it's over.

More than a hundred policemen were dispatched, including road closures, car chases, and street shootouts. A total of five gangsters were killed, and the gang leader Cao Nan was on the run.

And because Cao Nan was masked throughout the whole process, the police had no evidence to confirm Cao Nan's identity.

Six police officers lost their lives and 24 were injured, five of whom were seriously injured and were in critical condition.

17 innocent citizens died, including 4 children, a pregnant woman and 5 elderly people; 31 people were injured, 12 of whom were seriously injured.

During this arrest operation, a total of 7 houses, 13 shops, 24 street stalls, 15 vehicles were destroyed, 8 roads were seriously damaged, and several optical fiber pipes and cable facilities were damaged.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the economic losses caused by this arrest are as high as more than 17 million yuan.

Yes, this arrest was not considered a success and has been defined as an accident by the top brass of the police force.

The outside media and the upper echelons of the Hong Kong government were in an uproar because of this accident. It is conceivable that the police force will bear a lot of pressure as a result.

Lu Mingzhe was ordered to go to the headquarters immediately for questioning, and the third action team suspended all work pending the results of the investigation.

While sitting in the treatment room of the hospital waiting for the test results, Su Yi fell into deep self-doubt and confusion. Even the results of the second act's performance once again received an "excellent" evaluation, which could not distract him in the slightest. attention.

"Second Act Performance Statement:

Performance status: Complete.

Performance completion: 100%.

Director's Rating: Excellent.

Actor gain: 2 director points.

Current level: Extra (accumulated 4 director points). "

What Su Yi didn't understand was how could things develop to such a tragic outcome?

The police had made complete preparations in advance, and Lu Mingzhe was also working hard. All the police officers involved in the operation also worked hard.

More than a hundred policemen surrounded six gangsters, but the final result was much more miserable than the fate of the policemen in the original plot.

Is it because the police's ability is really poor, or are Cao Nan's gang of gangsters just too powerful?

Or is all this a punishment for Su Yi's unauthorized tampering with the plot?

Su Yi's mind was now filled with the image of the little boy being shot in the head by Cao Nan. He felt cold all over, and for the first time, he hated someone so much that his teeth itched with hatred.

He couldn't figure out why Cao Nan, a guy like Cao Nan who had no mercy even in killing innocent children and was completely inhumane, could not only get away with it, but also live a more comfortable life than most people?

This demon who despises the law, justice and morality has no fear or scruples and unscrupulously unleashes his purest cruelty and evil in this city.

Even if such a person is shot to death by the police in the last shot, how can he repay the heinous crime he committed?

Even if he was executed by Ling Chi and cut into pieces, how could he save so many innocent lives killed by him?

Why do people like Cao Nan commit crimes again and again?

What is the reason that allows him to do evil without any scruples?

Is it a law that does not impose the death penalty no matter how many people are killed?

Or is the judicial system just a show-off for Cao Nan as long as there is no evidence?

Or are they the dirty congressmen who are adding fuel to the flames, and the media who are constantly criticizing the incompetence of the police for fear of causing chaos in the world?

For Su Yi, it was too difficult to get an accurate answer, and he didn't want to think about something too deep.

He was simply thinking, could he really not do anything for those who died and for the dignity of this identity?

Yes, he's into it.

The cruel reality has made him unable to distinguish whether he is acting or experiencing real life.

Especially when he learned that Sir Zhao had been shot twice while chasing Cao Nan, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted until the end, and stopped breathing forever before reaching the hospital.

Because of him, everything changed.

gets worse.

Su Yi has an urge to put an end to all this! End all changes and consequences caused by yourself.

This impulse was like a fire, burning, burning, and erupting in his heart!

By now, he could no longer contain himself, and the blood all over his body was boiling!


The door opened, and Xiao Q ran in, panting and looking at Su Yi.

"Sir Lu has been dismissed!" Xiao Q said with a cry, "Everyone in the third group has been suspended pending investigation by the Internal Affairs Department!"

Su Yi was stunned for a long time and didn't even react.

"Pingzi, what should we do? Say something!" Xiao Q cried anxiously.

I'm just a walk-on, how do I know what to do?

Su Yi laughed to himself, opened his mouth, and said something casually to send Xiao Q away.

But as he spoke, the scene of the little boy being shot in the head came to mind again.

His ears seemed to recall the last words that Sir Zhao said to him before his death: "You can't let him go! No one can leave..."

Lu Mingzhe's eyes were red and he stared at him and said: "If I let a criminal go today, there may be an innocent person lying on the street tomorrow! As long as there is a chance, I don't care if that bastard is my friend or my boss." , it’s still my mom, I will never let them go until I catch them!”

"Pingzi, we have discussed it. We want to go together to ask for an explanation from the superiors. We work hard and make such great sacrifices. What do we get in the end? Suspension? How easy to put it! How can I pay the rent this month? I still have to pay the rent. I need to support my brother’s education... Aren’t the police human beings? Don’t we, the police officers, have no human rights..."

Xiao Q was still talking incoherently, but at a certain moment her eyes suddenly met Su Yi's, and she was startled.

Su Yi said to her word by word with red eyes: "I haven't lost yet!"

"Pingzi, you..."

Su Yi suddenly gave her a toothy smile, pulled Xiao Q over, hugged her hard, and then strode out under his dull eyes.

When Su Yi was about to reach the door, Xiao Q suddenly thought of something and hurriedly shouted: "Pingzi! I'm going to hand over the gun later!"

Hand over the gun?

Su Yi turned a deaf ear and strode out of the hospital. He didn't stop briefly until a performance notice came from the terminal, but in the end he still walked out decisively. .

"Hello, extra Su Yi. Here is the performance notice sent to you by the crew of "The Storm". Your participation in the third act of this crew has been confirmed. The notice is as follows:

1. Performance time: three days later.

2. Performance location: No. 32, 10th floor, Block B, abandoned residential building, No. 68 Xigong Street, Wan Chai.

3. Performance role: Current role, no change.

4. Performance mission: Participate in the arrest of Cao Nan’s criminal gang.

5. Purpose of performance: survive.

Special note: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to miss this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract and you will be responsible for the consequences. Unless there are temporary changes to the performance information, no further notice will be given.

Director No. 031"

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