The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 114 - Room 208

If that was losing control, Liu Xiaodan had lost more than that. While he was trying to help out Li Feng and watching from his eyes, he was visited by another entity. Instead of only focusing on the matter at hand, Liu Xiaodan was fighting pressure from another ghost. However, it was strange…

That Guangru didn't come to help him.

Old Xiong was too weak to move and help out even if the ghost was already inside the room and was putting its hands on Liu Xiaodan. It's just that… Liu Xiaodan forced himself to fight it off. Just like the kind of trance he entered back in the audio-visual room, he only listened to the whim of hunger.

The ghost was injured and had escaped just around the same time Liu Xiaodan felt the presence of the king over Li Feng's side. His miasma materialized in a different place and struck some gold find by eating the newly-risen king. It's just that the waves of purification had broken his connection harshly.

The pain knocked Liu Xiaodan back, and his body fell onto the bed. The searing in his body woke him up, the sting from his wound intensifying. Liu Xiaodan got to his feet and wobbled to the door. The newly-risen king would take quite some time to digest…

Before then, Liu Xiaodan was left to his own.

"Guangru..." Liu Xiaodan called out as he rested against the wall, feeling a rather severe headache that made his vision double and swirl out of control. He then reached out and was held by someone. The hand was gloved, but it was small… a woman's hand?

"Who…?" Liu Xiaodan turned in her direction and saw nothing but a black silhouette. "What do you want?"

"Are you headed somewhere? You should still be inside your room..."

Three was shocked when she noticed that Liu Xiaodan suddenly appeared out of nowhere. His door was supposed to be locked, but this man still managed to get out? Something must be very wrong with the security in his room; the patient could go outside without the door being detected by the system.

"Please… I need help… I can't see… my head spins… my arm is wounded..." Liu Xiaodan managed to say those things, but he still collapsed in the end.

Digesting strong ghosts would always send the predator into hibernation after all.

Tang Ernian was only detained because he was not supposed to be on the grounds of a legitimate police operation. Since he was well-behaved and seemed to be already calm inside the mobile, the officers didn't mind him anymore. However, he still plastered his hands and face against the window…

When the paramedics carried Shao Yi in a stretcher.

Blood was all over his body, and he did have obvious bullet wounds. He also had a respirator on and was restrained with a cloth binding. Tang Ernian then hid when the stretcher passed by in front of the mobile. He felt his heart shudder as Shao Yi's gaze locked on the mobile.

Then again, Shao Yi only looked as the mobile seemed to be occupied. An officer was stationed nearby, and he caught movements from the backseat. He didn't see Tang Ernian, but he had a feeling that the man was there. Shao Yi only whispered as he was loaded into the ambulance.

"What an idiot."

Tang Ernian peeked out again as he saw Li Feng and Ruan Jin walking towards the other direction, leading the group of officers and the powerful shaman. He then stretched his neck to confirm the identity of that other man… "Damn, that's… ah, God… is the Weeper around then?"

A female officer then spoke to the watching officer, and then she opened the car door to the backseat. She leaned down and smiled at Tang Ernian. "Detective said you can go now. Just make sure you won't be loitering around again."

"Wow." Tang Ernian stared at the m.a.t.u.r.e beauty in front of him, and his eyes immediately stuck to her face. If she was the one who interrogated him earlier, he didn't know what he could have said. He was mostly going to jail for s.e.x.u.a.l harassment if it happened so Tang Ernian shook his trance off.

"Hey, did you hear me?" Officer Yu frowned as she didn't get an answer. Later, Tang Ernian only did profuse nodding as he was invited to step out of the mobile. She then reminded him again to go home and not stick around for it was a legitimate police operation.

"If you don't mind me asking, bab—officer! I mean to say officer!" Tang Ernian immediately raised his hands to reduce the lady's frown into a raised brow. "Can I go talk to Li Feng again? He and I go back a long way so… we're friends..."

Officer Yu then glanced at the others who were investigating the girl's dorm and had gained access to that secret route Li Feng showed to them after. She only sighed and nodded. "Okay, but don't get in the way of the operation. We will arrest you if we have to."

A certain glint was in his eyes, but he only thanked the officer before jogging away. Police officers were treasures, too, but they could break Tang Ernian's arm for real. He would love to seek Li Feng and ask about Shao Yi rather than get himself in more trouble.

He tailed the group and saw how they stood in front of the boy's dorm. Then again, since Ruan Jin was next to Li Feng, Tang Ernian decided not to get close for now.

