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The patriarch shook off his wife and said, "Ken Kun, father and son, both fell down. There is no idea when the family is in trouble. Ken Kun and I are still married. Don’t go and see if it’s inappropriate. Take care of your children. Men, don't let them go out and run into the nobles in the city."

The patriarch opened the door and walked towards Luna's house regardless of the obstruction of the wife. The horses had stopped in front of Luna's bamboo basket.

When Gu Ye was hugged by her husband, she beat her waist and secretly rubbed her sore butt. When I was in Qingshan Village, I used to walk out of the mountain road on two legs for two days, and now I feel tired riding a horse! Sure enough, it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality!

Luna's mother-in-law walked out of the bamboo building when she heard the movement. Seeing Luna, she rushed up a few steps, hugged her daughter and cried: "You kid, why did you leave the village without saying a word? Your father and brother are already like this, what if you have something else? How does A Niang live?"

Luna opened her sparkling eyes and said to A-niang: "Ama, I went to the capital to invite a doctor to Abba and Brother! I have met kind people who are willing to help Abba and Brother treat their illness."

"Your father and brother are miasma. The witch doctor and nearby doctors said they were not saved! Besides, where did you get the money from the doctor?" Luna's mother-in-law glanced at the few people behind her daughter , No one is like a doctor. Mainly because they are too young, and there are two women.

Say it's a liar, right? Look at the clothes and jewelry on them, and the tall horses. Anyone looks richer than their family. What can you lie to them?

Luna lowered her head, looked at her toes, and whispered: "I sold the silver hat, silver hairpin... those, and exchanged money to save the lives of Abba and Brother."

"Naughty! After buying silver jewelry, are you still married?" Luna Aniang anxiously looked at her daughter's hand and snatched the burden from her hand. It wasn't until I saw the silver jewellery intact that I breathed a sigh of relief.

Luna stubbornly raised her head and looked into A-niang's eyes and said, "As long as I can save the lives of A-Ba and Brother-in-law, I will never marry forever!"

"But... there are so many people who have been infected with the miasma, and I have never heard of someone who can be saved! By then, people have not been saved, and you have delayed your marriage. You deliberately let your Abba and Brother leave. An stable, isn't it?" Luna Aniang began to cry again.

The patriarch looked at it for a while, and saw that it is not a problem to hang the guests, and said hurriedly: "Luna, these distinguished guests are..."

"Oh! Patriarch uncle, this is the little genius doctor I invited. She is willing to treat my father and brother." Luna walked to Gu Ye and smiled shyly at her.

Little doctor? Didn't Luna meet a liar? How can there be such a young genius doctor or a female baby? However, what is there to deceive about Luna?

Seeing the unbelieving face of the patriarch's uncle, Luna was afraid that what he said would annoy the little doctor, and hurriedly said: "This is the princess! The little doctor was invited by the princess from Yan Country, and she cured the prince. Illness. The little genius doctor has a kind heart, and he ran so far to see my father and the others."

When the patriarch heard that the older woman turned out to be her Royal Highness. Jiang Xin will salute Princess Linlang suspiciously, and from time to time look at her from the corner of her eyes--should... no one will come to their tribe to pretend to be the princess, right? It was found out, but it was a felony!

Gu Ye said to Luna: "Let's go, go see your father and your brother!"

Luna quickly took the little genius doctor and walked to the ward of her father and brother. When her father and brother were carried back, they were already unconscious, and at this time they were all hanging up.

Gu Ye touched the pulse, and then drew a tube of blood from the two of them, preparing to take time to enter the space for a test. Miasma, no matter in her past or present, she never had the opportunity to contact her. She was enthusiastic about thinking about it, and a little eager to try it!

Ling Juechen knew her daughter-in-law’s urinary sex—when he saw a new virus, he would forget everything. He had to work out an antidote. He said hurriedly: "You can make an empty room for the little genius doctor to make medicine! Miraculous medicine and pharmaceuticals must be kept strictly confidential. Do not go near you!"

Luna's mother-in-law listened, and hurried to the room. Gu Ye gave the two people lying side by side on the bed, taking pills to temporarily control toxicity, and said to Luna, who was worried by the side:

"Take this pill, your dad and brother will not get worse in two days. Two days later, I should be able to develop an antidote to the miasma!"

After speaking, Gu Ye took her husband into the empty room that had just been vacated, plugged in the door, and both entered the space.

Miasma is generally a poisonous gas produced by the decay of animals and plants in tropical forests, and the toxicity is more complicated. Gu Ye plunged into the laboratory and lived for more than ten hours at a time. He just had some clues.

When Ling Juechen forced her to eat and rest, he was still full of the principles of the mutual growth and restraint of various medicines. The whole person is dumbfounded, like a robot whose battery is about to run out. Even the food that my husband fed to his mouth didn't know what it was like.

