The Reseeding Investment Specialist

Chapter 522 Heart Drop Root Carvine

Ye Tian is in another room, through signal transmission, observing the two brothers.

He did not propose his own subject matter. After all, the other party is also a master character, and he has had his own consideration.

Zhou Yue sat next to him and kept staring at the face of Milan on the screen.

"Secretary, I know, Milan is your director of your film and television company. I believe that she can make an insight for Wolong Mountain. The first Wolongshan aerial photography we saw, and such talents are not much."

Ye Tian did not praise the Milan in front of anyone. Milan is good or bad, self-organized, do not need someone to exaggerate its words.

He even felt that Milan will grow as a big director of the art film like Zhang Yimou, all of which have a great feelings, and the spirit of China. Therefore, he has decided that the spare no effort to invest in the film and television company, must make it, highlight Chinese great spiritual film and television works.

In the interview, Milan showed a very high illustrative skills, and finally induced two brothers, saying their own root carving concept: "We see one-half of the tree roots, including a few shapes, ugly, It is like a devastos, so we are more favored themes is 'Hell evil ghosts', add a lot of philosophical colors, let this root carving show a strong Chinese cultural atmosphere, more competitive internationally. "

Guo Liang said: "Initially, we only made a preliminary judgment based on the picture on the Internet, named the two dragon play beads, the subject is too too too abuse. Now we want to introduce new, let these naturally generated images, Full presented in front of root carving players, this requires a full imagination. We excited last night, and he didn't fall asleep in a minute. He has been looking for the theme of the prison evil. "

Ye Tian found that the world is a big event, the heroes will be slightly, and finally the same is true, they think, the two brothers also thought.

In fact, most people's wisdom is similar, located on the same running line, want to be higher than the low, then look at the degree of personal diligence, and whether the chance is coincidental.

Guo Jia's two brothers envissed the hell evil spirits, which has already moved towards the dark road, not as imagined by Ye Tian, ​​breaking through the evil spirits, more positive and active.

This is the problem of benevolence, the wisdom of the wise, and a person is bright, and everything will show light. If there is a devastos in your heart, any work will be a hundred ghosts.

This makes him feel uneasy, if two root-carved art masters, and imagine the theme of the jail ghost, it is absolutely not a good sign.

Milan asked: "The value of a root carving artwork depends on its artistic charm, or the price is high? You can't say a few words for this?"

Guo Ming immediately replied: "A piece of art will first lead. Its price is directly reflected, the world's buyers' love level. True to the connotation of art, that is, millions of people, thousands of people, The topic of billionaires discussed. If it is generally, I think it is good artwork. Especially the root carving is very easy to trigger the imagination of people's imagination, maybe in an instant, you can hit people. Fragile. "

Milan added: "Is it the subject of hell's ghost, can you hit the pain in the hearts?"

The two brothers laughed together: "Maybe, we have studied a lot of such the themes, but there is no good material, showing a strong sense of people, there is no terrorist feeling of hell. It is like a horror movie, there is no terror, How to call it a horror movie? We have been exploring the theme of the prison ghost, this life must create a rooted artwork for the world. This time I gave us the opportunity, we will definitely catch. "

This interview lasted for an hour and a half, under the clever guidance of Milan, Guo Jia two brothers knows that there is no words, and there is no endless, forming an hour and a half hours, without any junk time.

Ye Tian and Zhou sat together, completely watching the entire interview process.

Today's excavation task is given to Zhu Zhenhai and Zhu Yaoyang, they can be safe.

"Secretary, these two Henan people, it is the master character, but their inner, I am afraid some distortions. For this society, it is too dark."

Ye Tian observed the body characteristics of the two people. Guo Ming's right hand finger finger the half cut, the broken mouth is neat, it should be cut off by the knife, and Guo Liang has a three-inch long knife on the neck, from the clavicle to the right shoulder, It is like being cut a knife, and later he healed.

"Zhou Yue, if a person experiences a long poverty, his psychology is twisted, this is 100%. There are very few people like you, the clothes, food, food, so happy, but now, to life Lost the ability to perceive happiness. "

Zhou Yue is smirk, knowing that Ye Tian looked through her inner, without any arbitrarily.

After the interview, the two Henan people went to North slope and personally supervised the root of the roots.

Milan integrates with Ye Tian, ​​exchanges the experience just now.

Three people have agreed, and the psychology of Guo Jia's two brothers has some small problems.

Of course, the artists are mad, just like famous Van Gogh and Picasso, their inner crazy performance can produce the strength of others.

Today, Guo Jia's two brothers are also the same, they show their inner anger and darkness, engraving the subject of prison evil, must produce shocking power.

The hell ghost has changed from religious themes, and many cities around the world have emerged.

Today, the darkness of the darkness has gradually emerged, and this "evil ghost, hell, purgatory, into the magic" theme has become a new favorite of young people.

