The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 832: Get married

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Xi Niang looked aside, and kept pursing her lips: The wife of the town's father-in-law, too, spoiled her daughter. Are you afraid that your daughter will be guilty? It takes half a day to get married from Princess Palace to King Ning Palace. In case there is a third anxiety on the way, don't you die by jokes?

Gu Ye doesn't care so much, let's talk about it first. It was only in the morning, Ji Shi was set at the beginning of time (1.66 pm), she would really feel hungry if she did n’t eat anything. Big deal, drink less water or something to avoid going to the toilet on the road.

When the bridegroom officer arrived at the princess palace, when everyone was busy blocking people, Gu Ye went to the clean room in the eyes of everyone. People are in a hurry, what's the fuss? Before you leave, make preparations ...

Ling Juchen's Wen Tao Wulue, who passed all the way and quickly came to the inner courtyard. Gu Ye whispered to her sisters-in-law and Li Xiuer: "It's blocked, don't give enough red envelopes, and don't put people in!"

The female guests in the room secretly covered their mouths and stolen music: united with others, and stopped the bridegroom of the groom, seeing them for the first time. Gu Yeyue was eager to try. If it weren't for her to get married, she would have lifted the sleeves. I want to pass under her hand, no more than enough blood!

When Ling Juchen used the Red Envelope Sea tactics, he passed the trials of the Girl Scouts. He came in front of Gu Ye and looked at the little red man sitting on the bed, his mouth almost grinning behind his ears-so stupid!

Ling Juchen said to Gu Ye: "Ye'er, I'll pick you up!" After that, he had to step forward to pick up the bride and was stopped by Xi Niang.

"The groom's official is not anxious! The bride has to say goodbye to her parents!" A good-sounding laughter sounded from inside the house.

With the help of Xi Niang, Gu Ye paid tribute to her parents. Ling Juchen also followed along, and served tea to the father-in-law and mother-in-law, thanking them for raising such a good daughter.

The Jun's tears burst into tears. Her treasure, the fiery red wedding dress she put on today, left the house and was about to become someone else's wife. This tear is tears of reluctance, but also tears of blessing. The son-in-law is good, and she is sincere to her daughter. She has nothing to worry about, but she is reluctant to ...

After the daughter returned to the door in the three dynasties, they would return to the Yan Kingdom. From then on, each side did not know when it was next time. If it wasn't for her daughter to identify her son-in-law, she was really reluctant to marry her daughter away ... everything was for her daughter's happiness.

"In the future, when you arrive at your husband's house, you should respect your husband and respect your mother-in-law, and your child's temper should be converged. You must discuss with your husband, whatever you want ..." Jun said, crying.

Gu Ye covered his head and heard tears from his mother's mother's mouth, and couldn't help tears.

Zhen Guogong's eyes were hot. He resisted tears and said to the Juns: "You don't know our daughter, when did she have a willful way? The daughter has a good temper! If there is any conflict between their husband and wife, it must be someone else's fault!"

In the end, this fine tradition of short-term protection has been brought to the extreme. He also said to his son-in-law uneasy: "I am such a baby girl, I am afraid of flying in my palms in my hands, and I am afraid of being included in my mouth. I never give her a little grievance. Today, I handed her over You have it. You want to pamper her like a girl like me ... "

The guests who came to marry the Xiao Shen doctor couldn't help but fall back: the girl's daughter was going out, they were all told to be the daughter-in-law. How can you teach your son-in-law how to love his daughter-in-law? Who dares to take such a spoiled daughter?

Unexpectedly, King Ning solemnly promised: "Please rest assured, my father-in-law, your son-in-law will be on par with you, and put your daughter-in-law on the tip of your heart, will not let her be aggrieved!"

"You remember what you said today! If you can't do it, I will pick up my daughter ..." Before the words of Zhen Guogong were finished, Jun Shi pinched his arm and swallowed it.

"Auspicious time has arrived, please ask the bride to get on the sedan chair!" Xi Niang was afraid of the bride's father saying anything excessively, and hurriedly raised her voice.

Gu Ye ’s sixth brother had the closest relationship with her and won the power to carry her sister on the chair this time. Looking at the sister in a gorgeous wedding dress, he twisted the head reluctantly, squatted in front of her, and whispered: "Sister, I will send you to marry ..."

Because the road was far away, the big chair carried by eight people walked two streets and was replaced by a carriage. The groom official rode on the high-headed horse, and followed the wagon side by side. Along the way, I asked the bride for warmth, for a while I asked the bride if she was hungry, for a while, if she was thirsty or not, and even whispered whether she needed to go to the toilet ...

The full moon that accompanied her girl in the carriage, she smiled non-stop: "Girl, my uncle's heart is so thin, everything is considered for you. You will definitely be happy!"

Liang Chen nodded and thought deeply: "Like a prince who will hurt his wife, no one can find a second one. When the wife is around, the slave-servant thinks that the father-in-law will hurt people very much. It was easily compared by the prince! "

Gu Ye held the apple and leaned softly on the pillow. Although the mother told her that the buttocks should not move randomly after sitting, it is safe and secure. But this way is about two hours' drive away. If she always sits upright, will she have a waist?

