The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 834: Ning Wang's daughter-in-law

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Gu Ye, in her sleep, faintly noticed her eyes locked on herself. She gently shrugged her nose, smelled the familiar and clear smell that assured her, and shrank into the quilt, preparing to continue to sleep-she was so tired! Blame all blame Brother Chen for not restraining!

A chuckle rang by the ear, and the little **** was pinched: "Little lazy cat, get up, the sun is drying the ass!"

Gu Ye's messy little head popped out of the bed and glanced out of the window, deflated the most, and said, "Fool! Don't mess with me, I get upset very badly! I'm afraid to scare you!"

Ling Juchen's chest was trembling and she couldn't hold her smile. She pulled the little girl ... No, it should be the younger wife, and the younger daughter's head: "Come on, let Brother Chen see you and get up very well. gas!"

Gu Ye bit his tiger's mouth and grinded his teeth: "People are exhausted, they are not considerate at all. I regret ... Uh, uh, don't, don't, don't you? (What do you do to cover my mouth)"

"I'm not allowed to say these two words!" Ling Juchen circled his daughter-in-law in her arms and murmured.

Gu Ye was silent for a moment. When Ling Juchen lowered his head again, he found that his wife was leaning on his shoulders and neck, and she slept with a little snoring-this careless girl!

He looked at the sky and dug out his little daughter-in-law from the bed. She replaced her nightgown and put on her clothes layer by layer. Even Xiao Nene had done it herself, not willing to fake the hand of the maid. Ningwangfuzhong, regardless of the owner or servant, there are more males than females.

It was the full moon and the good morning brought by his little daughter-in-law who were waiting in the room. However, in the night of the cave, the couple were not used to someone listening to the foot of the bed, and no one was left in the house.

Gu Ye is like a doll, letting her new husband play around. She glared and said: "Her husband, just to give the princess the tea, don't you have to get up so early? Isn't that ... your mother wanted to give me this new daughter-in-law to deliberately trouble me?" The little girl's brain was wide open.

Gu Ye grabbed the man's shirt and said fiercely: "Say! I fell in the river with your mother. Who will you save first?"

Ling Juechen looked at her with a small smile and said, "If I really encounter such a scene, I believe my kind daughter-in-law will quickly swim to her mother and save people before thinking. I have no use at all. Land of Martial Arts! "

When Gu Ye woke up in the morning, his brain was a bit dull. She thinks hard, really like what Brother Chen said. Her swimming skills were still forced to learn by her older brother! Absolutely bumpy, it can be called a white flying fish in the waves, and the primary mutant beast in the water may not be able to catch her.

She blinked her eyes a few times and deliberately said: "No! You must make a choice! Save me first or save your mother!"

"Primary school students only make multiple choice questions! With my kung fu, a flying body, a little dragonfly, a handful of water, one rescues people! Do you doubt your man's ability?" Ling Juchen flicked an electric eye at her ambiguously.

Gu Ye bulged his mouth like a bulging little frog. The cunning guy, he was hiding so easily! Married a great husband, she is also very helpless! (A look of bluster)

"What did you just call me? Call again!" Ling Juechen saw that the younger daughter-in-law was no longer entangled in the question of who to save first, and asked, holding her small chin.

"What else can I call you? Cunning old fox!" Gu Ye continued to cheer.

Ling Jiechen took a bite on her flirty little mouth and tempted, "Good boy, call another 'husband'!"

"Don't!" Gu Ye stretched out his little arm and turned his face to the side, making a small, arrogant voice.

"Well! Call again!" Ling Juchen looked at her innocently with his innocent eyes, and there were two nasal voices in Shasha's voice. Both pure and sexy, let Gu Ye throw his helmet and armor away without any resistance.

"Okay, okay!" Who asked her to marry a man who grew up in her aesthetic? And this man is very coquettish, "Husband, why do we get up so early? People haven't slept enough!"

Ling Jiechen squeezed the little milky fat on her cheek gang and said with a smile: "Yesterday we were married, the emperor, the queen and the prince all gave valuable gifts. Today we are going to the palace to thank you! The emperor is also us Elders, knock the elders off, and by the way, accept some gifts to meet you! "

Gu Ye, a fan of Xiaocai, immediately got up and shouted, "Yueyuan, bring my toothbrush and toothpaste in. I must hurry up and go to the palace to accept the gift!"

Ling Juchen fastened her belt and carefully sorted it out for her. The small jacket of the big red embroidered begonia has a tight waist and tight grip. The collar was covered with a fluffy white fox fur, and it lined her small face, which was particularly charming. Below is a horse-faced dress embroidered with gold and moire in light green, and a pair of embroidered shoes embroidered with red pearls looming inside.

