"That... I am waiting for you, do you not get used to it?" Gu night picked up one of the red cherries in the fruit bowl, picked up the pedicle above, and sent it to his mouth, asking with a smile.

The lingering lips are more attractive than the cherries. They contain the cherries, and they seem to have hooks in their eyes. He looked like an unintentionally licking the little girl's finger, and punctually said: "It's sweet!"

"Small sample!" Gu night sweats on the cheeks, fanned a few times with a fan. It’s a little goblin, with a seductive style in every move. Today, she developed another side of the dust brother. Hey, no matter whether he is pure milk or a man of all kinds, she likes it!

"It's really sweet, come and taste it!" Ling squeezed a cherry and fed it into the girl's mouth. Yancheng is located in the north and does not produce cherries. This large, sweet and red cherry is only the most authentic in the south of the East. The fruit of cherries, which is inconvenient to store, is rarely eaten in the North.

Gu night tasted one and immediately fell in love with this taste. In the past life, this kind of cherries was expensive, not something that her little orphan girl could afford. After the chaos, fresh fruit is more expensive than diamonds. In this world, she has been living in the mountain village, she has eaten a lot. Cherry has never seen it before.

The cherries are chilled, and the bright red peels are filled with crystal water drops, which makes people appetite at first glance. Gu night ate half a plate, Ling Meng will not let her eat: "This kind of fruit just took out from the hail, the cold is very cold. Girls eat less cold things! I bought people 'Tongfangzhai' The jade custody group, can you taste your appetite?"

The jade cake group of Tongfangzhai is ground into powder with tourmaline rice, which is wrapped with delicious fillings of various colors. The young girls in Yancheng love to eat, and they send people to line up to buy in advance, they may not buy it! Tongfangzhai’s business is too hot, and the jade group is out of stock at noon.

For the cakes of this era, Gu Ye could not vomit. A lot of people are sought after, and after she tasted it, there was only disappointment. It was too far worse than Yan's craft.

Gu night did not hold any hope, pinch one, took a small bite. Her eyes suddenly burst into bright brilliance - the outside of the tourmaline, with a unique aroma, sweet but not greasy, sturdy and not sticky. Even if there is no stuffing inside, it is especially refreshing to eat, especially in summer, the cool taste is very suitable for her heart. It is filled with black sesame seeds, and it is delicious!

She ate three in one breath, different stuffings, each with its own characteristics, each with its own flavor! Yes, ninety! Her taste is sharp, and eating is always picky. 90 is already very high praise.

Full of food, lying on the rocking chair, two small claws holding a glass, containing freshly squeezed juice, using a straw to make a straw, drink arbitrarily. Gu night sighed: This is life.

The rocking chair shook and the little girl's eyelids began to fight. A black little milk cat walked silently, jumped on the back of the rocking chair, and was thrown down by the slender hand. For fear of disturbing her good dreams.

Ling Meng's eyes are softer, take half of the juice from her hands and keep drinking in her hands. His feet, shaking the rocking chair gently, the fan in his hand, gently fanning her...

Under the thick vines, the little girl in a goose-yellow shirt fell asleep. The thick and long eyelashes covered up the smart eyes, and the petal-like pink lips twitched slightly, breathing light and long. That small appearance, it is almost drunk.

The handsome man stared in obsessively, and the time seemed to be stagnant, leaving only the years to be quiet. He is willing to keep her like this forever...

However, there are always people who do not open their eyes to break this warm and quiet scene. A hidden guard appeared quietly. In the eyes of the master, he lowered his voice: "The master, Gu's brother is outside the door, to see his sister!"

Since it is a small scorpion in the future, Ling can only hold the unpleasant mood, his eyes have not left the sleeping girl, and gently spit out a few words: "Let him come in!"

After a while, a rush of footsteps, Gu Yu's figure appeared in the courtyard. He crossed a viewing bridge and saw a figure in white. He just wanted to ask him where he had hidden his own sister. But see the other index finger on the lips, indicating that he banned.

After taking care of me, I came to Ling’s side and found that my sister was sleeping well. He knows his own sister. She used to work hard for the pharmaceutical factory a few days ago. She used to take a nap. She was so busy that she didn’t have time for lunch breaks. She also taught the teenagers in the evening. He looked distressed, but he couldn't help much, he could only do it urgently!

Now, it is midsummer. The pharmaceutical factory is not too busy, but my sister is suffering from summer, and I can't sleep well. I look at the little meat I have raised and I am going back thin. The body of my sister, should not eat cold things, the room can not put ice basin, the appetite is getting worse and worse, and he is quickly dying.

No, he listened to his classmates. He had a very good taste. He ran across most of the city after school and bought it back. He returned home with great enthusiasm, but he heard that his sister came back to surname Ling. It has been more than four months, and multiple injuries should be healed. He seriously doubts that surname Ling is not good at his sister, and he is not sick. (Liang Dust: Big Brother, you are the truth!)

Seeing that my sister slept sweetly, Gu Yu slowed down. www.ltnovel.com~ I was afraid of disturbing my sister's dream. When I came to my sister, I saw the sister of Surname Ling playing a fan. He unpleasantly grabbed the fan. This is his sister, the idlers and so on!

Perhaps his heart was suffocating, his fan's strength was not in place, and a fan came to the little girl's face. The little girl frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

Ling Ding Jun Jun with a few points of anger, stunned and glanced at Gu Yan - things are not enough to defeat! Gu Yu looks back: He is not intentional, does he not want his sister to sleep more?

The eyelashes curled up by the night, and the eyelashes were gently fanned for a few times. The two eyes were as clear as the clear springs, and the misty mist was stunned. The small mouth of the red dragonfly gently yawned. Rubbing his eyes, seeing his brother and his brother, like two **** that are about to fight, you yell at me and I yell at you, she softly said: "Brother, how come you? Didn't go to school?"

When Gu Jiagang moved to Yancheng, he asked Gu Yu to find a school that was still famous in Yancheng. Gu Yu is born to be smart, although the enlightenment is late, the progress can still keep up.

"Sister, are you sleepy? When are you? Already scattered!" Gu Yu saw the hair on his sister's head slept, and rushed forward to help pick it up. He is clumsy, the more he helps, the more he gets messed up.

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