"Go! Go to the net medicine group and see!" Gu night put the clothes on his body, while walking, wearing it, pulling the shoes. The hair was rubbed by hand and braided into a pair of twists. The face did not care for washing, and hurried out the door.

Gu Xiaoye, who is practicing in the yard, has never seen such a dignified expression. They glanced at each other and slammed the weapons in their hands and quickly followed them up.

Gu night almost barefoot, trotting all the way to the pharmaceutical factory. At this time, the sky has been bright, there are employees who want to be advanced, have come to the pharmaceutical factory, ready to start work!

The doors of other yards have been opened, but the net medicine group is still locked. Zhang Xiaomei’s brother and sister stood in front of the door and glanced at each other. Zhang Xiaomei said to himself: "Weird, every morning, Li Guanshi first opened the door and went back to dinner. How is the door locked today?"

Zhang Xiaomei’s second brother, Zhang Shidao: “Maybe something is delayed today, wait a moment!”

Zhang Xiaomei nodded and turned her head and saw that Gu Ye rushed over and rushed to meet: "Shaodong, how come you come? Is there anything to be told?"

Gu night rushed her and nodded, and asked casually: "You are not going to report to the pill group today? How come here?"

Zhang Xiaomei smiled and said: "I received this good news yesterday. I was a little happy. I got up this morning and remembered that some things need to be handed over to the new team leader. When the matter is over, I will go to the pill group immediately. Report!"

Take out the spare key that I carry with me at night and open the door. At this time, I saw Li Xiu Niang rushing over. When she saw Gu Ye, her heart was "squeaky" and she was upset.

Her footsteps paused a bit and she resumed her rush. Li Xiu-nian apologized and said: "Ye Ye girl, it is my negligence. I found the key disappeared this morning. I couldn’t find it in the morning. I was really careless. When the key was lost, I found that I didn’t find it. You run this!"

"Nothing, I slept much yesterday. I got up early this morning. I went to the pharmaceutical factory and strolled, and the right to exercise!" Gu night collected the key, like a leisurely stroll into the courtyard of the net medicine group. Each group has a staff of the day, the yard is wide and clean, and the air is faintly scented.

Gu Ye went directly to the duty room, and there was a snoring sound from the sky. She frowned at the disappointment. Zhang stone stepped forward and knocked on the door of the duty room. In the pharmaceutical factory, in addition to the warehouse, there are a lot of guards. For the yard like the net medicine group, only one or two people on duty look enough!

There is a night shift for the night shift, and the duty officer is required to take turns watching the middle of the night and the middle of the night. The four people in the night had entered the yard for a long time, and the people in the duty room did not notice, but slept sweetly. Give you the night shift, is it for you to sleep?

Gu night held back the displeasure in my heart and watched the door of the duty room open from the inside. Niu Dazhuang yawned and walked out from inside. Zhang Shishi blocked the sight of Niu Dazhuang, so he did not find Shaodong.

Niu Da Zhuang shook his head with some pain in his hangover, and grinned at the stone: "Brother, so early! In order to fight for advanced, your boy is desperate enough?"

Separated by this far, I could smell the strong taste of his body. Good! Drinking alcohol during work hours, sleep on duty! She did not expect that in the pharmaceutical factory that you are vying for the advanced, there are still such a fisherman!

"Drinking, sleeping, working time, remembering a big time, deducting a month's wages. When the staff meeting, inform the criticism. If there is another crime, expelled from the factory!" Gu night covered with frost, the mouth was cold and cold announced the punishment results!

Niu Dazhuang discovered that Shaodong’s home was in the crowd, and he was shocked by a cold sweat, and his mind was instantly awake. Being caught, he has nothing to defend himself, he can only accept punishment.

"Is anyone coming in last night?" Gu Shanghuai asked unintentionally. Li Xiu Niang was shocked and shook her head subconsciously toward the big cow.

Niu Dazhuang heard this question and happened to look at her. Seeing her shaking her head, she said without thinking: "No, I didn't see other people coming in after locking the door. Come out... What happened?"

"Nothing, Xiu Niang said that her key was lost. I am afraid that it will be shunned by people with other useful people. Let's go to the net medicine group! Are you sure that no one has come in?" Gu night through the window of the duty room, see inside I did not finish the dry, and asked again.

What, the key to Xiu Niang was lost? Was it lost when I came to see my nephew last night? No wonder she doesn't want people to know that she has come over. Is it afraid that Shaodong will know the truth?

Niu Dazhuang thought that he could cover up his sweetheart. Maybe she would treat him differently because of her gratitude. She was busy patted her chest and promised that no one else had come in after the lock.

Li Xiu looked at him with regret. Niu Dazhuang’s thoughts on Xiu Niang’s sister, almost no one in the net medicine group can’t see it. Niu Dazhuang is a native of Yancheng. His family is simple, and he is with an old lady.

If it is normal, for those who come out of the mountains, the youth of Fucheng, but it is a good marriage that can not be found with lanterns~www.ltnovel.com~ Unfortunately, after Xiu Niang’s sister came to Fucheng, her heart was raised. I don’t even see Niu Dazhuang at all.

If Xiu Niang’s sister’s powder in the water has no special effect, it will be fine. If it is as suspicion as she suspects, I am afraid that this big bull will be driven out of the pharmaceutical factory because of the lack of guards! A new batch of new employees has just arrived in the factory, and Niu Dazhuang will probably become the chicken used for apes.

Gu Ye strolled around the yard of the net medicine group, and gradually approached the few big cylinders. Li Xiu Niang appeared in front of the courtyard of the net medicine group in Gu night, and she was embarrassed. At this time of the week, the night has not yet started. How could it appear in front of the drug factory so early today, and it is still in front of the net medicine group?

Her suspicious sight moved to Li Xiu's face. The brow can't help but jump again. The show is so gimmick, isn't it a trouble to go to the latrine? This is not combing my face, not washing, breakfast is useless, why are you running in the factory? Besides, she is from the pill group and appears outside the door of the net medicine group, which is not normal in itself! Is it...

"Hey? What is this?" Gu night knows that the medicine was taken in the water tank. It was cloudy last night and the moonlight was dim. The other party could not be seamless. Sure enough, a white powder on the cylinder appeared in her sight.

Li Xiu Niang heard the words, and went up to the compact, saw the white powder of the tip size, and his face suddenly changed. She was in a hurry and squeezed a smile: "Yesterday, Xiaomei invited guests to eat the snacks of Tongfangzhai. It was not anxious. I ate it here and sprinkled the **** on the water tank. I will wipe it off! ”

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