The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 118 - A Path to Dominate

Mian Bingbing's hand trembled, but Li Heilong's grip tightened. Her eyes watered as her lips didn't know whether to cry or to smile. In the end, she pulled her hand away and exited the room hurriedly. "I'm calling the doctor!"

Li Feng got to his feet to do so instead, but her mother moved too fast. In a few seconds, she was gone.

He then went to his father and kneeled on the ground to check up on him. "Daddy, I'm really so sorry. I was supposed to—"

"Feng, hand me my phone and then dial '4'. Tell my agent to fetch me a doctor." Li Heilong moved his arms, feeling the pain and exhaustion of his body. He then pressed against his wound, feeling a tingle of pain from it. "Say that I don't like the doctors here."

"Uhm, okay." Li Feng got to his feet and went to open his mother's purse to find the phone there. He got his father to unlock it before he stepped out of the room to make a call. When he stepped out, Mian Bingbing returned with the doctor and nurses.

She remained outside and leaned against the wall as if it could give her strength. Her eyes glanced at Li Feng who only went to hold her hand and gave it a squeeze.

The call connected as soon as Li Feng pressed the speed dial long enough. A hurried voice came to answer. "Master Long?"

"Uh, this is his son, Li Feng. Dad just woke up, and he wanted you to fetch him a doctor. He said he didn't like the doctors in this hospital." Li Feng just reiterated what his father said, thinking that maybe it could have been a code. His father wouldn't normally say things like 'I don't like' after all.

"Oh, God… yes, yes, Young Master Feng." The agent chuckled and excused himself before hanging up.

"What's with that reaction?" Li Feng brought the phone before him to stare at the blank caller ID. Then, the app closed, and he ended up staring at his father's wallpaper. Of course, it was Mian Bingbing, but it was twenty years ago when she was still young and was interested in high fashion.

"Eh? Was this the same wallpaper from earlier?" Li Feng was only holding the phone for a few minutes. How did the wallpaper change? Then, the more he stared, the more he understood. It was a live wallpaper of changing photos. For a moment, his eyes flickered…

Mian Bingbing was staring at the same screen that changed wallpaper every three minutes. If she was still the Mian Bingbing from a week ago, she would have snorted. Right now, she only looked away and unconsciously placed her fingers on her navel.

She then cleared her throat softly. "Aren't you going to ask me about it, Feng'er? Xiao Luan?"

Li Feng turned to her and smiled kindly. "Mommy, I think you should talk to Daddy first before I ask anything. I want him the first one to know instead. Don't worry, I don't think he'd… well..."

"I did something very wrong to both of you. I know I cannot be forgiven." Mian Bingbing started chuckling. "I was the one who did the crime, and yet he was the one who looked so bad in front of everyone else. I wronged him, and it was me who had the audacity to display my wrath.

"The divorce papers were still valid. He might as well sign it after everything..."

"Mommy… what will happen next then? After you file your divorce and legally lose your marriage." Li Feng sighed as he rubbed his head. "Are you sure you can stay away from each other and not cross paths with each other again? Or will I hear one of you go chasing the other around?

Mian Bingbing could have glared at him, but Li Feng only pinched his forehead. "Because Mommy… we're shamans, and we both know the toll of unspoken guilt and grudges on someone's body and soul. If you let yourself dwell on it without seeking help, a negative entity will latch itself on you…

"It will only make your suffering harder than it should be."

The mother only snorted before eyeing the room across them. She would say that Li Feng was right and that she was fully aware of these circ.u.mstances. However, her fingers only clawed at her arm.

It was too late. It was all too late.

The clock struck eleven, and Li Heilong was only resting on his bed. He saw Mian Bingbing and Li Feng sleeping on the couch, shoulder to shoulder, seemingly very tired today. The mother hadn't made another noise about what she was crying about earlier, and it was not sitting well with him.

His Bingbing was scared of something she couldn't speak of.

"Knock, knock..."

