The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 128 - Mr. Li must be Very Kind

Deng. Deng.

The sound of a steel stick hitting the steel incense holder echoed all over the fourth floor. Ironically, everyone who heard it fell right asleep even if they were just awakened by it. A middle-aged woman walked through the hallway, leading a group of six people.

They were all in a strange white coat with no prints of emblems on their bodies. They all wore white face masks to cover the lower half of their faces, and some of them were carrying bags. At the back of the group were Song Qixi and Chu Youlan in their regular Wangguan uniforms.

The woman was marveling at the sound of the incense holder while taking note of the effects on the others. Song Qixi, however, was more focused on the people in white garments. He was watching them very carefully, in case one of them suddenly reacted to something.

"We're here." The woman with the incense holder stopped walking and faced the empty cell. "It's quite powerful as it is now. Given more time, he might be able to be a king. From the way he reacts, he looks sentient to me. Do you see him, Qixi?"

"I don't." Song Qixi frowned. There was no one inside the cell, and it didn't feel like a spirit was resting inside. "Are you sure someone's here?"

"He retreated back into the wall. He's scared of me." The woman chuckled before humming. "Break the wall and see if there's an item in it."

"Break the wall…?" Song Qixi's eyes quivered. He might have high authority and had enough claws on the management, but if they broke a cell wall in the maximum-security prison, wouldn't he be held accountable?

Chu Youlan was also worried about breaking the wall. They were in a maximum-security prison so their walls were indeed very solid; it would take industrial-strength explosives to punch a hole through it. However, this particular cell was a special one.

She took out her scanner and walked inside before two muscle men could even try to break down the wall mindlessly. She ran her scanner and noticed a different material from the rest. Mapping the shape, it seemed like something had dug through the wall but was instantly covered with cement.

"Here please. Be careful. If you hit outside the area, you might break something else." Chu Youlan facilitated the inspection along with Song Qixi, but unlike her boss, she was more familiar with the actual cells and their people. Song Qixi only took fancy of the weird ones.

Generic gangsters like Cheng Hei were outside his circle of interest.

Bang! One hit of the sledgehammer broke the cement plastered to conceal something. Chu Youlan saw the thinness of the cement as if those people only managed to acquire a small portion of it. Still, they managed to hide a hole in the wall, and that's alarming.

The two muscle men cleared out the cement and saw a few strange things inside the wall. One of them even tried to take out a part, but he didn't force it out. His words were even enough to make the officials react.

"Miss Qiao, there are bones in here."

"A body. Quick, take it out. It must be his body." Qiao Ni, the second young mistress of the Qiao family, grew excited as she nodded with a smile. She then turned to Song Qixi. "You seemed surprised. You never thought inmates could hide things like these from you?"

"I just… didn't care about the man inside." Song Qixi frowned. He had heard that most bodies were thrown in the old incinerator for faster clean-up. He had never heard of anyone going through the lengths of punching a hole on the wall to hide a body.

The muscle men tinkered around the hole like professionals, taking only half an hour before they could take out the cemented body. Qiao Ni then chuckled as she sensed the bones. "Oh, don't be mad, young man. I will give you a better home where you can run free.

"There are four more locations, yes?" She then turned to Song Qixi before he started leading them away. He spoke as they left the floor as if nothing happened, "That would take so much time. I had already asked some of your people to take a look at it while we're here."

It's just that Chu Youlan was left inside, investigating the hole. If the inmates ended up finding a way to punch a hole in their walls, the prison should be ready. She then tried to feel the rough edges, hoping not to get cut by it. She leaned closer and caught a scent coming from inside.

She pinched her nose and hoped that it wasn't really what she thought it was. "How desperate were they that they opted to use a natural acid to make room for a dead body?"

The group then met up with the rest of the white-clad people in a conference room. On the table were items wrapped in a special kind of printed cloth. The body they found was being wrapped in it as well.

Qiao Ni looked at the five things on the table, a frown etched on her exquisite face. "Sergeant, aren't we two items fewer?"

"Reporting to Madam. We tried locating the two more items, but it seemed like someone else got to it first. The memory box and the red bed were both found in the Sick Hall, but the spirits in them were long gone." One man stepped up and spoke about the items assigned to them to recover.

"Impossible." Song Qixi twitched. "Those two things were possessed by bordering greater ghosts. No one could have handled… wait..."

"What? What did you remember?" Qiao Ni huffed with disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. She was supposed to get three greater ghosts, and yet two of them were already liberated.

