The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 574: Concealing the truth

"Hello actor Su Yi, the performance task of the third act of the first unit is - martial arts competition.

Mission description: As a warrior, how can he hang out at the bottom of the city and die in a stable? If you are a hero, you should be able to defeat all the masters in the world with your martial arts skills! The journey of becoming a martial artist begins with playing in eight martial arts schools in Tianjin within three months! "

Su Yi's third performance task was assigned to him long after he took over the Baihe and Dinggu businesses.

The tasks on the death set are indeed more outrageous and perverted than the last.

When I first arrived on the set, my first task was to kill the three Wang brothers who were looking for trouble with 300 of their men; and the second task was to seize their territory from the Qing Gang, which had tens of thousands of gang members.

Now the third task is even more outrageous, to kick eight martial arts schools within three months!

The difficulty of this task does not lie in kicking the gym, but kicking the gym is the easiest.

The first difficulty is how Su Yi obtains the qualification to play in the gym; the second is the time limit. Can Su Yi develop enough kung fu to play in the gym within three months? The third one in the martial arts school will definitely try his best to prevent Su Yi from playing in eight martial arts schools.

Therefore, although Su Yi must eventually spread his "quick method", because his ultimate mission includes becoming a "martial arts legend" who can defeat the contemporary generation and be famous throughout the ages.

However, at this stage, Su Yi is far from thinking that far. He laid the bait so early and released the "quick fix" in order to use this thing as a tool to quickly open up the situation in Jinmen. Stand your ground, even arm yourself.

The more Zheng Shan Ao is interested in quick fixes, the more rare Su Yi is.

Therefore, he had long planned to use the "quick fix" as a bargaining chip to have a good talk with Zheng Shanao.

It's just that this matter has been missing an opportunity, and Su Yi can't be too proactive.

Now that Chen Shi is caught in the middle, he just has an excuse.

"Junior brother, if it doesn't work, let's leave Jinmen." Chen Shi said these words as he pondered.

"Senior brother, are you willing?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"So what if you don't give in?" Chen Shi said, "It's hard for a strong dragon to defeat a local snake."

"I am also a local snake." Su Yi said with a smile, "As a little snake like me and as strong as a dragon like you, the west wind may not be able to overwhelm the east wind. Besides, Jinmen is my home, and I have been killed before anything has happened. I can’t afford to lose this person when he is so scared that he leaves his hometown.”

"Okay, then let's fight them!" Chen Shi nodded, with a solemn expression and a sonorous tone.

"What do you think, senior brother?" Su Yi asked.

"I will tell Zheng Shanao that this quick method of yours was passed down from your Lighthouse master, but you know it but don't know why." Chen Shidao, "I will tell him that I have accepted you as my disciple, and I will slowly Tell him everything you know and tell him not to worry. But if you do this, you will have to call me master in front of outsiders."

"Then I will follow Zheng Shanao's words and recruit another disciple, and wait until he completes his studies to join the gym. After a while, junior brother, you can give him some specious things, and you can handle it."

Su Yi shook his head after hearing this.

Chen Shi took it for granted. In terms of playing tricks, none of the ten Chen Shi's combined could be a match for Zheng Shan Ao. It was a fantasy for him to fool Zheng Shan Ao just like that.

"Senior brother, do you think Zheng Shan Ao trusts you?" Su Yi asked.

Chen Shi was startled and said, "I will make him believe it."

"No, he won't believe you." Su Yi said, "This man has been at the top of the Jinmen martial arts for more than thirty years without falling. If he had trusted others so easily, he would not be alive today."

"He took a fancy to my abilities and asked you to come. In fact, he didn't expect you to get it. He couldn't figure out who was standing behind me, so he asked you to test me." Su Yi said, "You are an outsider. , you are in Jinmen, it has nothing to do with you. If something happens to you during the test, it has nothing to do with him, Zheng Shanao. "

Chen Shi said thoughtfully, "Do you think I can find out your details so easily, but he doesn't believe me?"

"It doesn't matter whether he believes it or not. What's important is that if you tell him that I have become your teacher, what do you think he will think?" Su Yi asked.

Chen Shi was speechless.

Su Yi explained: "First, he will think that I can take you as a master from a boxer who comes from the south and has no roots. That means that I have no background. At least I have never seen the world. He tried to My goal has basically been achieved. Secondly, he will suspect that you are also coveting my abilities and that you are using me as a bargaining chip to ask him for a place in the martial arts gym. Once he really thinks so, he may I’ll play dirty with you.”

Chen Shi's face was complicated: "Are all people in Jinmen so dirty?"

