"Look at you!" Princess He Jia slightly guilty and looked away, "Don't you just eat a piece of candy? When the old lady was pregnant with you, for ten months, what you vomited and suffered so much sin "You honor your mother with a piece of sugar and are you wronged?"

"Have you been such a mother?" Gu Ye couldn't help crying and laughing. "Suddenly grabbing his son's candy to eat, but also cheer up! Xianer, right? Good boy, don't cry anymore! Aunt Lollipop is here, give you two Root. Take it, don't get snatched by your unscrupulous mother again. "

Gu Ye took out two lollipops from the bag, a strawberry flavor and an orange flavor, in the eyes of Princess He Jia, and stuffed it into Situ Xian's little pot friend.

"Thank Auntie!" Situxian Xiao Baozi smiled timidly at Ye Gu, and there was a drop of business tears on his cheek: This auntie is good, unlike other mother-in-law friends, only rubbing his face, Give him sweet candy. He likes this aunt!

Princess Hejia stared at the lollipop licked by her son, stretched her hand in front of Gu Ye, and said with confidence: "Have you got another yellow one?"

"Nothing. Don't believe it!" Gu Ye opened the small bag. He Jia, a shameless guy, really came over and rummaged in her small bag.

After no fruit, he grabbed the lollipop in his son's hand. The name was so beautiful: "Children can't eat too much sugar, the bug will eat up all their teeth!" Gu Ye had never seen anything like Princess Hejia As a mother, grab the candy with her son, and only she can make it, and have done it more than once!

There was another tear in Situ Xian's eyes, and he looked at the aunt who was new to him aggrieved. Gu Ye was so annoyed that he held the pretty young lady up, and said to Princess Hejia angrily: "Are you so bullying? Such a cute and lovely son, you don't hurt, I can take it away!"

"Take it away! Twenty candies just like that, your son will do it for you!" Hearing Princess Jia, someone helped her raise her son.

Gu Ye was full of powerlessness, as opposed to the tearful little guy's eyes: "Poor, in your mother's heart, you are only worth twenty lollipops. Such a mother, don't bother. Give me a son It's up! "

"Okay!" The little boy's tears were like a faucet closing the valve, and it was retracted instantly, and he agreed very simply, eating lollipops in her arms. He prefers this aunt who exudes comfortably to his mother who enjoys bullying him all day. Most importantly, she has sweet lollipops!

Got it! In addition to Xiao Yan, a cheap girl, she has another "son". Let her eat a pudding first!

Suddenly, she noticed two pairs of hot eyes, staring at the cherry pudding in her hands. Gu Ye smiled bitterly in his heart. Needless to say, naturally he and Jia Jiazi brought their food attributes.

Gu Ye came to the mouth of the pudding and was embarrassed to send it to his mouth anyway. In desperation, she used a small spoon to feed Situ Xian little buns bite by bite. Princess Hejia scratched her head and kept asking her son, "Is it delicious? What kind of taste? Let my mother taste it, OK?"

Little friend of Situ Xian hurry to hold the glass box containing the pudding in his arms, and said arrogantly, "You are not my mother-in-law, you have already exchanged me for lollipops! You can't scold me for being filial, and grab me Eat it! "

"You filial son. I was pregnant with you for ten months and raised you for more than three years! What about you stuttering?" Princess He Jia was so angry that she wanted to grab it.

Situ Xian hurried to hide in Gu Yehuai. He likes this soft and slippery snack, and he must not let his mother take it away. The little boy protested and said, "My mother has given me away. I am now the child of my aunt's house. Isn't my mother teaching us that you can't rob someone else's children? You can't rob me now Yes! "

"I said, with Princess Jia, you're almost there! Such a big person doesn't have any sense for your son!" Gu Ye stretched out his arm and blocked Princess Jia's magic claw.

Princess Hejia was reconciled and stretched her claws to Gu Ye's small bag: "Are there any? I just didn't see any of this, you're hiding it very tightly!"

"No, don't believe it!" Gu Ye threw the bag to her. Anyway, her snacks and snacks are all in the space, and the bag she carries with her is just a blinding eye.

Princess Hejia turned it over carefully, and found that the bottles and cans inside were all commonly used medicines, and some reluctantly ran a bottle of cold medicine, and threw the bag back to her, still complaining in her mouth: "Why don't you Bring more? "

"There are many puddings and egg tarts in the small kitchen today, but when they were in the palace, they gave both Tongfei and Qinfei!" Gu Ye said casually.

Princess Hejia eagerly tried to say, "Did you give my mother-in-law? If I go into the palace now, will I be able to taste the new-style dim sum in your house?" She was eaten up ... "

Gu Ye rolled her eyes and reminded her: "Qingfeng Tower will launch various desserts from time to time. If the princess is lucky, maybe today is pudding or egg tart!"

