The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 658: It's all the fault

"He dares!" The always calm Jinuo Gong was provoked by his little daughter in two or three sentences. He grabbed a handful of feather dusters (咦? Who put this artifact in the study?), And staggered towards the eldest son, "If you can't find a criminal, you doubt your sister. You're in trouble!"

Chu Muhua evacuated in a limited space in the study. Seeing this, Chu Mufeng quickly pulled the elder brother who had been pumped in the chaos, and retreated outside the study. He said in his mouth: "My father is angry. This hijacking is quite strange. The elder brother suspected that the young girl had deliberately created a chance for him to save the hero."

"He's all in his twenties. He can't handle his family affairs, and he needs to worry about your mother and little sister! On a cold day, your sister went to the wilderness to burn incense and Buddha for you, and was frightened on the way. .You not only did not feel bad for her, but you suspected her ... Baoer, don't call them brothers in the future, they don't deserve to be brothers! "

With the words of his father, Gu Ye made a miserable expression for a while, and then became disappointed and sad. Chu Dashao and Chu Er glanced at each other, and identified the most sly fox in the family, not the younger brother, but the youngest sister. And it's still a little fox who can be a fake fox and coquettishly! Lethality is comparable to a thousand-year-old fox!

The brothers investigated secretly for a few more days. The robbers seemed to disappear from the world out of thin air, leaving no trace of clues. This matter also became a pending case, without any results ...

Gu Ye returned to Rong'an Garden. First, in front of his mother, he told the two brothers fiercely, and then betrayed with courage. Supper was also slaughtered in the room of her father and mother. During the meal, she reported to her father and mother on the results of the red line, and explained the big brother and the third brother's affairs.

The town's father-in-law and Jun's even hurt the lovely little daughter to the bone, and constantly praised her for her cleverness and ability, sharing the worries for her parents, and managing their happiness for her brothers.

After supper, snow fell again and again. Jun's worried about snow and slippery, left his daughter and rested in the Bisha cabinet.

In the middle of the night, the Guoguo of the town was awakened by a slight sound. He opened the curtains vigilantly and looked out through the glass window. He rubbed his eyes hard, and what he saw in front of him made him almost think it was a weird dream.

In the snow, a behemoth jumped off the wall, its light posture contrasted with its huge body. It's dark and huge, and it's dimly recognizable by the light of snow-a black tiger stronger than a cow? Or leopard? The monster's weird eyes flashed fierce golden light in the darkness.

What's even more weird is that on the back of that behemoth, it seems like carrying a bamboo basket on the left and right (???), the basket is full of unknowns. After the black beast landed in the courtyard, he took a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, his golden eyes glanced casually at him-did it find him?

The beast paced slowly and came towards the main room. The weather was cold, and the lady was sympathetic to the people. The beast quickly came to the door, and gently opened the door with his front paws, and his huge head came in.

The Zhen Guogong reached out and held his own sword tightly in his hand. The room was the two women he loved the most, and he had to protect them well even if he tried hard.

After the town's grandfather clenched his weapon and lay down again, the beast had bypassed the screen and entered the inner room. The beast has a huge body, but it doesn't have any life after walking.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Zhen Guogong. When the beast passed by their bed, he seemed to look back at him. Impossible, he has tried to control his breathing, how could this evil animal find his pretend to sleep?

The beast obviously did not have any "interest" in their husband and wife, and stepped gracefully towards the Bisha cabinet next to the bedroom ... wait! Sleeping his baby girl in the Bisha cabinet! Isn't the monster going to his daughter?

When the monster's head squeezed into the Bisha cabinet, he just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack, but heard his daughter's lowered voice sound: "Come back? Why don't you wait in Mingzhu Pavilion. If I scare my mother, Look at me, don't wipe out your hair! "

The beast also lowered his voice quite spiritually, making a growl. It seems to be coquettish, with a little impatience. The daughter's voice came again: "Hungry? There should be something to eat in the small kitchen. Go to Yan Yan ..."

The giant black body of the beast has completely entered the Bisha cabinet, but the town's grandfather jumped out of bed and approached lightly. He has the merits of light work and should not be noticed. Unexpectedly, when he got closer, there was no sound inside, and even his daughter's voice disappeared.

"Baoer, Dad is coming in!" Suddenly he was suspicious, and he opened the door of Bisha's cabinet without hesitation.

Outside the window, snow was still falling. Snow came in through the windows, and the furnishings were clearly visible. The town's grandfather opened his eyes and looked inside. That huge black beast ... disappeared? Look at the window again, and close it well. Even if it is not closed, the giant body of the monster cannot squeeze out of the window.

