked solemn: "Of course! If Mr. Peng hadn't abolished the Societies Regulations, if I wanted to form a political party, I wouldn't even be able to get through the police! Not to mention a series of qualification checks!"

“But now, I only need to publicly announce the establishment of the party and complete the registration with the Secretary for Civil Affairs! In the future, if our Zhihe Party wants to hold any activities, we can decide on our own without having to apply to anyone. How wonderful is this? How convenient is it? How simple is this?" Su Yi looked excited, "The person who should be most grateful for the establishment of the Zhihe Party is Mr. Peng, the Governor of Hong Kong!"

The foreign devil was very satisfied with Su Yi's answer.

But he didn't notice that many reporters were thoughtful.

Su Yi's words sounded harmless on the surface, as if they were entirely praising the foreign devils.

But in fact, it reveals an embarrassing fact - that is, the Hong Kong Governor has abolished the Societies Ordinance, and a gangster leader can form a political party and openly engage in politics!

Without the Societies Ordinance, any street demonstration or any public gathering can be decided independently without greeting the police station.

"Mr. Luo, you haven't answered my second question yet." the foreign reporter continued to ask.

"Of course the Bill of Rights is a good thing." Su Yi said without hesitation, "I dare say that there is no place in the world that respects human rights more than Hong Kong Island. There is no country or city in Beacon, Britain, or even the entire Europe. , can have such a high level of human rights standards on Hong Kong Island! We are the best in the world! I am very grateful to Mr. Peng for taking the lead in bringing things that are not available in Britain to the people of Hong Kong Island. This shows how much he loves this land and how much he loves it. Love the people here!”

In another office, Huang Zhicheng turned off the TV, shook his head, and walked out.

He decided to continue his work.

He is just a policeman and he thinks he should only think about his own job.

Everything else has nothing to do with him.

"What's going on?" He asked casually when he arrived at the door of the interrogation room.

Through the glass, he saw Jimmy sitting inside, bored.

"The four people were detained separately, but they didn't say anything," the subordinate replied helplessly. "They said they would wait until their lawyers came before they would speak."

"Turn off the camera and recording." Huang Zhicheng ordered and pushed the door open.

After arriving in the room, he did not speak first, but looked at Jimmy for a while, until he noticed that the power lights on the camera and recording equipment were off, and then said: "You should have seen the live broadcast. Your boss Guitou Luo , killed the deputy director of the police department, and also killed Yutoubiao! Let me tell you, he is too arrogant, the police will never let him go this time!"

"He looks very good now, but that's just an illusion. We want to deal with him. It's just a matter of words." As he spoke, he sat across from Jimmy and stared into Jimmy's eyes.

Jimmy remained expressionless throughout.


Huang Zhicheng knocked on the table and leaned forward: "When I first became a police officer, I knew that there would be endless beatings for Heise, so I don't care who is the talker between you and Liansheng. All I care about is me. Can this be tolerated?”

"We can't tolerate Luo Ji's arrogance. Jimmy, actually I know you very well. I know that you are the most capable of the four kings under Luo Ji! Let's make a deal."

"You give me the information you want, and I will be responsible for nailing Luo Ji. I will help you entangle other people and create the best opportunity for you to be the talker!"

"How about it?"

Huang Zhicheng's eyes were bright.

Jimmy looked at him and suddenly laughed.

"Sir Huang, do you know that it's really funny how you deceive people?" he teased.

Huang Zhicheng stared at him for a while and said, "I'm very sincere, don't think I'm joking."

"You don't have to answer me now. I'll give you fifteen minutes to think about it." After he finished speaking, he looked deeply at Jimmy standing up, then turned around and walked out.

Outside the door, his men hurriedly came to greet him.

"Don't go in and disturb him." Huang Zhicheng ordered, "Turn off the camera and recording next door as well."

Then, he entered the interrogation room where the plane was located.

Next, Huang Zhicheng said what he just said to Qian Qian, Liu Jianming and Da Tou.

His purpose is actually very clear. As long as one of these four people covets Su Yi's position, he may cooperate with him and expose Su Yi's information.

He wanted to use this method to obtain ironclad evidence of Su Yi's crime.

He believed that most of the young and Dangerous boys were profit-minded and loyal, just because the temptation they received was not big enough.

Fifteen minutes later, he walked into Jimmy's interrogation room again.

But the first time he saw Jimmy, his heart sank slightly.

Jimmy still looked expressionless, and Huang Zhicheng could tell that Jimmy was not moved by what he just said.

He immediately changed his strategy on the spur of the moment.

"I didn't expect that among the four of you, you are the most loyal to Luo Ji." He pretended to sigh, "You are the only one who doesn't want to be the talker."

He paused, but did not wait for Jimmy's response.

He shrugged and said with a fake smile: "Wait until your lawyer comes to bail you out."

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