Li Feng stared at the boy's dorm and knew that something was different about it. The girl's dorm was oozing with a negative aura… while the boy's dorm was so pacified. It used to be the other way around when Li Feng was still around.

Even Ruan Jin felt like something had changed. Could it be that the residents had left when they felt the cleansing ritual from the other dorm?

"This one didn't feel like something lived in it." Mian Tianyu could only feel a minimal amount of left-over energy from the so-called residents. Seeing no problem like earlier, he just waltzed in without much care. This time, he didn't stop the others from entering.

It's just that Ruan Jin didn't enter. He could feel Ye Ling's fear of getting hit by the waves of purification from a Master shaman. Sitting this one out, Ruan Jin only found a fallen tree that served as a bench ever since he had first walked inside the dorm. Officers were also waiting with him after all.

"There is something strange in this dorm." Mian Tianyu stroked at his beard and felt the energy coming from the walls. "I don't think a ghost is in here… ah, no… there are spirits, but they didn't seem to be hostile enough to ooze negative aura."

"They're normally so willful. Maybe it's because you're here, Grandfather." Li Feng couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was waiting for them there. He then looked around and soon caught a glimpse of a person peeking from the restroom. "Someone's over there..."

Mian Tianyu had felt those eyes as well, but he knew the owner wouldn't be enough of a threat. When Li Feng went to investigate, he let his grandson wander off while an officer followed him in case something jumped at Li Feng.

The student opened the door of the restroom and saw a pair of feet trying to conceal themselves inside a cubicle. Li Feng walked in and knocked on the cubicle. "I can see you hiding. Your aura isn't from this dorm. Are you new here?"

"Get away from me. This is your fault..."

Li Feng's brows raised as he was blamed… again. He then frowned them the very next second as he realized the voice was of a woman. "This is the boy's dorm. Why are you here?"

Silence was his answer, but the ghost was still on the other side of the door. Slowly, the door opened, and Li Feng stared at a cracked mask of white and red. She was hugging a plastic bag with the broken brown mask inside and wearing the ring Li Yunru handed to Liu Xiaodan before.

"If you didn't disturb the black thing, he wouldn't have to lose his finger and his ring. You got everyone else killed..." Kite sniffed as she held onto the mask. "Why would you do that?"

"I don't even know any of that happened..." Li Feng retreated as he tried to juggle his memory. He couldn't recall a time that the black thing even showed up in front of him. It seemed to be a lesser ghost that was scared of him. Where could have they met then?

Right, based on the recording the hors.e.m.e.n got, someone was trying to scare off males from the sixth floor. He remembered plastering a talisman behind someone's bed to keep her from getting nightmares generated by another resident. The black thing must have tried to pry it off and lost his ring finger.

Then again, even if Li Feng figured it out roughly, it was not his fault. With everything happening around him, he didn't really know what was justifiable to be pinned on him and what was not.

"I was only protecting someone. The main problem is that you ghosts wanted to f.u.c.k with humans." Li Feng hissed, unwilling to take the blame. "It's not my fault if you ghosts decided to fight because of one stupid ring—!"

Li Feng caught his tongue and just murmured, "Your king is already dead. Leave the school now, or else you'd be cleansed." From deep inside, something felt wrong. He kind of learned that even ghosts like them had prized possessions. If it was something important to him, he'd fight for it as well.

Could he expect an entity that had been feeding on human emotions to be less human?

"The king is dead?" Kite's eyes quivered before looking down at the ring she recovered from Room 208, along with the mask. "He was right. It wouldn't be long..."

Li Feng wanted to ask, but the girl had already run away. Her ring dropped onto the floor, and Li Feng only stared at it. Then, he decided to pick it up nonetheless.

The officer was only watching him and had no idea when to interfere. Only when Li Feng walked back to him did he feel free to leave. They then rejoined the group, Mian Tianyu trying to read the atmosphere harder to figure out what's wrong.

"Grandfather, a stowaway ghost from the girl's dorm had come here. It seemed that it managed to run away when the king ran amok." Li Feng didn't feel the need to show the ring. However, he wasn't answered by Mian Tianyu. He only waited until his grandfather paid attention to him again.

"So many spirits with human origins are in this dorm." Mian Tianyu somehow huffed. "The more recent deaths had also fed on what the child had left in the place. One non-human spirit is cultivating power on the third floor." His eyes then opened and turned to Li Feng.

"Do you know who stays in Room 208?"

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