Gu Ye in the carriage should eat and drink. The carriage is large enough to be separated at the back, and there is a keg in it, so you don't have to get off even if you use the toilet. The only thing that makes her uncomfortable is that the hijab can't be taken off and blindfolded in front of your eyes!

Gu Ye's way, just like traveling, also took a nap on the pillow for a while. Outside the capital, he changed to a sedan chair and slammed toward Ning Wang Mansion.

The old housekeeper looked at the door several times and heard Suona's voice. He stretched his neck, recognized his young master immediately, and hurriedly said to his son Ling Chao: "Come! Come! Hurry to firecrackers! Li Let's play! "

When the sedan stopped, Ling Juchen didn't receive the bow and arrow handed over from Dapeng. "Shooting the sedan door" had the intention of displacing Mawei. Master Ning Wang, who was too late to spoil his wife. He tapped the car door gently with his hand, and said softly on the opposite side: "Ye'er, we got off the car!"

The full moon quickly sorted out the clothes for the girl and smoothed the creases with her hands. The slender jade hand stretched out from the sedan chair rested on the groom's palm. The groom lightly pressed hard, picked up the bride, crossed the brazier, crossed the saddle, and walked down the red carpet to the house.

A group of young men who came to celebrate, wailed and followed, coaxing behind. When the bride came out of her mother's house and reached the main hall of the worship hall, her feet could not touch the ground. Before getting on the sedan chair, the bride's brother is carrying it, and getting off the sedan chair should be the job of Xi Niang. Now the groom has snatched it. How rare is Ning Wang to the little magician!

General Ling Old was beaming with joy, and the folds on his face had not been smoothed all day. Where is he happy! Grandson finally got married! This stinky boy had no worries since he was a child, and he did not marry his daughter-in-law until she was twenty-seven or eighty years old. As old as he is, his sons took part in the child test.

In the past ten years or so, Sun's heart was full of desires, and he remained immobile. He almost didn't give him a sudden death. The Ling family's three generations of single pass, but can't reach the blood of his generation!

Fortunately, the stinky boy chose a young wife for herself. It turned out that his grandson was not indifferent, but his vision was too high, and the average girlish lady could not enter his eyes! This granddaughter-in-law is good everywhere, just a little younger. After dragging on, I finally got the family affairs done! Mr. Ling seems to be seeing a white, fat, soft and cute grandson, beckoning to him ...

Princess Ronghe was dressed very formal and sat on her parents' seat. Seeing the tall figure of his son, holding his little daughter-in-law striding out from outside, her eyes gradually blurred: Pony, have you seen it in the sky? Our son is married to his wife. She has a daughter-in-law!

In the voice of the praiser, after three kneels and nine knocks, the bridegroom led the bride into the cave prepared for them with a "send to the cave".

Princess Ronghe turned around, dipped the corner of her eyes with a veil, and whispered with a low voice: "This stink boy!"

All the guests under the hall also saw it. Ning Wang was deliberately behind the bride every time when he was in the chapel. Because the worship hall has the custom of kneeling in front. Whoever kneels in front can control the latter in the future. Ning Wang how much it hurts his wife, she is willingly managed by her!

On the way to listen to Jianxuan, the two young ladies in front were holding dragons and phoenix candles, and Ning Wang held colorful ball ribbons, leading Gu Ye to move forward, and reminded her to pay attention to her feet from time to time. The two walked on sacks and walked in front. Xi Niang took the back pass and spread it on the front to spread it on the Dao'er, meaning "passing the lineage."

When he arrived at the cave, Xi Niang reminded the two to sit on the edge of the bed according to the male left, female right, and a woman with a happy birthday. She sent a weighing scale to the front of Ning Wang. Ling Juchen took it to ~ ~ and picked up the red hijab on Gu Ye's head. The red candle shines, the pink face is shy, and the eyes are facing each other, but they still move away. The women and girls in the house all smiled kindly.

After eating half-cooked dumplings, he answered "raw" and the two drank another cup of wine.

Ling Juchen put down the cup and said to Moon, "I will change the princess's light clothes for a while and remove the phoenix crown. After a tired day, take a good rest."

To Gu Yedao again: "I asked Aunt Yan to prepare a few small dishes and snacks you like. You eat them first. I will go and go back! From now on, this is your home. You are the master of the house, You do n’t have to be yourself! "

Gu Ye looked at the furnishings in the house. Although the furniture was replaced with new ones, the location was the same as the one she lived in the previous year. She could not feel the strangeness at all.

It's just ... the young daughter-in-law and girl in this room, although some looked familiar, she didn't recognize any of them. She is the worst at remembering people and socializing.

When Ling Juchen went out, he glanced at one of the women. The young woman smiled and said, "Okay, you don't know the bride. After looking at it, let me have a feast. I heard that today's face wash was invited by the chef of Qingfeng Building. Ning Wangfu has such a big face! "

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