If Guo Jia is two brothers, sculpting a good tree root as such themes, the award is of course great, but what contribution to the country and society?

"Students, Japan and South Korea are quite welcome, the price is high. I remember that there was a rooted work last year and the previous year, and the price of 40 million dollars was taken at the auction, and it was 2.4 billion. If Guo Jia's two brothers are really like they say, they have some of the money to create such works. Now they buy this part of the tree root, it is simply nine bull. "

They play back in the living room, just the interview records, Guo Jia two brothers talk about the future of the root carving, the two eyes are full of inexplicable hatred.

Only those who have lived, there will be that sharp eyes. Also, they never have to lose, they will give them persecution, they will double the counterattack.

"Ye Tian, ​​we leave this precious information, for future root carving markets are a wealth, today I brought the machine is the most advanced HD product, just shoot, the arranged light is quite enough, this One type of information, it is not a problem directly to the documentary. "

Talking about the shooting, Milan is a hipster, and the problems that Ye Tian need it have been considering, and Ye Tian has a whit megadownload.

"Of course we can shoot a documentary, start collecting information from now on, you can take a finished product in one or two months."

Ye Tian puts forward his ideas, and I didn't expect Zhou Yue, "" This matter is impossible to bring profit, China has not missing documentary, especially these general descriptions. "

In front of Milan, Zhou Yue does not give Ye Tian face, and he deny his words on the spot.

Milan is somewhat not to serve: "What kind of film is needed now? China has a type of documentary on the tip of the tongue, is it not popular?"

"Milan, you remember, we are now developing Wolong Mountains, anything that has nothing to do with this can be thrown one side. If you take a documentary, waste everyone's thoughts, it is equal to dragging the rhythm of Wolong Mountain, this Responsibility is not affordable. You only take responsibility for interview, record customers who purchase tree roots, it is enough! "

Ye Tianzi is in the middle of two girls, thinking about it, and knowing the circumstances is right.

In a period of time, it is necessary to seize the focus. Today, the root is the focus. It is just a secondary problem, even uncomfortable things.

Zhou Yue and Milan seem to have some obstacle, from Zhou Yue to Milan's attitude, this is the natural symmetry exclusion between girls, and Ye Tian understands what happened.

"Well, let's do a faithful record, there is a problem."

Milan is a large number of large numbers, and it is not in the vast attitude. In front of Ye Tian, ​​she always keeps her own beautiful image, so that Ye Tian is very relieved.

About Guo Jia two brothers, three people's hearts are a little worried.

After all, these two people mentioned the creativity of the hell ghosts, it is really uncomfortable.

All root sculptures in the world, the subject choice all the sun, few people deliberately pursue these dark things.

At least in the country, the native of root carving art does not advocate this way.

"Secretary, we can investigate the historical background of these two people, if there is a big problem, you can tear an agreement and resend it to others."

The actual Ye Tian understood that Zhou Xue is because the Bodhi tree root is too perfect, not willing to sell.

Ye Tian immediately called Han Bing, let her call from the four brothers of Guo Jia in the flower name.

The fact is like Ye Tian expects, the two people have received unfair treatment, the scars left by the body are the witness of the dark years.

Finally, the two of the two people are unresolved with the help of the people, fortunately, but they have cultivated the roots of hatred.

Han Bing sent the photos of their past works, one third of them, all dark themes.

Of course, this kind of work is deeply appreciated by foreign players. They have eleven works, which are purchased at high prices in Japan, becoming the background board on the Tokyo game show, one is the hell ghost.

Seeing those photos, Zhou Xue shook his head and sighed: "I know that the other side is in the next, I will not cooperate with them!"

In addition to this history, two people are now respecting the law-abiding citizens, without other criminal acts.

"I can find them to talk, let them give up the original topic. In addition, I have a suggestion that I can make two dragon play beads, the dragon breaks through the bondage of the hell, one flying, can bring humanity Positive significance. "

Zhou Yue nodded: "Yes, the faucet in the top of the root is very obvious, the roots must be carved into evil spirits, the evil opposite, one is dark, let the work more tension can be a generation of boutique."

Although Milan does not understand the art of root sculpture, she is a director who is familiar with some artistic ideas. She raised a lot of Japanese films as an example, although there were dark subjects, but their ends were going to light.

If Guo Jia two brothers use this idea, go to create root sculptures, they must be able to get rid of the soul, get new students.

Must forget those hatred, one can truly go out of dark memory.

The interview information of the computer is constantly playing in the computer, and Ye Tian is deeply familiar, it is convinced that he has a reason, persuading Guo Jia two brothers, got up the North slope.

He didn't deliberately asked the week to follow the past, and he was afraid that the week is distressed, the root of the tree, got up with the other.

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