"The world is turbid, who can really have a pure heart?" Su Yi smiled faintly, "Anyway, senior brother, your method is not effective and will only make the two of us more passive."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Chen Shi asked.

"Eight words!" Su Yi made a gesture, "You can hide the truth through false pretenses!"

Chen Shi said: "Stop beating around the bush, I don't understand."

Su Yi said: "Senior brother is not a scheming person, so naturally he doesn't understand these devious tricks. This is a good thing."

Then the conversation changed and he said: "The so-called excuse is that now we have to follow his wishes, give him some sweetness, tease him, deal with him, and then secretly handle our own affairs."

Su Yi further explained: "To deal with an old gangster like Zheng Shan'ao, we must have nine truths and one lie, not nine lies and one truth. Senior brother, you might as well tell him when you see him again, just say that we haven't spoken a word, I I can see that you are here to test me, and you even guessed at him."

Chen Shi looked at Su Yi faintly: "Junior brother, you call me so stupid, do you think he will believe it?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded affirmatively.

"..." Chen Shi took a deep breath.

"Just tell him that, you said that I still want to see him and talk to him face to face." Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, and continued, "The matter of me entering Wing Chun is kept secret for the time being. Don't let him know. "

"Brother, please don't worry about how I talk to him. In short, I will hold him back for the time being." Su Yi said, "As for you, Zheng Shanao has left two roads for you. If this road is blocked, you have no choice but to go. The other one is to teach the disciples how to play in the gym."

"You told me before that Zheng Shanao would introduce a disciple to you. No matter how good this person is, he should be accepted as a registered disciple first. Remember, don't teach him truth."

"If you don't teach the truth?" Chen Shi frowned again, "If you don't teach the truth, how can he play in the gym?"

"You don't need him to kick the ball, he is just a tool to deal with Zheng Shanao." Su Yi said calmly.

He looked at Chen Shi: "What's more, senior brother, this apprentice was introduced by Zheng Shan'ao. Do you really trust him to put the future of the sect on him?"

"Do you think Zheng Shanao will send someone to steal his master?" Chen Shi raised his eyebrows, his eyes bursting with sharp light, "He can't, and he doesn't dare! If word spreads, his reputation for life will be completely ruined!"

Su Yi looked at Chen Shi calmly: "Such a thing has really happened. You are just a lost dog who failed to compete in the gym and had to leave Jinmen in despair. However, he is a top martial artist in Jinmen. Who do you think you said? Do you believe it? I am a highly respected senior figure in the Bagua sect, but you are just a descendant of an unknown small boxing style in the south. Which of your voices has more weight?"

Chen Shi frowned, as if he still refused to believe it.

But the possibility that Su Yi was talking about existed after all, and it was so important that he had to be cautious and give up his original idea.

In fact, in the original plot, Zheng Shanao was really suspected of wanting to steal his master.

First of all, when he saw Chen Shi perform Wing Chun Kung Fu for the first time, he was so shocked that he frankly said to Chen Shi, "You shocked me."

This shows that he saw the value of Wing Chun.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Shanao proposed to let Chen Shi teach Zhen. Only he knows whether his request is public or private, but it is enough to show that he is very optimistic about Wing Chun.

At this time, Chen Shi had two choices, one was to agree, the other was to refuse.

Let’s deduce Chen Shi agrees with Jiao Zhen, what will happen?

In the beginning, Zheng Shanao would definitely support Chen Shi, and would even bear the pressure for him and block open and covert attacks for him.

However, it is difficult for an individual's power to match the power of a class, and Chen Shi's failure is doomed in the end.

Chen Shi would leave Jinmen sadly, or simply die in Jinmen.

But the real things he taught will be absorbed and retained by Jinmen Martial Arts, especially Zheng Shanao, who will master more of the secrets of Wing Chun.

Therefore, although Zheng Shanao's goal has not been completely achieved, at least a large part of it has been achieved, and his reputation will become even louder because of it. After the whole thing was over, the one who gained the most was Zheng Shanao.

Fortunately, Chen Shi was not stupid. He was self-aware and knew that he could not handle such a big thing, so he refused.

This rejection should have been expected by Zheng Shanao, so when Chen Shi proposed that he wanted to play in the gym according to the old rules, he was not surprised. He just briefly talked about how to play in the gym, and took the opportunity to propose , to help Chen Shi find apprentice candidates.

Chen Shi couldn't refuse, because he didn't know anyone in Jinmen except Zheng Shan'ao. Without Zheng Shan'ao, where would he find a suitable disciple?