Suddenly, she sighed, and said: "If you want to detoxify, you must go to the root and find the cause of this toxicity. Husband, accompany me into the mountains tomorrow!"

Ling Juechen looked at his wife’s renewed glamorous eyes, knowing that she had finally woken up from the study, and fed her a bite of her favorite scallop meat, nodded and said: "Okay! I listen to you. Where do you want to go? , Your men are with you. Now, let’s eat the food first. You have been working for ten hours, so don’t be hungry!"

Gu Ye touched her slumped belly, and suddenly said, "It's been so long? How do I feel like it took a blink of an eye? No wonder I'm so hungry! Give me some soup first..."

Ling Juechen resignedly waited on this "uncle". As long as Gu Ye moves his mouth, the food he wants to eat will be delivered to his mouth, shelled, and peeled carefully-it is great to have a caring husband!

The next morning, Gu Ye and his wife came out of the room. The boring princess Lin Lang greeted her and asked, "How is it? Has the antidote been made?"

Luna, her mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and patriarch all looked over expectantly. Gu Ye nodded and said, "I already have eyebrows! It's just that there is a medicine that grows at the source of the miasma. Where was Luna's father poisoned? Take us over and see."

The patriarch hurriedly said: "I know that place. The little genius doctor had breakfast first, and the little old man will take you there." The woman next to him, her eyes rounded when she heard the words, pulled his sleeves.

"Uncle Patriarch, it's too dangerous there, let me take the little genius doctor over there!" Luna bravely stood up after seeing the little movement of the patriarch's wife.

The patriarch turned around and glared at his mother-in-law, and said to Luna: "Luna, you take care of your father and brother at home! I can also be regarded as your father's cousin. I can't help with anything else. It's okay to lead a way. Besides, there is a little genius doctor. There will be nothing wrong with your patriarch uncle!"

I drank a bowl of porridge and ate a crispy and delicious pancake-Luna's mother-in-law was good at cooking. This kind of crisp cake is very much to Gu Ye's appetite. Luna's mother-in-law saw that she liked to eat, so she wrapped two of them in oil paper and asked her to take them along the way.

The patriarch led a group of people on the rugged mountain road. At the beginning, there was still a way. Gradually, only knee-deep weeds and shrubs as high as a person were left.

Princess Linlang also followed. With the sword in her hand, she cut the shrubs blocking the way, and said to Gu Ye: "What kind of herbal medicine must be found at the origin of the miasma? Isn't there any other place?"

"In the big world, everything grows and grows together, but also with each other. In martial arts novels, many deadly poisons are accompanied by detoxification drugs. There are many reasons for the production of miasma, and the toxicity of different plants after decay is not the same. Treatment methods Different too."

Gu Ye mainly wanted to see what this miasma was like? Anyway, the two countries have ceased the war, and the peace and compensation issues have been negotiated. As early as Shengde Emperor agreed to Princess Linlang's request, he agreed to her husband's holiday. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she spends more days in Senguo.

Apart from other things, the forests in the forests of the Mori Kingdom are beautiful, and the customs and customs are quite different from those of the Yan Kingdom and Dongling. She wants to walk more in the mountains and forests to fill the space with the types of medicinal materials!

"It's here!" The patriarch hesitated and stopped. When people in the clan found Ken Kun and his son, they were not far ahead.

The two fell to the ground, unconscious. The grass on the ground is in a mess. It can be inferred that after the two were caught in the miasma, they struggled to drive back, but in the end they could not match the toxicity of the miasma...

Gu Ye asked her husband to take her to a nearby tree. Far away, but seeing the brilliant golden light rising in the bushes and bushes, it suddenly fell from mid-air, the small ones as projectiles gradually drifting away, and the big ones as the wheels suddenly burst. Like a rainbow but not a rainbow, if the Xia is not a Xia, there are five colors everywhere.

Across this far, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a faint fragrance. If you get close, people and animals will definitely get sick if they smell the smell.

The patriarch shook his head and said, "The miasma here is the most terrifying in the entire old forest. I didn't expect Ken Kun to come here to collect medicine..."

There are few people here, and there are relatively many medicinal materials, including precious medicinal materials such as Panax notoginseng and Fritillaria. How much money does Ken Kun need? His family is not too difficult at ordinary times, how can he be so adventurous?

Gu Ye got down from the tree and sent the patriarch to go back first. She took out two gas masks and put them on each of them. Ling Juechen smiled and said, "Don't you have a universal detoxification pill? Do you still need this?"

"There is no omnipotent detoxification pill. The detoxification pill I made can only relieve the toxicity of most drugs. Be careful, we both have no children, so we can't lie down here!" Zhong Gu Ye's voice was muffled. She also pulled out the goggles and hung them on her eyes.

Ling Juechen teased: "Why don't you wear the protective clothing?"

Gu Yesha nodded pretentiously, and said, "My husband's proposal is good..."

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