The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 852: Brother, you are willing

Shente had already arranged, it must be that the elder brother learned from her mouth that Ye Er was in love with the Fuyuan and gave it to her in disguise. In addition, she took the opportunity to take the medical school and the national hospital seriously. Brother Huang is... Is it possible that Ye Er will not repent of what he promised?

However, the end result was good, she did not need to see her daughter-in-law disappointed. The reward is more cost-effective than buying, saving a lot of money!

Princess Rong and Chang put the imperial edict, and smiled at Gu Yedao: "Go, your mother will accompany you to Fuyuan to see what needs to be added, and set it up as soon as possible. Try to let your family live in the next two days. "

"Well, Ye Er felt relieved when her mother helped to make up her mind." Gu Ye walked out of the elder princess's arm excitedly.

Ling Juchen took the snow fox fur cloak in Liangchen's hands and reluctantly followed her mother-in-law. These two guys are really right tempered, both listen to the wind and rain. He stepped forward, draped the big cloak on his wife, and told him in his mouth: "Slow down, there is still light snow outside!"

Princess Ronghe looked at him sideways, glanced at the cloak in Changma's hand, sighed, and said sadly: "Little magpie, long tail, forgot married daughter-in-law..."

Ling Juchen hurriedly grabbed the magnificent red cloak in Chang Ma's hands and helped her mother put it on her body. Gu Ye took over and obediently helped the princess to tie the belt. The princess also reached out and helped her to put the hat on the big cloak on her head: the daughter-in-law's small body was weak and could not help the wind.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went out happily, and met Chu Xiaoliu and Gu Ming who came in from the outside. After the two saluted the Princess, Chu Xiaoliu asked, "Sister, it's almost lunch time. Are you still going out?"

Gu Ye was happy to share the good news with his brothers: "The emperor gave me a house, and my mother accompanied me to see what was missing. At noon we did not eat at home and went to Qingfeng Building to eat venison hot pot. Snow day It's the best match for hot pot. Are you going?"

"Go! Why not? Our brother and I also went to see where our sister's new house was and what it looked like." Chu Mushan turned to keep up.

Gu Yexi said eloquently: "I heard that it is the second prince's other courtyard, very close to the palace of Ning, and there is no need to prepare for the carriage. Sixth brother, you can't just follow the fun and organize the yard's strength, and you Two strong laborers!"

"Where are the servants in the mansion, why use two uncles?" Princess Chang smiled and turned to her son. "Dust, mother, you are such a son. I have been lonely since I was young, and I have become a lonely one. Temperament. The temper of your two uncles is very good, you walk with them more and more, it’s okay to take the two uncles around the capital, it’s quite lively in the west side... Even if Pingkangfang is there, you two Uncle is still young!"

"Pingkangfang? Mother, did Brother Chen have been to Pingkangfang?" Gu Ye opened his eyes wide and stuffed a dried longan in his mouth. His cheeks were bulging like a greedy little squirrel.

"Should I have been there? It's too weird that such a big man hasn't been to Pingkangfang?" Princess Rong He looked at her son as if to ask: Have you ever been there? Xin'er?

Gu Ye also looked at his man: He said, has he ever been to the Qinglou and spent a fortune? To be honest, confess frankly and resist strictness!

Ling Juchen said frankly: "I've been to Nanqu to drink alcohol, and my colleagues in the army asked for it. I just listened to Qu'er, chanted poems, and drank alcohol."

"Nanqu... I heard that Nanqu's girl is proud, but not everyone can see it. However, when the handsome and golden diamond king Lord Wuning goes, those girls must give face! Maybe, He will also winks at Ning Wang and secretly send Qiu Bo. If Ning Wang is fancy and carried into the mansion as a concubine, it will be the ideal ending for the girls in the Qinglou."

Gu Ye grabbed Ling Juchen's hand, glared fiercely at him, and... spit the longan core in his mouth into his palm.

Chu Xiaoliu and Gu Ming heard the words and glared at Ning Wang's brother-in-law: You had better think about it. When you asked to marry our younger sister, but I vowed that there was only one of my sisters, and he would never be concubine. Don't think you can do whatever you want with my sister. Although you are King Ning, your status is precious, but my sister does not lose to you. Grand pharmacists can unilaterally raise and lower!

Ling Juechen looked helpless, and while reaching out to treat the younger daughter as a trash can, she defended herself: "All said, just drinking and listening to music. The girl there looks like nothing to me. Look, how could it be carried back? If I were that kind of person, I wouldn’t be standing fast, there wouldn’t even be a house around me!"

Gu Yexiao's mouth moved, and he vomited a longan nucleus in his hand, swallowing the longan meat in his mouth, and said: "Why? Do you feel sorry if you don't have a room?"

