The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 806: Another sale

Li Hao's mother felt the pressure. People's dowry is so rich, they can not be too much, it will make people laugh. Fortunately, Li Hao gave her a lot of money, and she brought some medicine fields from her home ...

A big piece of married daughter is to pull the bed, this is to be customized in advance. Gu Ye took Gu Li'er's marriage as early as possible and then took her to order it. At this time, she should have done almost the same thing.

A fat figure came in while looking at the custom-made babu bed in the carpenter's shop. Hearing Gu Ye's voice, he leaned over and said, "Sister Ye'er, is it really you? I thought I heard it wrong? What's wrong? For whom do you make a dowry? Wouldn't it be you, hahaha ... "

Gu Yehong rolled his eyes and said, "Who do you need to make a dowry, you still need to report to you? It's you, what's coming to the carpenter's shop? Help the fat and custom-made stroller?"

"Baby stroller? What is that good thing? For children? Let's talk about what it looks like?" King Taijun asked with great interest.

Gu Ye three words, briefly introduced the appearance and utility of the stroller, and then sent him: "OK, I will not chat with you, I am busy!"

However, King Taijun saw the business opportunities from it, and he was busy: "Otherwise ... you produce drawings and crafters and raw materials, let's partner in the stroller business? If the business is completed, I will take charge of this brave bed, free of charge gave it to you!"

"This baby carriage will be bought and sold with a hammer, unless you have a way to prevent others from copying ... wait, we can work on some fine places, such as universal shaft wheels ..." Gu Ye thought.

When the troubled times of the previous world did not come, who made the best money? Of course it is women and children. At that time, the business of pregnant and infants was very good! Baby strollers, cribs, children's tricycles, children's bicycles ... if these can be done, it will definitely be very profitable!

As for the drawings of these children's products, although she only knows a little, but Brother Chen will! Didn't the bicycle at home come out of the technical department of the Hidden Soul Palace?

"OK! I will do this business with you. As for the details of the cooperation, I will wait for you to finish the wedding of Sister Lier and discuss with you in detail."

As for this babu bed, the King of Taijun will let him send it if he wants to send it. Anyway, he will make money by her drawings, and he will not lose him!

Several aunts in Qingshan Village met the people in the shop and called the fat, seemingly gentle aristocrat "The Lord of the County". They watched Gu Ye talking and laughing with him enviously. Although I didn't quite understand what the two were talking about, I knew that in a few words, Xiao Yeer was talking about another business.

Watching King Taijun leave happily, they dare to come to Gu Ye's side. Aunt Jiu asked anxiously, "What kind of business did you talk to the prince of the county? Although this babu bed is more expensive, it can't be exchanged for damaging your interests. Those of us in the mountains don't pay attention to this show. Just make a normal bed and it will do ... "

"How can that be? This is a big event for Sister Lier once in her life. Of course, she should be the best within her ability! Aunt Jiu, rest assured, I just talked to King Taijun, it's a win-win situation! I only Use your brain and wait for the money! "Gu Ye placated with a smile.

Aunt Gu Jiatang convinced and said: "Ye'er's brain is easy to use, and you can make money with a move. If you want to replace it with us, think of a hole in your brain, and you won't get a copper plate!"

Aunt Li Jia also flattered and said: "Can your brain compare with Ye'er? Ye'er, we can grow medicinal herbs, we can see people for medicine, we can make medicine, and we can make things beautiful for women ... Now let's just move the mouth and skin, You will be able to change back to a more than one hundred two-bed bed. What can you do? The elders in your family do n’t understand it! "

"Can you! You're tossing about something for us to see!" These two aunts have a good relationship on weekdays, so they don't have so many concerns when speaking, "Like our Ye'er, don't talk about the entire Qingshan The village, even the capital city, can't find a few. Why am I not asking for fun and comparing with her? "

Li Hao ’s mother touched the well-made and exquisite workmanship bed, rare and authentic: "This bed is so beautifully made, you look at the picture of the hundred sons and grandchildren above, you have a lot of images. This little nose Those with small eyes can see clearly! The Jingli people are so particular that so many tricks can be made in one bed! "

These are all to be married to their home! Li Hao's mother was happy, but also a bit worried. Gu family is so willing to marry, it seems that the offer she made is still thin. Go back, she will add more!

Aunt Li Jia said: "Not really! In our north, such a bed can only be provided by large households. However, that is what it looks like, in winter, it is still real, warm and comfortable."

Aunt Jiu looked at Gu Ye and said, "I heard Li'er said. In the main rooms of the yard, there were earth dragons and fire walls. When they burned in winter, UU read Like Zhang Dang, it's warm. "

"Earth dragon? Fire wall?" That was for the big households, and a few aunts had only heard it. Aunt Li's envy was authentic, "Sister-in-law, the yard allocated by the pharmaceutical factory, the conditions are also very good. When it is winter, You can come with my elder brother to enjoy the happiness! "

Aunt Jiu heard it and looked at Li Hao's mother. Although the son and daughter-in-law should be filial to their in-laws. But if the Lis and his wife take their children, they will live in the yard of their daughter-in-law, and how much money will be spent next, the daughter's temper will cause friction with the family ...

Li Hao's mother said: "How did that happen, the capital is so far away from our Qingshan Village, it's only a month's journey away. Is there anything going on in the family, don't you leave it behind?"

The village head ’s house was divided into more than 20 acres of medicine fields. The three brothers of Li Hao ’s parents did not separate. If she came to Beijing with her family, would n’t the medicine fields at home be cheaper than Li Hao ’s two uncles?

Li Hao ’s mother was over. Even if they were separated, her man was the eldest son, and her in-laws must live with them by then. The old rules of the villagers, who the in-laws are, and who owns the things in the in-laws 100 years later.

More than twenty acres of medicine fields, three brothers and two parents-in-law, and a family of more than five acres. If the old couple wants to follow them, then their family can be divided into ten acres. The output of one acre of medicine field is forty-five or two, and there are also five hundred and two in a year for more than ten acres!

If they came to Beijing to live with their son, wouldn't that be the second child in vain? Besides, she and Hao Li are both used to doing things. Let them come to Beijing, they ca n’t do anything, and they are sick when they are idle! Therefore, Li Hao Niang's proposal was overthrown by Li Hao Niang without thinking.

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