Gu Ye randomly bundled his hair and brushed his toothbrush with foam. Seeing Brother Chen ’s stunning gaze stayed on himself, he spit out a lather and twitched his chin, saying, “How is it? This pair of skins is beautiful? My mother said I ’m going to be beautiful again when I grow long, earn it? "

In the previous life, she was at best a beautiful young lady. In this life, Gu Ye'er looked malnourished when he was a child, and he didn't see much. In the past two years, precious tonics have been eaten, and various maintenance medicines have been drunk. Coupled with her tailor-made skin care products, her skin looks like snowy fat, her big eyes are particularly bright, her small nose and her pink lips are absolutely worthy of the title of "beauty".

Ling Juchen reached out and wiped the toothpaste foam from her mouth, looked at the little girl in front of her affectionately, and said softly, "No matter what you look like, as long as you are you. I can marry you and I earn it!"

Gu Ye shook, and the corners of his mouth were almost reaching the back of his head: "It's nasty! But ... I like it!"

Gu Yefei quickly finished washing, sitting next to the vanity mirror, obediently let Grandma Lu comb her hair.

"Princess's hair is so good, thick, dense and supple!" Grandma Lu looked at the clever little girl through the clear glass mirror. Although it is already sixteen, it looks much younger than the actual age.

After six months of getting along, Grandma Lu made a good impression of the mistress of the royal palace. Good temper, no frame, and ability, the key is that the young master likes it! This house, empty for more than 20 years, finally has a hostess. that's nice!

"Mammoth Lu's hair combing technique is really good, it's so beautiful. But ... is there more hairpins on her head?" Gu Ye took a picture stinky, feeling a little heavy on her head.

"This is Fengchai, which symbolizes the identity of the princess. It usually doesn't matter. When you go to the saint today, you must take it. After a while, you will have to change into the princess's kimono ..." Mammoth Lu couldn't help reminding.

Princess ...... Gu Ye is obviously not very used to this new identity. I always feel that this "Princess" calls her old. It seems that the princess she has seen is mostly middle-aged women! There is no way, who made her a man so powerful, so young and ascended to the throne of "The Lord"!

After tidying up, Gu Ye hurriedly ate two snacks and drank a few sips of almond goat's milk. He boarded the carriage of Ning Wangfu and drove all the way to the palace.

Outside, it's not too bright. Several carriages encountered on the road were headed up. Gu Ye yawned and said sympathetically: "It's too inhumane to go to work so early. Ancient civil servants are too poor!"

"It is the same for all dynasties. The emperor is diligent and the minister is diligent. It is the blessing of the country and the blessing of the people." Ling Juchen said with emotion.

Gu Yebai gave him a glance and said: "Brother Chen has been assimilated for more than 20 years in ancient times. He is also assiduous. It's a bit of a sore one! You are a military general, why do you learn those old-school scholars?

"This only shows that your husband, I am Yunwen Yunwu, and Wenwu both!" Ling Juchen was afraid that she would sleep again and gnawed at her. Ning Wangfu was originally in the square near the imperial city, and the carriage arrived at the palace gate in a short time.

The guard who guarded the palace gate, unfortunately, was recruited by Gu Ye's medicine in the plague two years ago. Naturally, one's own life-saving benefactor is known. As for King Ning, it can be said to be the idol of all generals. These two people are allowed to pass in and out of the palace gate, even if there is no sign. Symbolically checked, the two were released.

Emperor Sheng De withdrew early, and in the Queen's Qingning Palace, he talked to her one by one, and his eyes also looked out from time to time.

The queen felt funny, saying: "I don't know, I thought it was the emperor who married your daughter-in-law! No. Except for the boss, the second and the third, when I married the daughter-in-law, I never saw you, so concerned!"

Emperor Shengde wanted to sit upright and stood upright. UU read the book and said: "Rong He is just such a son. It's all twenty-eight, before he marries his daughter-in-law. My maternal uncle naturally needs to care. What about the nephew's lifelong event! "

The prince aside nodded and said, "What's more, the cousin marryed is the" Peerless Doctor "who is both medical and medicinal!" The current prince, the former four princes, gave thumbs up.

Sheng Dedi showed a smug smile: "President Rao of the Pharmacist Association, quietly told me a big secret in the pharmacist world! Your cousin is the youngest and most promising pharmacist in the history of pharmaceuticals!"

"Isn't it a ninth-level pharmacist?" The queen asked in surprise.

"That's my low-key niece's low-key, don't want to be tired of the prestige. The invisible pharmacist at the last big drugstore is the small leaves. Haha! We can pick up the treasure, and dig one of Dongling's big pharmacist!" The emperor Sheng De laughed loudly and heard that he was far away.

The prince's expression finally changed from a shock to a surprise: "The big pharmacist is a treasure of national treasure! The emperor of Dongling doesn't love to die! However, if this Dongling small country, with the cousin, are there five people? Great pharmacist? Gee, even more than our big country! This is not scientific! "

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