The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 238: Battle report

Dapeng wine is full of food, coming out from Qingfenglou, satisfying the belly. The food in Qingfenglou is so delicious. When you ask the general in private, the chef of Yanchengdian can dig back to Shengjing. Then he can have a good fortune! However, if you think about the expensive price of Qingfeng Building, he may not be able to afford a meal for a year. forget it!

Gu night is cheeky, and his brother returns to his house. The date was soaked up, and she did not delay her time with the dust brother.

Ling Xiaochen accompanied the little girl in the garden pavilion to see her feeding the koi in the pool. Dapeng stopped talking and stopped, as if there was something to say.

"How about the war in the border?" Ling's faint expression, the sound is not ups and downs. In the face of his subordinates, he gradually returned to the familiar state of Dapeng.

Dapeng swallowed and glanced at the little girl who reached into the water and touched the head of the fish. The military is a state secret, and the general does not avoid the little girl. It must be her most trusted person! My wife, of course, don't have to guard against it, how tired it is!

"The news of the general's disappearance spread, the morale of the army was low, and the army of the Li country was like a broken bamboo. It was attacked several cities. The second emperor who was the emperor of the emperor was almost captured by the enemy, and he was scared to escape overnight. The capital of the northwestern army lost the backbone of the heart and lost several cities. The emperor vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, smashed the power of the two emperors, supervised the country, sent the generals of Han Chi and led the army of 300,000. Reinforcement, the war is gradually stabilizing..."

When it comes to the second emperor of the generals, Dapeng hates to gnash his teeth. The second emperor was fined forbidden to the Wangfu, which seemed too light in Dapeng. To murder the murderer, he should have smashed the position of his prince and became the untouchable!

"Dust brother, are you going back?" Gu Jing quietly listened to the battle report, and his heart was filled with a touch of sadness. The dust brother is the **** of war in the country of inflammation, the pillar of the army. The war in the Yan State has lost again and again. He is now going back and turning the tide, it is time to show his talented people to the world!

"Wait again, it's not the time!" Ling's white hand gently licked her cheek and looked at her tenderly and tenderly. "Little leaf, would you like to go back to Yanguo with me?"

Gu night stunned, and I was struggling inside: "Yancheng, the pharmaceutical factory is in a rising period, the winery is just getting started, I really can't live without it... Also, next fall, I will attend the big medicine meeting... ”

"Don't be embarrassed, I will just ask. No matter where you are, no matter where I am, you will always be in my heart. There is only one place in my heart, it is reserved for you!" Ling Dust gently puts a small The girl was in her arms, her chin was on top of her head, greedily sniffing the unique scent of her body.

"Dust brother," Gu night's body was first and foremost stiff, and soon relaxed again. "You must remember, don't laugh at other girls. Because no one can resist the charm of your smile. Your Gentle and beautiful, can only belong to me alone!"

"Okay, I promise you!" Ling Meng gently played with the little girl's small and delicate fingers, the traces of the remaining pharmaceuticals, disappeared without a trace, white and soft as if it is fat.

In the past, these small hands were mottled, covered with fine scars, and imprinted with medicinal materials. He once sent her jade muscle cream, let her handle it, but was rejected by Xiao Nizi. She also plausibly said that it was the hands of the pharmacist. He also said that she was young and small, afraid that others would not believe her pharmacist's identity, and left such traces on her hands.

But later, her Bailey brother, who seemed to be gentle and talked about to kill people, laughed at her stupidity. The value of the pharmacist is not trustworthy, not in appearance, but cares about whether she has achieved the results! She researched and created granules, oral liquids, and improved pills. If the identity is open, she has long been known as the pharmacist.

Jimintang and Baicaotang are vying to cooperate with her. Is it because she has both hands? Of course not, what is fancy is her talent and craftsmanship! Keeping such an ugly hand is simply stupid and stupid!

Gu night was blocked and couldn't speak. On the night, I took medicine from the space and made a potion. I applied it on my hands every day. In less than a week, the traces of the hands disappeared without a trace. This little girl, if it is a cream for sputum and freckle, it will definitely be a market!

Although very disappointing, but the generals of the general palace have been found, have to face up to the separation. She is still young and doesn't want to tie someone up early, even if that person is what she likes. After all, she is not an indigenous native. She can't adapt to the life of her husband. Her pharmaceutical skills can benefit many people, and it is so ruined. At present, the cause has just started, she does not want to give up her life for men!

"Dust brother, what kind of ideal partner is in your heart before meeting me? Can you tell me?" Gu night asked a little whispered.

Ling felt the inner uneasiness of her, silenced for a moment, and smiled in her eyes: "I don't like women who rely on men for anything. Such women lose their self, have no soul, and live only for others! I hope my Wife, able to bloom her style, enough to be with me, to be the home and rely on my heart."

Listening to the night, the eyes are bright and dazzling: "Dust brother, don't you think that the woman is swaying outside, is it uneasy, not even keeping the woman?"

"There is something to watch! Like you, you can bring the gospel to the world's patients. I feel that it is too late to be proud. How can you look down on you? Your little head is just thinking too much! Rest assured, I will I like you. I can't see anyone except you!" Ling gave her a reassurance.

Dapeng, who was not aware of the light bulb, nodded his head and strongly agreed with his own general. The general has a cold face for anyone, and he can frostbite people. The girls loved and hated him, and loved his handsome face, but he shunned his cold, indifferent character.

He grew up with the generals could not help but worry about him. I am afraid that he can't think of it, and he is lonely. Now, his family, the iceberg general, has opened up and found the girl he likes. He is really happy for the general. I can’t wait for the time to go, and the girl will be married tomorrow, and the general will take my wife back!

Gu night face smiled and opened the flower, a small face proud, cocked a small tail: "Dust brother is too powerful, in a short time, can compare with you, I can not think about it. But I will work hard, you wait I am waiting for me to be a blockbuster at the big medicine meeting next year. I will be a big pharmacist sought after by everyone, let the world know that I have enough qualifications to stand by your side."

"Don't give yourself too much pressure. Don't worry about what others say, I will accompany you through the days you want." The power of Haotian, the wealth of the rich enemy, is a smog for him, able to guard her. She cares for her and spoils her, which is what he wants to do most.

Gu night smiled and said: "What pressure is this? Do you not believe me in the dust brother? I will become the unique female pharmacist in the world, but also create the myth of the youngest big pharmacist!"

"Dust brother certainly believes in you!" In her previous life, she became a hot pharmacist from a ignorant little doctor, with her extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts. This world, with the foundation of past lives, she will go more relaxed, more calm, more brilliant...

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