"Wow! There are fish in the water!" Gu Ye sang sweet peaches and pointed at the pond with surprise. "Brother Chen, use your magic power, catch a few fish and go back for lunch."

Ling Juechen glanced down at the kindness of the mountain, the meaning is obvious: Is it really good to openly kill raw meat in this hall?

Gu Ye hesitated for a moment, with some guilty conscience: "Then ... we roasted here and brought it back, wouldn't it be killed in the presence of the Bodhisattva, right? Besides, isn't there a saying that" the wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha stays in his heart " As long as there is a Buddha in my heart, it won't work. "

When the monks in the television advised the bad guys, they said: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. Bad people can become Buddhas. What are we afraid of eating some meat?

Ling Jiechen shook his head, pulled out his dagger, chopped a bamboo, sharpened it, and stabbed a quasi-child in the water pond. A few feet of fish piled up around them in a short while.

Ling Juechen shaved the fish scales, cut off the fish intestines, and Gu Ye raised the fire. At this time, the cute three-person group that Gu Ye took out for a walk came over. Little Black Meow maintained a consistent high-cold style, glanced at the grilled fish coldly, and walked away disgustingly.

The little flying squirrel was not interested in grilled fish, and coquettishly asked Gu Ye to ask for pine nuts. After failing, he climbed up to the nearest peach tree and hugged a peach indignantly.

Only the hawk was small white, and he stood by the fire honestly, staring at the fragrant grilled fish. Can't wait for it, it will rush to the edge of the pool, catch fish by itself.

Gu Ye has always taken salt, grilled materials, cumin and so on with him in the space, and took it with him. Ling Jiechen's technique of grilling fish is good. The fish is golden roasted and the inside is fresh and tender. The fish in the pond do not know what species it is, there are not many spines, and the fish is delicious. Gu Ye ate two in a row before stopping contentedly.

Turned into the little black meow in the woods, restored the giant leopard's form, took a fat pheasant over, and threw it in front of the two of them, as if saying: shit, bake this leopard! The dragging look poked Gu Ye's cute spot, crawled on it, and whipped on his head.

Yun Tian: For this stutter, Benbao has tolerated!

At lunchtime, the princess sent someone to look for them, and the two men reluctantly ended the picnic and returned to the grassy cottage under the mountain. The back door opened by Caolu is facing Houshan, so you don't have to go through the kindness and the front when returning.

As soon as Gu Ye came in, he mysteriously shoved the grilled fish and chicken legs wrapped in oil paper into the hands of the princess, and whispered: "This is specially reserved for you. The grilled meat is specially made and tastes good. , You taste it. "

The eldest princess turned back in coordination, avoiding everyone's sight, tasted the grilled fish, and praised, "Who grilled it? The skill of grilled fish is good!"

"Brother Chen dusted me ... but the seasoning was sprinkled by me." Gu Ye deliberately tried to pamper him.

The princess immediately praised: "Okay! This material is sprinkled just right, a penny is thicker and a penny is lighter. The key to grilling fish is here!"

Ling Juechen rolled her eyes in her heart. The princess had no stand at all from seeing the future daughter-in-law herself, blindly petting and holding her, she almost made him a genuine boyfriend. If the princess mother is a man, it is likely that he will be fine!

Gu Ye grinned, revealing two rows of neat white teeth: "Panbang's spices are placed in the baking material, and the proportion of various materials must be well controlled, otherwise it will lose the umami taste of the fish. I tried with Yan Yan It's been a long time before the golden ratio comes! "

"Yes, yes. You are similar to me. You can't get tired of eating and eating. It should be a treat when you eat!" When Princess Rong He was also a famous foodie, she had a good mouth. The chefs in the royal dining room had a headache.

"Yeah, yeah!" Gu Ye seemed to have found a confidant, holding the princess's arm and shaking it, "the princess went back to live with us, Yan Yan's craftsmanship, even the chef of Qingfenglou It's not comparable. By the way, I brought you Yan Yan's snacks in the morning, so you must have never tasted them! "

Liangchen quickly took out a delicate food container from the box with crushed ice, opened it, and exposed the yellow-red-red cake with jam. Not only are the colors bright, but the shapes are extremely delicate, each piece is like an exquisite work of art, which is unbearable to destroy.

"Pink is strawberry-flavored, yellow is orange-flavored, and fruit-green is honeydew-flavored ... There are also honey-stained flesh inside, you taste it, right? ... Gu Ye is like a young man showing off his work Child, waiting for the praise of adults.

The cake is soft and soft, the jam is sweet and sour, and the taste is just right. For the long princess who likes sweets, there is naturally an indescribable temptation.