"Yes! There is also a new style of dim sum in Qingfeng Tower. Last time I went to Qingfeng Tower for a meal, the fried sandwich on the table tasted very good. I ate three large pieces at once!" Princess He Jia pouted, as if Aftertaste the taste of fried sandwiches.

Gu Ye had a black line: a sandwich was about the size of her palm. I ate three pieces at a time. Are other dishes still affordable? It seems that this is the same kind of person as Princess Jia. With snacks and snacks, people who do not eat dinner!

Qing Fenglou has arrived. Qingfeng Tower in Shengjing is more atmospheric than Gu Ye's ever seen before. The shop on the first floor alone occupies eight rooms, and the three-story building is particularly eye-catching on Suzaku Street.

Situ Yima was fortunate and booked a private room on the second floor. The name of the elegant room is "Meeting Each Other", with celebrities and paintings hanging on the wall, and the room decorated with green plants, which is particularly elegant. Situ Xun was born of a Ma literati, who was particular about elegance and praised the elegant arrangement.

Xiaoxi came down from his father's arms, rushed towards Gu Ye and Situ Xian, and cried sweetly in his mouth: "Hey ... Mom! Brother!"

Situ Xian looked at his little sister like a meat ball with a complex expression, and the little adult sighed, "Hey, I'm not your brother anymore! Dear Princess, take me and my aunt for a lollipop. I It ’s my aunt ’s son! ”

When Situ heard the horse, he couldn't breathe in one place, and said to the Princess Hejia indignantly: "You're getting more and more ridiculous! Last time I wanted to exchange a table with me and the shopkeeper of Qingfeng Tower, just fine! How could you change your son for sugar ... If you continue to do so, you and our four sons will be replaced by you! "

The eldest son of Princess Hejia raised her eyebrows, walked to Gu Ye, and asked, "The twenty lollipops, have you kissed my mother?"

"No, I came out in a hurry and didn't bring so many lollipops." Gu Ye thought that the little madam who looked like a little adult, the contrast revealed Meng, it was quite interesting.

"Sale and purchase are both important. Since you haven't paid for lollipops, this transaction can be canceled at any time. Now, I announce for my mother-in-law that this transaction is not counted. My brother will not change it!" Situ Xuan said flatly.

Princess Hejia crossed her hips: "Smelly boy, when is this your turn to take charge?"

Situ Xuan did not bow his head to the evil forces: "I am the eldest son and grandson of the Situ family, the future head of the family, and my younger brother is also Situ, why can't I control it?" Sell ​​it before the foreigner says it!

Princess He Jia was downcast. Situ Xian, a pig teammate, said to his brother with tears: "But ... I like my aunt, and I am willing to be her son. She will protect me, and will not let my mother kiss me, and it will also give me delicious food. . Her body is more like a mother-in-law! "

Situ Yima endured, so he did not throw the cup on the table to the ground. He pointed at Princess Hejia and said silently, "You look at you, but you have the consciousness of being a mother? Your son is not willing to recognize you, are you satisfied?"

Princess Hejia slammed the table and shouted, "Well, you, Situ Zhou, and you-Situ Xuan, who dared to raise his eyebrows at the old lady, his wings are hard, right? Do you know who this is? The little **** doctor praised by his father Huang, the founder of Gu's Pharmaceuticals, and the youngest nine-level pharmacist! Xian'er is her son, that's his blessing! "

Situ Yima asked hesitantly, "Don't you just exchange your son for the twenty lollipops?"

"My son is the meat that fell from my old mother. I worked hard for ten months and lost half my life. I didn't hurt him? I have good intentions ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ for He found a strong backer! You did n’t appreciate one by one, but you also blamed me! No, I am angry with my mother, without a table for Qingfeng Lou, and twenty lollipops are not good enough! ”And Princess Jia opened her mouth and opened up the compensation conditions!

Situ Luma said, "A table in Qingfeng Tower is easy to handle. I'll book it for you now. But where can you get these twenty lollipops? I'll get you there? On the market in Shengjing, Nothing to sell! "

After that, the eyes of the five family members of Princess Hejia all focused on Gu Ye. Gu Ye was almost choked by the tea delivered to her mouth. She coughed a few times and asked, "What are you doing? You keep arguing, when I don't exist anymore!"

"Do you have a conscience? Who are we arguing about? Why don't you come out and persuade?" Princess He Jia said with dissatisfaction.

Gu Ye was mad at her: "If I didn't hear it wrong, I should have been accounted for by the princess? I haven't asked your teacher for guilt. You'd better, count my lollipops with integrity. You What a fool I am! "

"Auntie is not stupid! Even if there is no lollipop, I am willing to be your son!" Situxian Xiaopenyou smiled at her very dog-leggedly.

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