The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 112 - Are You Watching?

If only Guangru was in his child form, he would be pouting at his father for the trouble he was causing. Never did Guangru think that such a shy and reserved man would be so much of a troublemaker. Then again, he only knew Liu Xiaodan for a few weeks at most; he didn't know why he was called a horseman of the apocalypse.

The invisible demon didn't react and only snorted at his father, causing him to feel a strong breeze on his face.

At this point, the king had forcefully taken the baby away. The twin spirits were already a lost cause as they were more or less consumed by the bear. Guangru had also disengaged all the locks of the material world, but he refused to show himself to his father as if the child was sulking.

Both surviving greater ghosts were heavily injured, but Old Xiong would be okay as long as Guangru helped him heal. As for his father, he would only huff and let Liu Xiaodan deal with the wound. The bleeding might have stopped, but he should still bind that huge wound.

"Ah, right, Mango!" Liu Xiaodan couldn't find the child so he only bitterly smiled at the hallway before turning away. He went to aid Old Xiong for the stitches needed while consoling a woman who was probably traumatized by being swallowed by a stuffed bear.

Teeeng! The door's siren finally sounded, and Six started crying even if he was very much paralyzed in place. The door behind him slid open, and he fell onto the floor. From an inverted look, he saw the rest of the elite squad come to his rescue.

Captain went to Six as everyone else pointed their guns at the only people outside… who were those who got out as soon as the locks were lifted. Then again, they were sent to their knees when the sirens blared. Only Liu Xiaodan was moving, collecting cotton that had fallen on the floor.

Seven aimed the gun at Liu Xiaodan, but the man only sighed. "Please let me collect all the cotton. My bear will grow thin."

"To hell with your bear! Back to your cell! Back!" Seven would get physical, but he could feel the glare coming from the bear itself. Liu Xiaodan had no choice but to salvage what he could and take Old Xiong back inside. Seven glared as he slammed the door shut. "How did he even smuggle that in here?"

Yun He wasn't aimed at, and so he went to console Meng Guo who was pretty much scarred by the event. Even the other patients would have to need immediate counseling… aside from Liu Xiaodan who seemed to be unsalvageable at this point. He then turned to One who just went past him.

The nurse got to his feet. "Officer, can you help me with her?"

"What exactly happened here?" One went to carry the woman after slinging his gun behind him. "The cameras went static, and the doors wouldn't open. Even comms were jammed. Only one door was open." He then glanced at Liu Xiaodan's room which Seven was guarding.

"It's hard to quantify what happened." Yun He laughed. "Even if I saw everything, I can't begin to cover how it even started… or ended. Maybe Xiaodan has a better answer, but I don't think we should openly discuss this in front of him. That guy… is… capable of producing… things… from his body..."

One only nodded and walked with Yun He towards where Captain and Six were. Right now, since everyone was inside their cells, only two of them went to check what went wrong. Since the level five alarm was rung, all members of the elite squad were gathered.

Six now sounded blabbering and making bullshit up in front of Captain and five more officers. Captain's brows frowned as he couldn't understand what Six was saying. Yun He could only feel pity for Six as the man seemed to have gone mad.

Three then sauntered back to the group after checking the nearby vicinity. She then heard Six speak so incoherently. "Hey, Six, what are you trying to say?"

"I already told you! The monsters that they use in the experiments were here, and the bear is also there! Then, then, they fight and, and..." Six lost his breath before curling on the floor. "All I remember was that there was so much blood..."

"There's no blood anywhere, Six." Four rubbed his helmet, and then he turned to Three. "What do you think?"

Three remained quiet for now before looking at Captain. "Captain, I think Six here just entered a nightmare along with everyone else. The power meter was at the maximum for a few seconds before we managed to get inside. However, things would be too vague to remember clearly after waking up.

"Six's abilities are too weak for him to enter the program. I think we wouldn't be able to extract anything from him. Just let him rest." She then looked at the only open room which was now guarded by Seven. "As for 4-28, let's interrogate him…

"He could give us answers."

Captain looked at the room and felt the innate fear against the black bear. However, since it was hurt earlier, it might be a lot fiercer at the moment. He shook his head before dismissing everyone else. "We will interrogate him, but let's have someone from the program to cover for us.

"I have a feeling that man is not easy to talk to."

He knew Liu Xiaodan was very approachable. However, the friends around him—as he called them—might be a different story.

As they all discussed, Liu Xiaodan was in his meditative stance inside the room. He crudely wrapped the wound with a cloth while leaving his blood to cover most of Old Xiong's face and belly. Human blood was still a source of food for spirits, and his blood was very powerful.

