The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 321: Pharmaceutical expansion

Due to the promise of double-moon and the first month of the night, there will be double wages. Just after breaking through the fifth (the fifth day of the first month), the nearby employees will come back to work. On the Lantern Festival day, let a day off and let the employees go home for the holidays and enjoy the lanterns.

The pharmaceutical factory also invited craftsmen to make a lot of lanterns, lanterns, palace lanterns, glass lamps, paper lanterns of various shapes, and the most striking, or different shapes of ice lamps. There are splendid palaces, exquisite pavilions, or cute or ferocious animals, and even humanoid ice lamps!

In the evening, the candlelight emerged from the translucent ice lamp, making people feel that it is not like being in the world, but like being in the Heavenly Palace, it is beautiful! The ice lamp of Gu's Pharmaceutical Factory attracted hundreds of surnames to watch, and the whole street was very lively.

Gu night also set up a lot of riddles, guess the riddles can take the corresponding lanterns. The students of Yancheng were attracted by the bizarre riddles. Jun Qicheng even gambled with the classmates of the ethnic group. More than who won the lights, who won the precious lights...

Guessing the riddle, Jun Qicheng took his trophy and came to the family. In addition to the sumptuous and delicious dishes for dinner, all kinds of dumplings have great temptation for him. Sesame stuffing, peanut stuffing, hawthorn stuffing, fruit stuffing... everything, Jun Qicheng almost didn’t break his stomach.

When he left, he also took a thick-faced belt and took two boxes of frozen dumplings, saying that it was a taste for the old lady and the little sister-in-law. 35xs family members, but also used to his unseen temper. If he is polite one day, he will lead everyone to doubt whether the brain is broken!

After the Lanyu Festival, the employees of Qingshan Village began to return to work. In addition to the old employees of the pharmaceutical factory, there are quite a few friends and relatives they recommend. Before the holiday, I found them in the night, talking about the expansion of the pharmaceutical factory, and giving each old employee a recommended quota. Others do not require, the recommended person must be upright, diligent.

Gu Ye also specifically warned them: If there is something wrong with the referee, the recommender will be hurt! For example, the new employees they recommend have a bad heart, want to steal the drug formula, or make a harmful drug factory. Not only will this person be severely punished by the official, but the referee will also be fired home!

Therefore, the staff of Qingshan Village bring people who know the roots and meet the requirements. No one wants to do such a high-paying job, and is tired of being ill-intentioned. The new employees were first assigned to the net medicine group and the decocting group, and the old staff were guided one-on-one. The trial period was three months, and they became regular employees.

The number of employees brought back to Qingshan Village is far from the number of people needed by the pharmaceutical company. Gu Ye gave the employees who lived in the city and the suburbs. Each person had a certain quota, so that they would recommend the person first, and then they were screened and confirmed to be not accepted.

Because of the continuous poisoning, many employees are cautious when screening recommended places. Even their loved ones, if they are not good enough, are afraid to bring themselves, and will not recommend the drug factory.

In the meantime, there was a scorpion from an employee who said that the employee had turned his elbows out and recommended a cousin, but did not recommend her and her man. Have a village with this employee, understand the situation, say that her brother is lazy, the scorpion is mean and covetous, and if you enter the factory, it will cause trouble in the morning and evening. Not recommending her is a wise move!

The pungent woman was quickly driven away by the guards of the pharmaceutical factory. The woman had to sprinkle, and she came over to the night and said, "If you want to make another mistake, you will send an official to disturb the operation of the pharmaceutical factory and beat her to a board!" Scared the woman to flee away!

Instead of being blamed, the employee was also used as a model. She praised her every ten days of the meeting and said that she was upright and selfless. Soon she was promoted to the group leader and added money. The other employees saw the situation, and the small ninety-nine in their hearts, and devoted themselves to production, is the right choice.

Zhang Xiaomei gave her three brothers a name. After the audit of the pharmaceutical company Feng Guan and Shaodong, all of them were hired. Her eldest brother was honest and honest, and sent a warehousing clerk to the warehouse clerk; the second brother had a hand and foot, and entered the net medicine group like her; the third brother was patient and patient, then entered the decocting group.

Mei Ziyang originally thought that the three sons could enter one. It was already burned by the ancestors. I didn’t expect all three to be hired. I liked that she went to the Quanshan Temple outside the city to burn incense and reluctantly Heartache added five money sesame oil!

The neighbors of the shanty towns, the envious eyes are coming out. Some of them are clever, and they are holding the words of Mei Zi Niang, and boasting the son of her family as a flower. I only hope that the next time the pharmaceutical factory expands, her son and daughter can recommend their children!

Mei Zi Niang is not stupid, and she has been stunned by her own daughter. Naturally, she will not easily spit this mouth. If it is true and good, and honestly willing to do it, they wouldn’t mind helping, but if it’s a nuisance, wouldn’t it harm their children?

In the past few days, Zhang’s door has been trampled. Mei Ziyu is afraid that his mother’s mind will be guilty and promised something that should not be promised. After all, it’s a neighbor who has been in business for several years, and can’t all be offended. Plums lick a tooth - move!

They have nearly twenty-two silver in their hands, and this is the first time to give the boss a housewife. Now it seems that the most important thing is to solve the problem of the house first. With the house, the boss has become a regular employee of the pharmaceutical factory, and still can't find a wife?

Mei Ziyu searched for a few days in the south of the city and chose a small yard. There are three main houses and two rooms on the left and right sides. They are two couples, plus six children, will be enough to live. However, although it is in the south of the city, house prices are still not cheap. Such a small yard, still some years, asking for fifty-two, worn out the mouth, the other side is only willing to drop two or two.

But even forty-eight, two, they are not able to come out, and the two have committed a crime. On the day of the shift, Zhang Xiaomei returned home, and the quick-headed tiger head told the sister about it. Zhang Xiaomei also thinks that this house should be bought, but half of the money is still missing. What should I do?

The next day, she came to the pharmaceutical factory and found a good sister who was familiar with herself. I wanted to ask them to borrow some. The workers who came to the pharmaceutical factory were born of poor people. The money in their hands subsidized the family. After borrowing a circle, they didn’t even get together.

Gu Ye learned of this incident, called Zhang Xiaomei and asked her why she borrowed money, and allowed her to withdraw 10 months of wages in advance. Zhang Xiaomei, who has been promoted as the group leader, can get three or two silver coins in a month, and can take ten months of work money. After buying the house, he has two or two silver coins to set up a house.

Zhang Xiaomei’s family is grateful to Shaodong’s family. Zhang Xiaomei and her three older brothers are working harder!

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