The Reseeding Investment Specialist

Chapter 517 Zhou Yue Guide Water Source

In the early morning, Ye Tian saw Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue is very embarrassed: "Too much drinking yesterday, even if you are in front of your friends!"

She is really good to explain, regardless of her face problem, but care about Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled and talked about the idea of ​​buying a car yesterday: "You are the overall consultant of our Wolong Mountain, which provides a car, see if you need?"

Zhou Yue is refused: "It's still a matter. I am now a general employee of the Animal Husbandry, even if they drive, they can only drive the hatchback cars within 100,000 yuan, and it is impossible to shook the city. I am coming to Wolong Mountain, let Zhu Yaoyang It's enough to drive to pick me up, as long as you get here, I will not leave, I can't use the car at all. "

Zhou Yue do things, there is your own principle, don't help her to think about Ye Tian.

Two people run together on the mountain road. Although there is very little conversation, it is the heart.

Wait until the Chaoyang rose, two people just ran to the top of the mountain. Looking at the beautiful scenery, people feel happy, the god is refreshed!

"Should be contracted by the Tiger Ridge and Fengming Mountain, let them become the continuation of Wolong Mountain, increase the space of Temple. Although the two mountains are bare, there is no resource, as long as the Wolong Mountain's spirits, they can also Live. "Zhou Yue pointed to the Tiger Ridge, the eyes are far, full of hope.

"Then I propose to Huang Zhou, put two ridiculous hills and believe that he is willing to see this result."

"Secretary, we must learn to take the initiative to attack, think of a project immediately arranged. I listened to Teacher Zhu, the development plan of the cemetery, first put two wild mountains, and planned the cemetery. At the same time, the road is based on Wolong Mountain, repair the road Four pass eight reached. "

Any plan can be implemented quickly without considering profit.

According to Vietnamese ideas, we must expand the scale of Wolong Mountain, in order to be high and low in the world, the mountain area is also an important assessment target.

What's more, the two ridiculous mountains are complex, and they can make other items.

In short, in Jinling, Wolong Mountain must be unique, do things unexpected, fill all gaps.

In this way, Impact 5A Scenic Spots is available.

"Secretary, only you believe me, other people have a plan, still doubt?"

"Of course, Wang Ning has already made a renovation plan of Wollong Temple, fully follow your requirements, set up gossip graphics around Wollong Temple."

Zhou Xue sighed: "These people are still rigid. Although I want to be gossip graphics, I want to make a longer, the scenery around the Wolong Temple live, Fengshui Turns, Chuanxuan is endless. Wang Ning wants this, he is in school The theory of learning, distance from my requirements, or a gap. "

Ye Tian was inspired. Of course he can rely entirely on the week, but the wisdom of others must be played.

Wang Ning made a picture photo, just in his mobile phone, he took out to the weekly review.

Zhou Yue only gave a seventy points: "Wang Ning can't think of it, since it is gossip graphic, be sure to introduce water, and it is live water."

About this, almost hard to achieve in Wollong Mountain, when Feng Ming Village's spring eyes, Ye Tian also full of hope for the Wollong Mountain, but wait for it, still did not wait until the spring eyes, it is too difficult. .

"Well -" Two people think of this at the same time.

Since the place where the spring is hit, it is very big to play live water, so it is good.

Ye Tian lightly patted his forehead: "Some, my thoughts are really rigid, and I have been waiting for the spring eye to take it up. But I forgot to take the initiative to attack, I usually criticize them, my thoughts are not radical, and I am also the same. "

His self-criticism, more and more smile: "No one thinks, we can do this, after all, I have seen it on the mountain, many people think this is a water source, I have solved the problem of eating, I don't think so. many."

Tap water is sent through the water pump, which is basically satisfied with the problem of eating water.

In the near mountain, there is no need for water.

According to Vietnue requirements, the Wolong Temple is in the middle of the mountains, and it must be able to get live water, let the renovation of the Wolong Temple to enter higher grade.

Of course, they both thought of this thing, even if they were still difficult.

"Students, it is rare to support me, I must do my best, don't do it!"

Two people change the direction and ran to the side of the Wolong Temple Spring.

The sand on the ground is still like the past, slightly moist, but there is no spring water.

This kind of mountain terrain, to make the spring eyes sprinkled, very rare.

"Secretary, after the rules, after the summer rainstorm, the mountain gathered too much rain, and it could form a spring-eyed hair, except for seven, eight, nine three months, other nine months in other nine months. We can only come from here. Lowering, even if you spend flat, you should play the live water, let the entire Wolong Temple, become the unique gossip of the country, so that it has super-aura. "

Looking at the side of the week, Ye Tian is getting more and more, the other's ideas beyond the ordinary people too much.

Her beauty is both the appearance, but also inner.

There is so many girls around him, there is no one, and it can be compared with the week.