He could only rely on Zheng Shanao.

At this point, in fact, it is still difficult to tell whether Zheng Shanao is loyal or traitorous.

In the original plot, Chen Shi settled down and began to teach the apprentice Zheng Shanao found for him. Later, he discovered the rough jade Geng Liangchen, so he chose Geng Liangchen, who had better qualifications, and told Zheng Shanao that he wanted to return it.

At this time, the fox tail of Zheng Shanao in the original plot was finally exposed.

Chen Shi said he wanted to return the goods, what was Zheng Shanao's reaction?

He came in person and asked Chen Shi why he was like this?

Seeing that Chen Shi didn't let up at all, he told Chen Shi that according to the rules of Jinmen Martial Arts, if Chen Shi's apprentice had the ability to kick seven martial arts schools in a row, the Jinmen Martial Arts Association would jointly invite a master to defeat Chen Shi. disciple, and expelled him from Jinmen, never allowing him to come back.

However, Jinmen Martial Arts recognized the record of playing in eight martial arts schools and agreed that this person's master would stay and open a gym.

"The person I'm looking for will recognize him even if he never returns to Jinmen. Why would he harm others?" Zheng Shanao said to Chen Shi.

It was also at this time that Chen Shi found out that his apprentice was actually the son of Butler Zheng Shanao.

After all, he was not stupid. At this time, he finally knew how to be vigilant, so he replied: "Fortunately, he is a villain. It would not be a pity to destroy him."

He said this not only because Geng Liangchen in the original plot coveted his wife's beauty, which did not leave a good impression on him; but also to completely reject Zheng Shan'ao and make Zheng Shan'ao give up.

Zheng Shanao's plan to get Chen Shi to give up changing apprentices failed.

If he gave up, nothing would happen, but his next move, which made him arrange for the housekeeper's son to be Chen Shi's apprentice, became very suspicious.

He simply had a showdown with Chen Shi. He said: "When it comes time to join the eighth martial arts gym, the master I will jointly invite will be me. I am old and want to win one more time before I retire. My reputation will be complete in this life." . This is my last battle, there can’t be any surprises! Whatever your apprentice can do, I can do it!"

Then he simply knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Shi: "Today, I call you Master."

This is tantamount to forcing Chen Shi to teach him Wing Chun!

He is a dignified senior of the Bagua Sect and the top martial artist in Jinmen. He is seventy and eighty years old. He kneels down and kowtows to Chen Shi and calls him master. If Chen Shi refuses, it will be regarded as a deadly feud. Zheng Shanao will never let Chen Shi. Go out the door!

By this time, Zheng Shanao's love for Sima Zhao was obvious. He did so many things, maybe he really wanted to leave a true legacy for the martial arts, and he also had the idea of ​​​​helping Chen Shi, but the most important thing is that he wanted to learn The real skill of Wing Chun!

Just imagine, now it was Zheng Shanao who went out of his way to kneel down to Chen Shi to ask for his skills after the housekeeper's son's apprentice was returned by Chen Shi.

So what if the housekeeper’s son has never been returned?

Will this result happen -

Chen Shi taught his apprentice carefully, and as expected, the apprentice kicked seven houses in a row. When he got to the eighth house, Zheng Shanao stood up. The housekeeper's son had already taught Zheng Shan'ao all the skills he learned from Chen Shi. With Zheng Shan'ao's martial arts attainments, he was naturally more proficient than the housekeeper's son. He can do everything the housekeeper's son can do, and he can practice better, but the housekeeper's son can't, so even if the housekeeper's son really fights, he will definitely lose.

Zheng Shan Ao stopped the housekeeper's son who kicked seven martial arts schools in a row. Wing Chun became famous and was able to gain a foothold in Jinmen. Zheng Shan Ao retired with a perfect reputation. He also received the Wing Chun inheritance and gained both fame and fortune.

It was because of thinking about this clearly that Su Yi felt that Chen Shi had been eaten up by Zheng Shanao from the beginning to the end.

Chen Shi even felt that Zheng Shanao was a good person in the end.

Therefore, Su Yi concluded that Chen Shi was no better than Zheng Shanao in terms of playing tricks.

"Senior brother, in short, you can pretend to teach this apprentice introduced by Zheng Shanao attentively, but don't teach him real kung fu." Su Yi continued, "Whether this apprentice is good or bad, you can tell after a long time."

"What about playing in the gym?" Chen Shi said in a deep voice.

"This is what I call concealing the truth." Su Yi said calmly, "In our Wing Chun sect, the one who really kicks it will be me!"


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