"No regrets! I have a cleansing addiction. Except for you and other women, I can't even bother to watch, let alone touch her!" Ling Juchen quickly expressed her loyalty.

Princess Ronghe Chang said aloud, shaking her head to show that she didn't see it: her cold and proud son was eaten to death by her daughter-in-law. This is good, the concubine is the root of the chaos, and it is not bad to basically eliminate it.

Gu Ye heard the voice of Princess Chang and hurriedly said: "Actually, you don't have to grieve yourself. If you want to carry the concubine into the door, I won't object..." She would just cut the mess and cut him off!

"No grievances! It's said that I have cleanliness...not only physically, but also emotionally!" Ling Juchen continued to show his loyalty. He understood the subtext of his daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law who finally married, wanted to run? No way!

Princess Rong and Chang clapped the little girl's hand and said, "Forget it, you don't have to force him. The emotional cleanliness he said, I believe it! Who do you think are children who are only 28 years old? If it’s not that I met you, I guess this kid will play bachelor all his life! Fortunately, you have solved my long-standing affair."

Gu Ye grinned and said: "In ancient times, there was a legend that a woman was made of a man's ribs. Maybe my ribs were not good and I ran a little far away, so I asked Brother Chen to look for it like this. for many years."

Ling Juchen glared at her: You still know! Small ribs, you let me find it hard... Would you like to treat me tonight?

Gu Ye's dowry didn't see his eyebrow lawsuit. She turned to look at Princess Chang and found her staring blankly at a place on the street in a daze. Her expression dimmed: Princess Chang, this is the father who thought of premature death? After the death of the father, the long princess could not escape from her grief for a long time, so she would avoid the temple, the ancient lantern Buddha, and the Zen sound curled up. Only the memory of the old man accompanied the lonely night...

"Mother..." Gu Ye held her arm, and called her softly.

Princess Chang came back to her and smiled comfortingly at her, saying, "I'm fine. It's just that I think of Chen's father. He's really blessed. Just a short time after I recovered my rib, he was killed... "

Gu Ye was silent for a moment, comforting: "Your rib is still here, he will not go further than the father-in-law. Because, in the afterlife he still has to find your rib..."

"In the afterlife... I was repairing in the temple, not because the grief of the bereavement could not escape. The Buddhist scriptures said that you can repair the afterlife. Chen'er father, who owes me in this life, let him make up for me in the next life." Rong He Although the princess was melancholy, it was not easy to reveal too much in front of the junior.

Especially Chen'er, he estimates... don't even remember what his father looked like? It was her, as time went by, the figure in her memory also gradually blurred, but his affection only made her nostalgic.

"Look, on such a happy day, tell me what to do. My mother told you about this blessed garden, which is about the same size as our Ningwang Mansion. Your status as a princess of protecting the country is not beyond the limits. The second son of the elder brother, It was originally a pleasure, and the other courtyard was built to be beautiful, comparable to our other courtyard in Xiangshan." Princess Rong and Chang touched the daughter-in-law's little hand and put the furnace into her hand.

Gu Yexiu was happy: "Did I pick a big bargain?"

Princess Ronghe pouted with dissatisfaction and said, "Brother Huang is also true! I have said that you can spend as much money as you want, as long as you sell this blessed garden to me. Who knows if he says "other plans" My face. As a result, when I came to you, without a penny, I picked up a garden that everyone envied. It seems that my sister-in-law's face is not as good as your niece!"

Gu Yechong said she was happy said: "Mother, anyway, now Fuyuan is our family. The emperor saved a lot of money for us!"

Boots on the soles of Princess Ronghe’s feet printed their footprints on the snow. With a creaking voice, she was somewhat dissatisfied and said: "Brother Huang is not good enough to be early, he is afraid of the medical school, you are not attentive, give you a carrot to hang you forward! It is said that next year It's about to start Zhangluo Medical College in spring. It will be enough for you by then."

"It's okay, the medical school is familiar with it. The next spring, Huahao will take over things from Dongling and come to Shengjing to meet us. By then, there will be Huahao and Yueyuan, also I can't be busy. Mother, you don't know my temperament yet? When we can be lazy, we will never take the initiative and be diligent." Gu Ye looked smug-what's so proud of?

"That's good! I'm worried that you will be tired. At your age, you should have spoiled yourself in front of your parents, but to see you, you have to control the pharmaceutical factory and daily chemical factory, and also study medicine and pharmacy, plus Going to medical school and national hospital is really not easy!" Princess Chang sighed.

The daughter-in-law's ability is outstanding, and everyone is envious. But the more capable people, the heavier the responsibilities and burdens. She is only sixteen years old, her face is childish... Brother Huang really has the heart to treat her as a man?

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