"Liu Xiaodan..." Song Qixi laughed out as he remembered about that accident where Liu Xiaodan escaped from his solitary cell. Before that, he had gone to the closed floor of the Sick Hall and was spotted breaking the floor near the disposal room. "He must have planned to liberate spirits.

"It's good that I was able to send him away before he could find all of them. Still, he managed to take out two of them in one night..." Song Qixi sighed. 'He's getting more and more troublesome by the day.'

Qiao Ni frowned and only shrugged her shoulder. She then cued the people to ship the five items in five different boxes. "Stage Three of Project Red Justice should be underway smoothly. Then again, that subject seemed to be very uncooperative. Is there a chance for them to just take away his consciousness?"

Song Qixi shook his head. "Even if the director resorted to such, I doubt they could implement that when they wanted. The subject is guarded by multiple entities. All we need to do for now is to see if he would collapse on himself."

"Understood. I'd be seeing you again soon."

Yu Mona's and Ruan Jin's eyes glittered as they saw the residences they would be living in starting today. Li Feng said they could come as soon as eight in the morning, but they left around eleven after exhausting all the hours allotted by their rent money.

The mother's eyes even flickered as if doubting the existence of such a paradise. Not only would there be pools and a clubhouse free to be used by everyone, but there were also a cafeteria filled with luxurious food and various recreational courts far behind what she could see from the entrance.

Of course, with their bags on hand and their awed expressions, some people living there were easily attracted by the sight of them. One woman even walked up to them and behaved as if they were blocking the path.

"Hello, did you make a wrong turn and ended here? This place isn't welcoming country bumpkins like you. Please leave, you're damaging the place's reputation." She then smiled at them as if she wasn't insulting them at all.

Before Ruan Jin could speak, Yu Mona then waved her hand. "Ah, no, no, even I am surprised that this place is so beautiful. Mr. Li must be very kind to give us a place here. Uhm, how do I address you, madam? We might be neighbors soon."

The woman then frowned. "M-Mr. Li?" Even if 'Li' was a common surname, it still struck the rich people differently when a Mr. Li got mentioned in their conversation. Most of the time, it could be someone else, but there's a chance that it could be the scary Mr. Li.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li." Yu Mona smiled deeper than the woman, and it was genuinely just her happy disposition. However, Ruan Jin was secretly amazed at his mother's counterattack. The mother then continued her relentless assault. "Xiao Feng should be here to welcome us. Have you seen him?"

"Xiao… Feng…?" The woman retreated before she laughed out, waving her hands as if trying to excuse herself. "No, I haven't seen—"

A metallic blue convertible Audi pulled up by the gates, and the man with aviators on turned to see the commotion by the gates. He then laughed out as he let the guards examine the backseat and underbelly of the car for security.

He then rolled in and stopped at the side to lift his aviators. He then hit the honk lightly, his car attracting the attention of the three people. "Mrs. Ruan, sorry, I'm late. I'll park first, and I'll see you in the lobby."

Ruan Jin was more focused on the convertible than on Li Feng. How good was it to be able to drive one of those while pulling up in such high-profile residences such as this one? Then again, the price of one of those would be equal to his annual gross if ever—that's not even the most expensive model.

Yu Mona then waved at the young man before turning back to the woman, but the young woman had long run off to hide her face from the Li family heir. If she had heard that the news of Li Feng being dead was false, she wouldn't tremble as much as she did.

The mother and son then proceeded to the lobby after an agent hurriedly came to see them. If only he knew someone would intercept the two, he wouldn't have tried to look presentable. Just now, Li Feng had seen the commotion. Hopefully, he wouldn't take it against the realty company.

They waited for Li Feng before proceeding to the fifteenth floor where the apartment was. Along the way, the agent was talking about the facilities that were free to be used by the new homeowners. With them walking in front, Li Feng nudged Ruan Jin.

"After you settle in, let's talk with Nayi again. Shanyue contacted Cherry Med last night, and the plan is a go. We still need to speak about the details of what she said we'd be doing there." Li Feng glanced at him. "Also… your mom seemed to be disturbed. Her energy reading is in shambles. Did something happen to her?"

"Dude, you're getting really nosy. I don't want her to go through painful therapy again. Unless you grow crazy and gift me with a car, I'll consider answering."

" a secondhand Maserati okay?"

"Why do you keep on bribing me?!"

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