The Reseeding Investment Specialist

Chapter 41 Recommended Computer

10,000 yuan for Ye Tian, ​​I can't see my eyes. He called this phone is to guarantee Song Jian's property safety, don't go, for many years, it has been in the dark.

"Song brother, this business, when you do, call me, I will help you put it."

"Ye Tian, ​​can you help me? Just your level, or old, I'm old, I have to make a hard money!"

Ye Tian was in a hurry, Song Jian is his friend, and it is Song Xiaojuan's brother. He didn't want to watch, the other party fell into the circle, and finally was deceived.

The phone hits half, Song Jian is impatient: "Okay, I have a number, 10,000 mining machines, at least 3 million!"

End the call, Ye Tian is depressed.

"Tian Ge, this matter, don't worry, my brother has a number, he started from the 1st mining machine, until today, this experience is still there? We are still old and old, optimistic about counter, multi-pack The desktop, now the students are particularly good, as long as they give the quotation, they barely cut the price. "

"Xiao Juan, can't pit students, their money is the hard-earned money of parents, we are in accordance with market fair quotes, they are handed over to them, they are all the flowers of the motherland, and they love them are our responsibility."

Song Xiaojuan laughed, the tofu brain in his mouth came out: "Tian Ge, when we go to college, it is also the flowers of the motherland, but you think, you can't find a job after graduation, who cares, who loves the flower, who loves us ? "

Two people laughed, college students graduated, unemployment has become a normal state, so many companies in society, or not to recruit college students, either recruit college students, even their dogs, do not give salary, pure is scammers.

The computer city opened the door, Ye Tian found a reason, let Song Xiaojuan pass first, standing at the door, waiting for Xia Dream.

His behavior is a bit stupid, because Xia Dream is impossible to come to computer city in the nearly nine o'clock, or he should call Xia Dream directly, say that he is waiting at the door, let her come early.

In love, he is very stupid, always thinking, this kind of waiting is part of happiness.

At eleven in the morning, Xia Meng came, there is no exception, and he is with Guo Jun.

Xia Dream is wearing a white dress, with a gold belt in the waist, and the long hair is tied into a double horsetail, and it is hanging on the shoulder.

She is so beautiful, I am here, I am like a fairy to go to everything, extraordinary, so many people outside, all the eyes of brushing to her, pay attention to her, is equal to 100% return rate.

She holds a small hand in her hand, and the tip of the tip of the nose has bleed fine sweat.

Seeing Ye Tian, ​​Xia Meng's pair of dark eyes, immediately revealing the smile: "Ye Tian, ​​are you waiting for me here? I just gave birth to Guo Jun, he did not believe!"

Guo Jun took the eyes and looked at Ye Tian: "It is too stupid, what are you waiting for? Take a phone call, we will come back, you can't pick it up?"

Ye Tian accompanied his smile, quickly went to the cold drink shop next to, took three bottles of ice-like snow, and he helped the summer to unite a bottle.

"For so many years, I was still in the computer city. I used to feel particularly mystery here. I didn't expect that you can rent a counter here, officially open a computer store. This time I bought a computer, I will give it to you. , Light is waiting for payment - no, it is my dad to pay, and I don't have to do it. "

Guo Jun took the chest guarantee: "Don't worry about the money, I will come out this money, congratulate you to postgrade! Ye Tian, ​​you are responsible for the computer, I am responsible for paying money, rest assured, no matter how expensive computer, I immediately Just swipe! "

Looking at Guo Jun's look, Ye Tian sighed, a laptop, even if it is expensive, but also 10,000 yuan, it is not worthy of Guo Jun to put such a big style.

Looking at the summer dream, Ye Tian felt that his heart was like a small iron nail, attracted by the huge magnet of Xia Meng.

He clearly saw that what you should do can catch up with summer dreams, it is definitely not like Guo Jun, and it will be done throughout the day.

"I am fortunate to have you helped, I called the aunt, aunt especially enthusiastic, directly arranged the leadership of the department, all the things were going well. My relatives me, thank you, thank you, I don't know if there is any opportunity?"

Now, Ye Tian is particularly good at communicating, this paragraph is just right.

"Don't thank you, everyone is a classmate, is my mother help? I told him when I called, and we are good friends, let him try to help."

"Ye Tian, ​​someone in your home is hospitalized?" Guo Jun Yang is proud, as if this is also a laughter.

Ye Tian shakes his head: "No, it is my aunt's past disease, all is a small problem, just eat some medicine."

"You, you, this little thing, it is also worth alarmed by her mother, I will help you find someone? No matter which department, as long as you can make a name, I will call you."

In short, in front of summer dreams, Guo Jun is bombing, and there is no guilty in the world.

Three people entered the computer city, first go to Ye Tian's own counter.

Song Xiaojuan saw that Xia Me suddenly shocked, and it was 45 times up and down, and she still did not return to God.

"This is Song Xiaojuan, my partner. This is a summer dream, my classmates, this is Guo Jun, Fu II."

Ye Tian's introduction is just right, Guo Jun immediately fell into the second generation of shelves, looked at the laptop quotation list on the counter, pointed to the most expensive paragraph: "I want this, Dell's most expensive one Can you give a discount? "

Song Xiaojuan's eyes have been staring on the summer dreams, and it can't be found. If Guo Jun's words are ignorant.

"Xiao Juan, take a few bottles of water, let me take a while to sit here for a while."

Ye Tian knew how Song Xiajuan thinks, many people see the first eyes of Xia Meng, will have this expression. When he believed, Ya Da Yong and Liu Ping met Xia Meng also.

Song Xiaojuan woke up, and ran to the cold drink shop to take the drink.

"Is it stupid? How did you suddenly talk? Is it hurting such a handsome rich second generation, a bit shocked?"

Guo Jun was dying everywhere, and did not consider what others think. As a rich second generation, he certainly didn't have to think so, as long as he knew that he had money enough.

"Xia Dream, what color do you like? Is the Apple or a normal computer?"

"Ye Tian, ​​I don't understand this, you can help me recommend it, the computer is mainly used to typing, the computer sent to me is old, fan squeezing, influential thinking."

"Then I will recommend you to buy an apple machine. I have seen a lot of prescriptions before. They all like to write with Apple, and they say that Apple is easy to bring inspiration to writers."

"That's okay, follow you said, Apple."

Ye Tian took out another quote from the counter, put in front of Guo Jun.

Guo Jun didn't look at it: "It is the most expensive, only buy expensive, not the right!"

"The most expensive 56000."

Guo Jun was shocked: "What does it mean? How is it so expensive laptop? You are a traitor, is it a pit?"

Ye Tian did not speak, pointed to the quotation.

The quotation is of course not wrong. If this price is converted into internal to get the goods, it can only be reduced by 5%.

Apple machine is expensive, this is a faith problem, as for it, how much it is worth, no one knows.

This price is unexpected to Guo Jun, should have exceeded his budget.

He carefully looked at the offer, the most expensive 56000, the cheapest also 31000.

"Ye Tian, ​​Apple Computer is too expensive, can you recommend one other?"

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