Because the weather is hot, the cake is not resistant, and each taste is only the size of a ping pong ball. The princess has tasted several pieces in a row, and does not hesitate to praise: "Yeer is right, this dessert tastes great. Man Shengjing I couldn't find anything more delicious than this. I like this gift! "

"This can be regarded as the little bite you brought to the princess. The real gift is in the box. Full moon, go and get the set of hydrating cosmetics." Gu Ye carefully looked at Ronghe the princess. I ca n’t help but praise, “Long Princess, your skin is fair and delicate, and you are naturally beautiful. Brother Chen is so beautiful, it ’s all your credit!”

"It's not all my credit. Chen Er's skin, nose, and mouth followed me, but his face and eyes were carved out of his daddy, like a mold. The child's president will pick me up The best place on his father's face follows. "The long princess stared at her son for a moment, as if she was looking through him, remembering a man in the deep memory.

Gu Ye also stared tightly at Ling Jiechen's eyes. She personally believes that Brother Chen's eyes are one of the most outstanding parts of the five senses ... His fluffy lips with lips are also her favorite part ... uh, the straight nose is also very attractive-Brother Chen's face can not find a trace of defects and flaws, just Like the most perfect artwork! !!

She couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Uncle Ling must be a beautiful man better than Pan An!"

Ronghe Chang princess showed a little girl-like smile, and nodded in agreement frequently: "Yeah! Chen Er's dead ghost father, but one of the four beautiful men in Beijing. Although he is a general, he is not like most generals Rude, handsome, and charming.

Every time he returns to Beijing in triumph, a little girl throws a purse at him. Fortunately, I started fast and slowly, this attractive little fresh meat, I don't know which big-tailed fox has been carried away! "

Gu Ye opened her eyes wide and handed a glance at Ling Juechen: you princess, you must have worn it. Does the word "small fresh meat" feel familiar?

Princess Ronghe sighed and said, "Unfortunately, Chen Er's dead ghost father is very young, and he went away at a young age. I can't see how good his son is, and he can't enjoy the filial piety of his daughter-in-law."

Gu Ye was afraid to evoke her sadness, and she was a little clumsy at one moment, so she didn't know how to comfort her. The princess patted her hand and smiled:

"Good boy, I'm fine! No matter how strong my feelings are, after these more than 20 spring and autumn seasons, there are only faint memories. Others have said that the reason why I don't return to my home is that I can't get out of my husband.

This was indeed the case a few years ago, but later I felt guilty for Chen Er, ignoring him for so many years and wondering how to face him. Later, Chen Er followed his grandfather to battle the border, and there was no one in the house. Life in this grass house has gradually become a habit ...

Oops, look at me, it's okay to miss what these are doing, weird! Come on, little leaf, introduce me, what are you particular about this gift? "

Gu Ye hurriedly followed her words and shifted the topic: "I don't know the long princess, have you heard of Gu Shirihua?"

"Of course I heard! Dongling's Gu's Pharmaceuticals, which is hard to find in Shengjing, has fetched sky-high prices. Gu's Daily Chemical has just started this year and is said to be a factory specializing in skin care products. Oh, I heard this year's Dong Gu's daily skin care products were added to Ling's year-old tribute. "Although the long princess lived in the hall for a long time, the news was not blocked.

She looked at the wooden box in Gu Ye's hand: "Must you, in this box, are the skin care products made by Gu Shi Daily?"

Gu Ye nodded and smiled, "This set is an anti-wrinkle product with moisturizing effect, suitable for women over 30 years old. The princess's skin condition is very good, standing with Brother Chen, not like mother and child, but like Brother. This suits you! "

Ling Juechen's mouth twitched almost invisibly, this girl, the fart was really nasty.

But the long princess just ate this set: "You little mouth is sweet! No more, old! The wrinkles in the corner of this eye are more and more year after year."

Gu Ye took out a small purple bottle from the set: "This eye cream has the effect of diminishing fine lines ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ to tighten and nourish. After you use it for a while, the fine lines in the corner of the eye will gradually reduce. Also With this essence and cream, it can improve the state of skin relaxation and stimulate collagen production. "

All women, regardless of age, have an extraordinary passion for cosmetics, and the princess is not exempt. Pointing cheerfully at the other products in the wooden box, she asked, "What is this? What does it do?"

Gu Ye explained in detail: "Facial cleanser, rub the foam when washing your face, and gently rub your fingers in a circular motion on the face like this to thoroughly clean the skin. After washing your face, use moisturizing water, Slap to give your skin plenty of moisture. Moisturized skin can stay young.

Then use eye cream to gently pull up. After using the essence, it is a lotion. Creams are essential to lock in moisture and nourish the skin. Summer is here. Protect your skin from the sun and avoid the invasion of melanin. This sun cream is moisturizing and non-greasy, and has the effect of foundation, naturally not heavy ... "


The computer crashed yesterday, and today I asked someone to help rebuild the system. Update is late, sorry

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