"Hey? Xue Shu, are you also vaccinating?" Jun Yonglun saw two familiar figures on the small road that was not far from the flowers, and took the hand of the little grandson and went up to see the ceremony.

The old man was busy stopping: "It’s just like standing and talking, you don’t have to come over."

Jun Yonglun’s heart is a bit strange. Xue Shu’s final ritual, according to his heart and temper, will not say such rude words. Is it bad? Or do you not know when you offended the father of Yongnian brother?

The young man on the side explained quickly: "My father is suffering from a lunge, and I am afraid that I will give it to my brother, Yonglun, so..."

Jun Yonglun asked with concern: "How do you say Ye?"

"Zi Chengxiong is talking about the little girl of Gujia? She said that her father's illness can be cured. She has already lost three days of water. My father's symptoms have been reduced a lot! Gu girl's family knowledge, good medical skills, really makes People admire it!"

"Xue Sanshu wants to praise me, although I will not be embarrassed when I come face to face!" Gu night's voice came from behind Jun Yonglun, holding a food box in her hand, and the medicine she was going to eat today.

Xue Jia and his son showed a happy smile on their faces. This little girl, the temper is lively, her mouth is awkward, listening to her is like a lark, listening to people feel comfortable. Even Xue’s father has always been serious, and in a few days, he is more harmonious than his own granddaughter!ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

His grandchildren, when he saw him, met the mouse like a cat! He does not eat people, why are they hiding from him? He can't enjoy the happiness of his family. Who will let you train your face all day long, and train people without moving? That!

"Jun Bobo, you take Xiaofang Xu, say a few words to the old man, come back? Father used breakfast, you have to infuse. What's the matter, stay in the Syrian family after recovery? Anyway, it will not be a few days "Children are the most vulnerable people to be infected, and they have been ordered by the night."

Xue Laozi laughed and said: "This lungs, in the mouth of a small girl, actually like a cold."

"The reason why the lungs are terrible is because you have not found the right treatment. All the diseases that can be cured are not a problem! Father, you can rest assured! In these few days, you can reply well, not half a month. Discharged!"

Master Xue understands “discharged from hospital” as “can be discharged from the hospital”, which means that his illness has healed and will not be passed on to others. The patient's heart is full of confidence and hope, and the chances of defeating the disease are greater. The old man is open-minded, and although he is old, he is recovering faster than young people.

Gu night gave the father a hanging needle, and the full moon came out from the outside, showing an anxious color: "Girl, there is a little girl, the situation is not good!"

"Is that the body the thinnest and the weakest?" Gu night heart is prepared, immunity is low, or innate immunity is defective, vaccination is easy to cause complications. She counts everything and has a natural mind.

Gu Ye said to Xue Laozi: "Master, I will go through it first. I will take you a needle later..."

"Go, go! If you are busy for a while, you don't have to come over, let the children give me the needle and pull it down!" Xue Laozi looked at his little son.

Xue Jiahe listened. what? Let him take the needle, he has not done this... If he does not dare to say it, he will win a father's skunk. Xue Jiahe turned his fortune to the girl.

Gu night grinned and smiled, nodded at him, so he didn't have to worry. Gu Ye came to the yard where the vaccinators lived. Many vaccinators were somewhat unstable. A timid woman was crying with her own child.

A body of clothes is dirty like eight hundred years without washing, the unkempt woman, holding a skinny girl like a pig, like a pig killing scene: "Dead people! Vaccination is dead! What free vaccination, They are all deceptive! They care for us, they are cheating us to try their medicine for them. My poor niece, because of such a big sin, can’t just forget it!”

"Really? Is it taking our test? So... the smallpox vaccine failed? When we are finished, we won't get a smallpox? You see, I have a red rash on my arm, and yours is also!" Https://https://

"Is it a smallpox? No? I have no way to live with smallpox. I listened to my grandfather and said that the relatives of his hometown, because of the smallpox, the whole village did not have a living. The court also set fire to the village, and all the bodies were piled up. Burned together in grey!"

"It's over! We are going to die! I don't want to be burned... I want to go out and let us go!"

"Noisy? Is the family a black-hearted drug dealer? Isn't it clear before the vaccination? First, the red rash, then the small pustule, after the sputum is vaccinated successfully. This is only three days, the red rash Isn't it normal?" There are also people who believe in Gu's Pharmaceuticals and come out to speak for the family.

"That... what happened to this little girl? She looks like she is going to die!"

"She? Maybe it's a problem with her own body~www.ltnovel.com~ You look at her skinny look, the doctors were not willing to give her a vaccination, but her mother was noisy and made people vaccinate. Fear not At that time, I was thinking about it and wanted to pay attention to my family’s money?"

Wang Laohan and the woman and the little girl were a village. They stood up and spoke: "The rich family! You are patriarchal, don't look at your niece, and shake the children to walk." I will come out again and have a mother-in-law! Besides, people who have a family doctor can have a doctor, and even acne can cure it. It is that your niece has a smallpox and can’t die. Hey? Gu’s free vaccination for us, you still want讹 people's money, mourning conscience!"

"It's not your niece, you are standing and talking and not hurting!" Wang Laohan counted as a woman's man's uncle, and she was so rushed, almost no gas.

The woman is still crying in tears: "I don't hurt my niece again, it's the meat that fell from me, and I didn't think about letting her die. The children are eight years old, and they have the age to work, but they are I was killed by my family... my poor niece!"

"What? Your niece is eight years old? We said that the condition for free vaccination for children is 0 to five years old. If your niece exceeds the standard, we will also smash us into the hard-pressed niece. It seems that you are premeditated!" A woman in the middle, can not allow this woman to smash the master, stand up and akimbo!

I watched the flower for a long time, and smiled coldly: "The fairness is self-sufficient. This child is the disease that was vaccinated with our vaccine. Some people have been planted and framed. When the prefects came, they went to the court and asked." !"

"The prefects are a piece with you! I am not convinced!" The woman changed her face and shouted.

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