Look at the bed again. The youngest daughter sleeps peacefully and breathes evenly ... Strangely, how could the monster disappear suddenly? Who made the sound just like her daughter's? He tiptoed around the Bisha cupboard and still found nothing. Strange! Did he just see and hear what he was dreaming about?

At this moment, the little **** the bed moved, and her long eyelashes flickered slightly.

"Ah-there is a thief!" Gu Ye slowly opened his eyes, pretending to be frightened, issued a short scream, picked up the pillow in a hand, and threw it towards the town's father.

"Baoer, don't be afraid, it's father, it's father!"

Junshi was awakened by her daughter's scream. She could not put on her clothes and shoes, and rushed into her daughter's room. Seeing her husband, holding her daughter's pillow, standing in the dark, the little girl's expression of frightened expression. She frowned, and asked, "Fan, what are you doing?"

Zhen Guogong smiled bitterly in his heart: If he said that the beast came in, his wife believe it? After thinking about it, he half-truthedly said, "I just dreamed, and a dark shadow came into my daughter's house. After I woke up, I was not assured and came in to see. I didn't expect to wake up my lady and my wife!"

"You! They all say that they have thoughts and dreams at night, and Baoer was attacked during the day, and you are worried that she would fall asleep and have such a dream. Well, now I have also seen it, my daughter is fine, now I can go back to sleep with confidence Come on. "Jun's thought a little funny. To her daughter-in-law, the husband is even thinner and more nervous than her mother-in-law!

The Zhen Guogong was worried about scaring his daughter, so he calmed and said, "It's not good for my father, it scared my daughter. I told the kitchen to cook a bowl of soothing soup. Don't be afraid of my good daughter, my father is here!"

"Dad, don't bother me, I'm not so timid. Besides, with my father and mother outside, my daughter's heart is like eating a reassurance pill. Any dazed monster or demon monster, my father will help her daughter away! Mother, dressed so thin If the daughter suffers a cold, her daughter will feel unhappy! "Gu Ye's mouth was as sweet as honey.

After seeing his wife wearing only a blouse, Zhen Guogong hurriedly took the outer skirt and wrapped it on her, hugged her out of the Bisha cabinet, stuffed her into the quilt, and returned again, and said to Gu Ye: "It's okay to see you Father, rest assured. Girl, sleep ... "

Having said that, he carefully closed the door for the girl. He turned around and walked to the bed, the more he thought, the more wrong he was. If it is a dream, the scene in the dream is too clear and real. He was clothed, sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling that he had overlooked something.

Suddenly, his eyes stared at each other. There was a trace of water on the floor. After night, there were no other people in or out of the house. Where did the water traces come from? There is only one possibility-brought in by people or animals.

The traces of water extend from the door to the daughter's residence. wrong! He rose suddenly, rushed forward, pushed open his daughter's door, and searched carefully inside the house.

Gu Ye was lying on the bed, and the quilt was pulled to his mouth, revealing only a pair of big, bright eyes outside. Seeing this, she asked in Nuonu's voice, "Dad, what's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Zhen Guogong frowned, and asked vaguely, "Daughter, have you seen anything come in?"

"No! Except Dad and Niang, no one else has entered the room tonight!" Gu Ye looked innocently at Zhen Guogong ~ ~ Kicked in the quilt and turned back The sky of the little tits' cat's body-it's all your fault!

"Not a human ..." Zhen Guogong didn't know how to describe it, fearing that he spoke too clearly and scared his daughter to sleep. It is so big in the Bisha cabinet, if the black beast is there, there is nothing to hide. Strange, why did it disappear out of thin air? Wouldn't it be ... what is it?

The town's grandfather changed his mind: "Daughter, don't you like to sleep with your mother? Tonight, when your father is sleeping, go and sleep with your mother!"

Sure enough, he was a father, who sacrificed his own happiness for the safety of his daughter. Gu Ye's loss of heart is false. In order to dispel her father's doubts, she got dressed and got out of bed. The moment he left the bed, the little black cat was swiftly out and hidden in his clothes.

Gu Ye trot, rushed into the quilt opened by his mother, and tightly embraced the soft body of Jun Xiangxiang. This is the first time she has slept in a bed with her mother. Don't look at Dad spoiling her, but catching people at night, for fear she's taking over his daughter-in-law. Little stingy dad!

Xiao Mo accidentally hit her by accident, which created this rare opportunity for her, even if it failed. Gu Ye buried her little face in the arms of her mother happily. Mother is now hers!

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