"Do not worry, promise you something, when did the dust brother forget? Go back to take a nap, don't sleep for too long, so that you can't sleep at night." ◢щЩш" The head of the little **** is like... Gu night is like the head of a little black cat.

"Know it!" The night was so dizzy that it was so cute and cute. Ling couldn't help but pinch the little girl's cheek, and then took the feeling of disappointment and went to the painting of her own. In his mind, he figured out how to seduce the little girl to his clan, so that he could get along with each other.

On the second day, Jun Qicheng picked up Gu Yu and Jiang Zhongtian early in the morning: "I still sleep, you don't plan to go to the reeds, but you still roast?"

Gu Yu said that he was helpless: he was growing up, how was he sleeping more? Besides, is it too early to leave lunch?

Breakfast is eaten in the respective yard. When using breakfast, Jun Qicheng reminded him several times. The gentleman has a book-filled person, completely shattered. At this time, he is a young boy who loves to play with love and swear! He is the youngest in the family, his brothers are all young, and his seemingly stable temper is hard-boiled. Listening to the big lady, Jun Qicheng was a skin monkey when he was a child. It’s just that he is exposed to nature!

When the brother came to Gu Yuan’s yard, the little girl slept soundly. The brothers looked at each other and did not want to call the little girl up. In the end, Jun Fangxu awakened people to trouble. When men and women are seven years old, they are different. Xiao Fangxu is only five years old when he is old. He wraps around Wang’s room in Ye’s aunt’s room before he calls people.

Yesterday, Xiao Fangxu heard that there is fun today, and he wants to follow him. He and his sister don’t listen. I didn't sleep late today, but I got up early, and I was bent on catching fish and picking up wild duck eggs.

Fortunately, today the old lady is ready to go on a cruise, or Wang will not dare to let his son go to the lake with the uncle who is not in tune. Even so, she chose a few of the best water-based people in Zhuangzi, let them wait on the ship, just in case.

Gu night simply brushed it up and put on a set of narrow-sleeved white water brocade short skirts with a long knotted band on the waist, a simple ponytail on the top of the head, decorated with pearl beads, ankles Boots, the whole person looks very spirited.

The design concept of this short skirt comes from Li Guo. The ancestors of Li Guo were the immediate nationals, and the daughters were riding and shepherding. This short skirt was pretty and convenient, and it followed. In the north of the East Linguo, when you were riding, you were wearing this short skirt, also known as riding.

Before I went out, I heard people telling me that Ling Gongzi, who is opposite Zhuangzi, has taken the picture to pick them up. Jun chess swears and whispers with Gu Yu: "You still think that I am early, hey, and I am more anxious than I am! We are not without a boat on Zhuangzi, it is necessary to take him to pick up people. This surname Ling will not have any thoughts on Ye Er’s sister. Would you like to be our brother-in-law?"

"Impossible! How big is my sister!! There are still a few years away from you!" Gu Yan resisted. "The daughter of our family is precious, don't stay until 18, don't marry!"

"Yes, that is! The age of Ling is a little older than me. How can I have a face to fight the sisters' ideas? Isn't this old cow eating young grass?" Jun Qicheng is the same as the enemy, and he is filled with indignation.

Jiang Zhongtian was leaking on one side: "A man is a little bigger, it will hurt his wife. I am, I am a teenager, I am secretly listening to my brothers, and I am like a girl." In my eyes, I have to stand by! I don’t have any trouble with Ling Gongzi! Xiao Shigu is going to marry sooner or later, and there is nothing wrong with it. You can set a kiss first, lest the good men are forced to leave by others..."

"Who are you standing at the end? You are a traitor!" Jun Qicheng and Gu Yuqi brushed their heads and yelled at him.

Jiang Zhongtian said slowly and unhurriedly: "I am standing at the head of my little teacher! Don't forget, she chose her husband, and she chose someone who can live with her for a lifetime. If Ling Gongzi can consistently So I will not object to Xiao Shigu!"

Even if it is against, it is not effective! Gu Yuru’s death test. My sister’s idea is right. If she really believes, they are against it and it’s useless!

Jun Qicheng waved his hand irritably and said: "I want to do so much now? Ye Er's sister is still small, still not open! Even if it is taken away by the big wild wolf, it is a matter of a few years. Let's think about it now, not Looking for trouble?"

As soon as he looked up, he saw his surname Ling's hand reaching out to his Yeer sister. Jun chess sincerely said: "The men and women don't kiss each other. This surname is too shameless! You go to help your sister get on the boat, don't Let the surname Ling take advantage of it!"

Gu Yu three steps and two steps, successfully stopped the sister's hand extended: "Sister, be careful, I will help you!" After that, he picked up his eyebrows with a slap in the face.

Xiaozizi has always been the most difficult thing to sneak, and he smiled gently and gently, slowly withdrawing his hand, standing quietly on the side of the ship, smiling at the little girl slowly coming. That rich posture, Gu Yu had to admit that among the men he had seen, he could compare with the surnamed Ling, and almost could not find the second one.

Just, is such a good man true to his sister? Will she be tempted by her medical and pharmaceutical skills, will there be any attempt? It is the fox ~www.ltnovel.com~ always reveals the tail, he has to open his eyes, not let the sister be deceived!

"Do you have any plans? Go fishing first, or..." As long as you stay in the night, you can't tolerate others in the dusty eyes. He bends down and asks the little girl softly. If he is afraid of louder, he will scare people. of.

"Barbecue, first barbecue!" The sound of a milky milk was inserted. Looking down at the dust, Jun Qicheng followed a small bean diced with three heads.

Originally, Xiao Fangxu’s embarrassment was intended to follow, but if something happened temporarily, he would entrust the little bean diced to his brother to look after him. A five-year-old little thing, in addition to eating, what else can you have?

Jun Qicheng couldn't help but lick his face and whispered: "Did you have just had breakfast? You still have two snacks in Ye's sister. Can you still have barbecue in your stomach?"

Gu Ye squeezed the little guy's cheeks and squatted down and discussed with him: "Let's not be too hot, go to the wild duck eggs, and then sit on the boat to fish. Maybe you can hit the wild duck, noon. When grilling, you can also have multiple grilled fillets and roast duck, isn't it good?"

"Good!" Speaking of eating, Jun Fangxu is not unhappy, "grilled fish, roast duck!"

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