The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 138 - Have You Forgotten Who I Am?

Liu Xiaodan didn't think that the Mother would be sprouting out of nowhere. He then fished for the lamp and handed it to her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take it. I was just curious how you could phase from the Treatment Hall to the Rooms Hall without getting caught by whatever was trapping the others. I ended up taking it without thinking. I also saw the mangled bodies… did you get in trouble with someone?"

"Trouble..." The Mother laughed out softly as she reached out a huge hand and picked up the lamp from the patient's hand. "A transcending King like me will never be in trouble with anyone but Guangru. Knowing that Guangru was not willing to pick a fight or to even establish dominance over the entire facility, I am not distressed by his presence at all. The other Kings are a different story..."

"I guess they're scared of Guangru?"

"Not at all… they just wanted to make sure that they could defeat him." The Mother then began to retract her image as she slowly disappeared from sight. "Xiaodan, you are too soft and trusting to ghosts. You know exactly what I use this lamp for, and you just gave it to me nonetheless. How pathetic..."

Liu Xiaodan softly retracted his hand as he murmured for Guangru to listen to. "I forgot they're collecting Mr. Min when morning comes. Would he die because I handed the lamp to the Mother? That's a bit wrong, too. She's already here so she didn't have to travel to get to Mr. Min, right?"

The child, however, only yawned as if very sleepy. He didn't even care about Liu Xiaodan's sentiments at the moment. In the end, Liu Xiaodan could only sigh and go to bed with his cherished child. His eyes closed as he forced himself to fall asleep. He wished that he wouldn't get another nightmare tonight.

At another cell, Min Ye was sitting on his bed. He was perusing a few pieces of paper with rather stiff handwriting. They seemed to be old, crumpled yet then smoothed, and drenched in tears by the person who wrote them. Those were the last letters that Zhang Wuji had left for him. It was detailing the truths that he found out before Wanwan was killed by the Mother… and what they were going to do to him.

Min Ye sighed and looked up at the dark ceiling. "Anna managed to lose the baby, and that hedonist started to change the way she behaved. Xiaodan said that he will feed our fears to his friends, and he had been dealing with them rather blatantly. I wonder if the treatments will continue… and where I will be afterward. Will I be consumed by some monster, or will I survive like Wuji?

"Ah, right, Wuji is in the Treatment Hall. If I get sent there, will I be able to meet him? Heheh, I hope he's not as grumpy as he used to be now." Min Ye folded the letters and kept them. He pressed on the small nightlight he got from Yun He to turn it off. Pulling the sheets to his shoulders, he hoped to have a good night's sleep.

"Brother Min..."

Min Ye tore his eyes open and got up to the sound of a woman's voice. Instead of curiosity, his eyes were filled with terror. That voice… "Wanwan? Are you… are you trapped here?" He quickly reached out towards the nightlight, but his fingers couldn't bear to press the button. A head was laid right next to it, and even in the dark, her eyes were glowing strangely.

The woman then called out again, her hand holding onto the man's outstretched hand. "Brother Min… don't let them take you. Come with me…"

Min Ye pulled back his arm with a scream. He rolled back on his bed and dropped to the other side before getting to his feet. He then went to the door and pounded on it, unable to open it for some reason. His words were then caught in his throat when a face moved down from the ceiling. It was a detached head held by a hand.

"Min Ye… let's go..." The door opened on its own, but Min Ye only stepped back in denial. "No, no… Xiaodan… help me..."

"He won't help you. He's in a very… very deep sleep..." The Mother pushed her head inside the room as Wanwan grabbed Min Ye from behind. He gasped aloud and began to scream, but Wanwan held onto him and started pushing her hand inside his mouth. Min Ye screamed louder as he struggled, but the sound didn't seem to be traveling outside the room.

Tears dripped from Min Ye's eyes as he started to lose energy. The hand in his mouth felt like being pushed deeper and deeper inside his throat that he couldn't breathe. He held on to the arm and tried to pry it off of him, but he couldn't even push an inch of its skin. Finally, his arms dropped from the side, and he could only watch as the Mother approached him and placed a hand on his head.

The hand stayed hovering over the man's head as if the Mother was stopped. She then moved her head to take a look at the side where the drawer was. A child was sitting on the surface, his feet barely reaching the floor despite the drawer's height. The Mother retracted her hand, and Wanwan had also vanished. Min Ye collapsed on the floor and choked on his own saliva.

"Why are you stopping me, Guangru?" The Mother then turned to the child. "Did Xiaodan ask you?"

"No, I was just curious. Baba mentioned mangled bodies. Did you fight someone?" Guangru didn't care for Min Ye; the man was still alive anyway. "Also, it's not you to force the death choice on your victims. Did something happen when I was gone? You said you're not scared, but you wanted to grow stronger already..."

The Mother then eyed the writhing male before looking at Guangru again. "Project Noah and Project Moses would be restarting, and they seemed to have picked up good candidates. Moreover, they have brought greater ghosts from that accursed prison. It will be Hell here once the projects go live. You don't know this… but Abbaddon's appetite is so much more than yours."

Guangru frowned as he levitated for a while and stood in front of the Mother. "Still doesn't explain to me why you're desperate. Dead forest spirit, have you forgotten who I am?" His hand glowed red, and another blood seed appeared in his hand. "Would you like to bargain?"

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