Li Heilong lifted his eyes and took a look at a man knocking on the open door. The newcomer only smiled at him; it was a mesmerizing smile, but it was something Li Heilong didn't trust instantly. The man had a white doctor's gown on, but his ID was a visitor's pass.

He then walked inside and closed the door gently, careful about waking up the two sleeping on the couch. "Such a lovely small family you got there. I haven't seen you in a very long while. All of a sudden, you had an emergency..."

He sat on the edge of the bed and waved the folder he received from the supervising doctor of the ward. "I saw the records. Multiple organ failure in two days post-surgery. Without an infection, that's very strange. With one, you could have died last night..."

"Yusheng, what's your guess?" Li Heilong only hummed.

"I'm guessing this is connected to the threats the Li family is arming for the Mian family." Wang Yusheng stroked at his chin and turned to take a look at the woman in the room. "Everything you own will be transferred to her, right?"

"Some will be Feng's. I recently revised it..."

"Oh, they must have known that part. Well, they must have read it and decided to disqualify your wife from owning it… and possibly kill off your child." Wang Yusheng turned back to Li Heilong. "Heilong, you surely brought the brunt of the Ren family's anger on you. Even the Xie family is angry."

Li Heilong glared. "So what? They attacked me first."

Wang Yusheng shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, but have you considered that your despicable Li family is going to take their side? If you fall down, the Mian family would surely lose their wall of protection. You should be more careful if I were you..."

The patient only turned away from everyone else. The doctor then stared at the black horse next to Li Heilong's head. He then picked it up. "Who's this fella? Why do you have a stuffed toy with you? Don't tell me your a.d.u.l.t son placed this next to you for protection?"

Li Heilong turned to it and stared at it before reaching out and taking it from Wang Yusheng's hand. "You're a man of science, yes? Leave my son to his own beliefs."

"Well, the paranormal has its own ways to work. As long as that thing doesn't interfere with my science, I could ignore that." Wang Yusheng got to his feet. "I would need a few blood samples first thing in the morning. I would have to take a look at that stab, too."

"If it's not infected?"

"Then, my friend, be ready to shut down a hospital."

Wang Yusheng then went to pet the black horse. "Now, you take care of my little patient and don't let him dream at night. He's in for one long nightmare, buddy."

The doctor left the room, and Li Heilong finally sighed. He unconsciously felt his wound and closed his eyes to sleep. When he felt a strange presence next to him, he took a look at his side and stared at the black horse.

"If I indeed am dying… will he stop it for the second time?"

"...I cannot speak for Guangru."

"I figured."

Li Heilong moved his head to find a comfortable position to sleep.

Slam! Ren Shanyue hit her palm against the desk in front of her father in his study. She was glaring at him before gritting her teeth. "Why would you work with those worms? You do know that Mr. Li would never let you off if he catches you and everyone else!"

Ren Liang glared at his daughter. "Yueyue, listen to me. If we pull this off properly, the Li family will be under us, and there's no reason for us to shy away from every venture we wanted. Imagine, being the top family in the city."

"Yes, but the businesses of the Li family will only crash in the hands of that Li Xin! She knows nothing about business and its risks and rewards." Ren Shanyue huffed and flicked her gaze away from her father. "Father, with all due respect, I will inherit the entire Ren family businesses.

"I want my stocks to remain sky-high as well as the competition all around me. If the Li family's business values crash, everyone will be weighed down with it." Ren Shanyue straightened and stood properly. "Father, pull out from this suicidal plan."

Ren Liang only shook his head. "Are you doing this because of Li Feng? He's already a lost cause, Yueyue. I'll just pick out another good husband for you. Abandon your designs on Li Feng..."

The girl shook her head. "I am doing this because of Li Feng, but he's not my prospective husband. I just need him… alive." A malicious smile was on her lips, one that made her father shudder. "I only needed a few more pushes, and I will be able to play properly.

"Someone is showing me a path to dominate the entire world. It's an investment worth a hundred times more than the Li family."

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