Zhou Yue turned back, smiling, face Ye Tian: "Dear, what are you watching?"

"You are really - God to help Wolong Mountain's noble people!" Ye Tian sighs.

Zhou Yue shook his head: "The senior is not helping Wolong Mountain, but helps you. For so many years, I am tired of many things, you suddenly ignite the enthusiasm of I doing things!"

Ye Tian felt that Zhou Yue's statement has not been happy, but said some surface articles.

"Some, do you have a higher expectation on Wolong Temple?"

"Of course, I have said before, I have to build our Wolong Temple into the country's most aura business model, like Jiuhuashan, Putuo Mountain, the world thinks to burn incense, you can think of our Wolong Temple. Anything, hesitating, come here, burn a fragrant, silently praying can get the enlightenment in the meditation, if you can reach this, the Wolong Temple is ready to stay. "

Ye Tianqing can't help but extend the thumb to Zhou, although I know this purpose is hard to achieve, but Zhou Yue, this idea, it is to take the momentum of the country's commercial tycoon.

"Zhou Yue, your ambition is too big, the Wolong Temple reaches the extent you said, the whole Wolong Mountain will become a national first-class mountain."

"That is my goal. But I tell you, the senior, this goal can be reached in three years, when the Wolong Mountain will show in the country."

In the past, Ye Tian read many examples of business schools, and went to the old summary of training, I hope to find a belief in my heart, when I have a business big event, I can ask for a place to ask.

People are guard against each other, their business secrets do not want to tell others.

A lot of commercial tycons, in the home, every day, every 15th will go to the famous mountain to burn incense, is hope that the Buddha will give them some real enlightenment, pointed to the confassination, crossing the crisis.

If the Wolong Temple can reach the level of the pronucleosis, one pass ten, ten pass hundred, alarm the national commercial tycoon, then it will take all the way, no longer fall.

When I think of the future scene, Ye Tian is more admired.

Things that others can't think of, in the week, there is a bunch of bamboo, and it is a clear two.

"I will make people today, Wang Ning's design map, do you need to add it?"

With the water well here, the introduction of live water, this design is able to play eighty, if Wang Ning will improve it, add the green factor, then basically perfect.

Zhou Yue has never forgotten green, it is better to see it in the air of aerial photography, so as not to reveal the wilderness, the land is naked, it is too ugly.

Ye Tian grabbed two wet sands, worked hard, and droplets leak out from the fingers.

He thinks that he has a lot of success from here.

"Secretary, we can always think together in two things, yesterday, I went to the mountain, I knew that the lack of water is lacking on the mountain, I can't ignore this, I didn't expect you to think about today."

She also grabbed a sand, very certain: "From here, it will be able to travel. Bags map pay attention to 'rest, hurt, life, Du, Jing, death, shock, open the' eight-door array, one of them Life, several dead doors, I will adjust Wang Ning's plan, and open a living gate here. "

One mentioned that these five seals said that Zhou Yue showed a deep thinking.

It turned out that she also studied these metaphysics and was completely different from ordinary girls.

"Zhou Yue, your gaze is too sharp, others come back and return so many times, no one thinks that it is necessary to take a smooth, even Zhu teacher is just saying, to the Wolong Mountain, it is full of satisfaction. "

Zhou Tue smiled and shook his head: "If you want to make a Bao Mountain, the ordinary practice is completely insufficient, you must introduce new, reaching the extent to which you have not completed, there is a well-in-water well, the aura of the entire Wolong Mountain will come. I have visited many mountains, Those places do not have the conditions of living water, so even if they have aura, they are always half dead. "

Ye Tian knows that many hills in the country have been developed, all in order to make profits, and hang the earnings at the first point. Those people, and put some attractions to the southern professional staff. In order to take some incense money, the pit is abducted, and it is not worth it, so that the tourists are suffering, so much negative comments online is this.

Ye Tian is plated, putting the sand aside and forms a two-foot deep puddle on the ground.

Two people have been waiting for ten minutes, and the bottom of the puddle has a very light little water droplets, about only half a tea cup.

Zhou Yue is very happy: "The senior, it will be able to do."

"Well, today I sent people to arrange a well."

Two people walked to the Wolong Temple and respectively.

Mr. Wolong will be uncomfortable, if the merchant's boss can be like him, don't say it is a lifetime, just for 20 years, it is enough to be from business career.

Ye Tian Mo's prayer: "Mr. Wolong bless, each of us can think of it, peace and peace, work hard, and cultivate the fruit."

He doesn't just pray for yourself, and it is for your own friends, this is his distinctive feelings, always makes all people, put it first.

Zhou Yue opened Wang Ning's design, walked around the Wolong Temple, nodded. It seems that in addition to the loose water, Zhou Yue is completely satisfied with Wang Ning's design.

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