Looking at the night, Junmei’s young boy was eager to blush and thick neck. He was busy and smiled and said: “Come brother, don’t worry, I won’t take credit for you! But your drums are not drums? Don’t say anything, go to When I was ashamed, I lost my face!"

The expression on Jun Qicheng’s face is stiff. The cheapest medicines are also hundreds of two, like Rongyang Pills, which are thousands of times. His source of income is only a couple of dollars a month, plus the New Year’s money. The mind is silently counted, even a Rongyang pill may not be able to buy.

He was sore and sullen, and looked at the helpless eyes to his old lady - grandmother is also your mother, you are saying something! Jun Yonglun looked at his little son's expression of swearing, held back his smile, and made a love for him. Let go of the rhetoric and let it go!

"That... Ye Er sister, we have a discussion, the brother used the calligraphy and painting, jade to pay, can not be made?" The calligraphy and painting is his dead skin and face from the old man and his brothers, jade what, is the grandmother's elders . In his hands, he still has some money for these things!

Gu night smiled brightly, she hanged the appetite of Jun Qicheng, and said: "Put up your baby calligraphy and paintings! The fan that was sent last time is like your flesh. If those paintings It’s in my hands, you don’t hide in the bed in the middle of the night, biting your hands and crying!”

"I won't!" Jun chess honestly filled the picture and couldn't help but make a nap. How can he make such a manless thing when he is a man?

Gu night hooked his finger and said in his ear: "You take the pill directly from my hand, I can only charge you the cost price... Don't worry! I have a small request!"

Jun Qicheng was eager to refuse, but was interrupted by Ye Er’s sister. Hearing words, he is serious about a tender and handsome face, solemnly said: "Sister, please say, what my brother can do, will never deny!"

"Look, we have come to see the beginning of our family. There is no foundation in Yancheng. After the winery and the pharmaceutical factory are up, there will be some heads and snakes to discuss the benefits. Or some competitors will be bad for us..."

Gu night's face has not yet cultivated home, the face is hot, and my heart is very contemptuous. The feelings of interest relationship are not pure. Will the family of the family think that the gift she gave today is for the big backing of the Bajie Junjia?

Jun Qicheng listened, his eyes stunned, his tone was unsatisfactory: "Who dares!! You are the sister of my chess chess, who dares to move your home industry, is not able to go with me! You can rest assured, In this city, your brother can still eat!"

Jun Qicheng is not a nerd who is dead to study. On the contrary, he can be a literary man and has a wide range of contacts. His friends have literati who have learned five cars and have arrogant temperament. As he said, there is nothing in the whole city that he can't do. Of course, a large part of people are looking at the face of the family.

When he saw him at night, he didn’t say anything. He patted his chest and packed the ticket, and he couldn’t tell the impression. Secretly decided that the matter of the future family is the matter of her care of the night, as long as she can help, will never shirk!

The old lady of the family smiled and watched the young girls whispering at the side, feeling that the two stood together. It is a pity that her baby grandson has not yet opened up his feelings. He only uses the little girl as a sister.

"Yeer sister!" A milky voice came from outside the living room, followed by a round figure, crawling through the threshold and rushing toward Gu night.

"Xiao Fangxu!" Gu night bent over to pick up the powder dumplings and pinch his small face. The five-year-old Jun Fangxu, the pink and tender face, a pair of black pearl-like beautiful eyes, small mouth red and moist, snow-like jade-like exquisite. When I grow up, I am sure to be a beautiful boy who attracts young girls!

"Yeer sister, I miss you!" The little guy's mouth was sweet, holding the neck of Gu night, and printed a few watermarks on her face.

Jun Qicheng picked up the little scorpion and pointed his nose. "Ye is the sister that the uncle recognized. You must call Aunt Yeer. Do you know?"

"Don't! It's Ye Erjie!" The little guy shook away the little uncle's big face and struggled to get to the ground. He didn't want to be a hard-nosed uncle. He liked the soft and fragrant pretty sister. "Xuer likes Ye Erjie, and Xuer has grown up to marry her sister to be a daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Jun’s wife, who was married to several grandchildren at home, was screaming all day, and she was not heard when she was heard by Jun Fangxu. This little guy hasn’t gotten a long hair yet, so he remembers his wife. More trouble than his uncles! After listening to the couple, Mrs. Jun and Jun Yonglun, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Gu night laughed and took the little guy and hugged him in his arms: "When you grow up, Aunt Ye’s aunt should be old. Xiaofang Xu should choose a daughter-in-law from a younger girl than you."

"Don't! Man's sister is too delicate, always crying, not fun at all! Xu children don't want to cry a little crying bag all day long to be a daughter-in-law. I married Ye Erjie, I don't have to take hard drugs in the future. You can also drink sweet syrup!" The little guy used this idea!

There was a laugh in the hall. Xiao Fangxu saw everyone laughing at him, shyly burying his face in the shoulders of his night, and even his mother called him not to look up. Where did he think that the little crying bag that he was abandoned, he finally became his wife, or did he first move his heart to the people, and wrapped up the prostitute to mention the pro!

Junfang Xu meat screamed, Jun Qicheng was afraid of tired and staying up late, and quickly took the little guy over. Xiao Fangxu pouted in dissatisfaction.

When I sent the dim sum brought to me by the night ~www.ltnovel.com~ to the little guy, Xiaofang Xu suddenly forgot the unhappiness and turned his attention to the dim sum, what the egg was, the pudding, Jelly... all children like it.

The little guy ate with a smile and went straight to go back to her sister to go to her family as a younger brother. So you can have delicious snacks every day!

Gu Yeye and the two had a warm lunch at the Jun family. Shortly after returning from the Jun family, Yancheng went up and down. There was no such thing as a family of pharmaceutical factories, and he had inextricably linked with the Jun family. The family of the family, the relationship with the old generals, has the same meaning as the robe, and it has spread unconsciously. There are two giants in the city, and the guy who secretly wants to move to the pharmaceutical factory can't help but settle down.

Gujia Pharmaceutical Factory seems to be in a sudden position, just standing in Yancheng. The pharmaceutical factory is quite mysterious in the eyes of many people. I only know that it was started by Gu’s family. It is said that this family is still a disciple of the medicine. Many people do not believe, because the official Xuan’s drug sage is surnamed Jiang, and I have not heard of a second disciple.

However, some pharmacists and drug dealers saw the only son of Jiangda Pharmacist, who used to go in and out of the pharmaceutical factory. Can not help but guess that the pharmaceutical factory is actually the pharmacist's industry, handed over to his son's experience... There are people who say that this pharmaceutical factory is a family of the family and the family, spent a lot of money to invite senior pharmacists to sit in the town, the factory to do... ...

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