Liu Xiaodan was sensing everything inside him, looking for the source of faint energy being digested by his body. It was plain despair, but Liu Xiaodan was not a ghost to gather that.

Someone must be plunging himself in so much despair that Liu Xiaodan was feeding on it. The father could only think of one person who could connect with him whether Guangru commanded it or not.

"Li Feng, I'm sorry... in my defense... you were calling my name."

Blood painted the board, and Li Feng still hadn't managed to open it. Li Feng gritted and tried one more time. He gripped at the board and clawed his hands to wreck the board off of the post. Crack! The board broke apart as he pulled the thing.

"Finally!" Li Feng sighed as he ducked down and searched for the hole he would usually crawl. However, after finding it, his eyes widened as he could smell dried blood from inside. "Did they escape wounded?"

Not minding the smell, he crawled inside and arrived at the back of the stairs. He wiped the grime, dirt, and blood smudges off of his hands on his pants before racing up the stairs. This much suffocating aura was supposed to be too much for him to bear, but he was treading fine.

Li Feng had a fear in his heart… that something else was affecting his body, but he ignored it just so he could be up there to assist his grandfather. A ghost king might not be able to kill Mian Tianyu, but if that thing controlled the officers with him, Mian Tianyu would be in danger.

After a while, he began hearing voices. It was definitely Mian Tianyu and Hung Guangjian talking. When Li Feng stretched his neck to take a peek, he inevitably gasped as he saw a body.

"Who's there?!" Hung Guangjian aimed in the direction of the stairs, but Mian Tianyu raised his hand as if stopping him. The shaman spoke, "Feng'er, why did you disobey me?"

"Grandfather..." Li Feng walked out of his hiding place and earned frowns from the older males. "Ruan Jin came and... do I look horrible?"

Hung Guangjian and the officers were seeing so much blood on Li Feng. Did he crawl through a hole after a slaughtered pig was dragged in there? There might not be much blood on his face, but his hair, shoulders, pants, and knees were all brushed with red.

However, Mian Tianyu was more concerned with the aura coming from him. When Li Feng got close enough, Mian Tianyu raised a hand as if stopping Li Feng from proceeding. He then spoke, "Feng'er, when is your mother's birthday?"

Li Feng twitched and gaped for a few seconds. He then answered properly before asking his grandfather, "Grandfather, what do you see?"

"Possession..." Mian Tianyu didn't elaborate on an answer Li Feng should understand.

"...I knew it..." Li Feng chuckled. "I've been purified, and yet you could still connect to me freely, Liu Xiaodan? This is..."

His eyes then sought the dead on the floor. "Grandfather, I don't think that's Shao Yi. Is that guy one of those who ventured here last night?

"Ruan Jin came and said that the entities all over the district are reacting to the presence of a ghost king. Even the greater ghost inside him was afraid of this newly-risen ghost king. They all said the presence was coming here from the school."

"A ghost king..." Mian Tianyu 's eyes quivered. He then looked at the dead, letting Li Feng get closer by then. "I'd rather not have anything bad happen to my Feng'er, Xiaodan. Whatever you are doing, you should stop."

"He doesn't respond to me or to you, Grandfather." Li Feng kneeled down and looked at the body. It was drained of all water and had looked like it had been mummified in such a short time. He then looted the body for anything, finding a wallet with an ID. "What?"

Hung Guangjian, who was officially done with all the mysticism and just wanted to focus on the facts, had seen that ID as well. However, learning of the man's identity only gave him a small clue: that man was a student of Ting.

It was different for Li Feng, though. His eyes quivered, and he gritted his teeth. He then placed the wallet back and raked his hand through his hair. "This... this guy is a classmate of mine... and Shao Yi. Ernian said that Shao Yi was acting strangely for days.

"Shao Yi seemed to break down today and decided to burn the dorm. It must be because of what he saw that night and last night." Li Feng closed his eyes and stopped himself from cussing out loud. These people were his friends even if they weren't sworn brothers like the hors.e.m.e.n.

"Ah, Li Feng... you're finally here."

Li Feng ripped his eyes open and turned behind him. From the upper landing, Shao Yi descended like he was in a movie. Each step was threatening and intimidating while his gun was held in his hand already. His eyes slid to Li Feng's direction, and his lips curled in a maniacal smile.

"Shao Yi... bring your gun down. I have police officers with me." Li Feng frowned as he seemed to see a figure riding on Shao Yi's back.

"Like I care." Shao Yi aimed the gun at him. "Don't think that you're not dying today."

A woman then materialized behind him, but her eyes were hollowed and her arms wrapped around Shao Yi thrice. Her head then moved and smiled. "Guangru's daddy, are you watching?"

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