The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 161 - Accidents Happen

Chuan Nayi frowned at the woman who just went past her. The aura she was giving off was familiar, and the strange sting of her gaze was all the more recognizable. Perhaps judging from how the eyes of the males lit up, only Chuan Nayi was able to tell that the person who walked through the aisle was indeed… a man.

"My name is Qiao Yun, and I am the supervisor of this project." The woman who presented herself as the supervisor spoke, and even her voice sounded strange to Chuan Nayi. The 'heiress' glanced at Li Feng, and the latter only nodded slightly. Their prowess in film-making told them the pitch of the voice was wrong.

However, it wasn't the same for everyone else. All they knew was that a totally gorgeous woman swept the males off of their feet.

"For now, you can leave the room and walk around to familiarize yourself with this building we call the Lodging Hall. This is the building where you will be eating, sleeping, and overall taking care of yourself. The tests will be carried out in the building next to this one. Moreover, let me just go over the gray particulars of the project… not that you can't escape."

"?" The participants twitched even if the grin was mesmerizing. Qiao Yun then continued: "As stated in your contracts, we would be needing you to check in at the end of the night. It's done automatically just as soon as you get into your beds. Of course, those who could stay longer—thus providing us with more data—would receive incentives remitted to their designated bank accounts."

She hooked her hair behind her ear. "This is where things will get interesting. Incentives will grow based on the length of your stay and divided among the count of our test subjects. Some of you probably thought that you would need to kill others just to grow your share." She then chuckled as if she was laughing at a light matter. "No, that's not how it goes. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not how you get your money.

"If we catch you killing an asset, we will stop the remittance. The dwindling count will result from the tests, and not from you killing one another." Qiao Yun chuckled again as if she was very entertained by that idea. "As much as possible, we want you to help each other. This is a death boot camp for psychics, if you may."

Taking p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in the terrified gazes of the participants, Qiao Yun paused for a while before talking again. "Then again, we're not monsters. We will introduce you to controlled variables for a limited time only. You're not going to be haunted while you sleep, eat, piss, or defecate." She then moved her hand in a gesture. "Then again, accidents would happen. We will send help of course, but it's up to you to survive your ordeals."

She lifted a hand. "I will now take questions. One by one."

Chuan Nayi raised her hand like an adept student during recitation. "Are we going to meet participants in other projects in here? The Lodging Hall? Or even during tests?"

"Your friends participating in RS Noah will be on the other floor, and yes, you can join them in the cafeteria later for dinner. As for joint testing, it would be too early. However, depending on your aptitude and the data needed, we might conduct joint tests." Qiao Yun smiled at her after. 'This woman knows what kind of questions to ask… like that damn Jiang woman. What am I saying? They're mother and daughter...'

"Won't we get curtains?" Another girl raised her hand, and Qiao Yun shook her head. "We need to ensure everyone's true condition. You are in complete surveillance 24-7. That was in the contract."

"How will we change?"

" have blankets. Females are prone to group together and help one another. Make friends and have someone cover for you." Qiao Yun made a helpless smile. It wasn't the best arrangement, but this was the first batch of mixed genders. It would be more interesting and chaotic for sure.

Li Feng then raised his hand. "If a fight breaks out, will you send Strongmans?"

The supervisor turned to him and stared at him for a while. Qiao Yun remembered saying that they would send help in case of accidents—"Oh, you mean actual fights between angry humans? Well, it depends on the scale and severity of the situation. If you end up wrestling, we will probably just use you for entertainment. Stabbing incidents are normal in the cafeteria, but security will throw you in solitary for that.

"No one wants to stay in solitary. You will be going to meet other patients in the solitary—the ones you would degrade into 'loonies'. Of course, there will be docile ones, and there will be aggressive ones." Qiao Yun smiled widely again. "Who knows? They might escape their binds and attack you."

Chuan Nayi raised her hand again. "How receptive are you to personal complaints? Like s.e.x.u.a.l harassment?"

Qiao Yun's eyes flickered. These questions… were not the ones she was ready for. However, those questions and answers were written from a standpoint of a functioning brain. She then smiled. "Of course, we will hear out all feedback from the participants. However… three things might happen. One, we will address it. Two, we can't do anything about it. Three, we will treat it as additional data."

"So you'll let a man off the hook after molesting a woman if it aids you in collecting data?" Chuan Nayi was not shocked, but she was disappointed nonetheless.

"...yes." Qiao Yun's smile was quite out of place, but Chuan Nayi knew that she was a man. The kind of pointed look Chuan Nayi gave the supervisor reminded her of someone else. Qiao Yun then sighed and combed through the wig. "We don't really interfere with a stimulus that affects a person's perception. Trauma and fear are the best things we could hope for in these projects.

"Moreover, ghosts abounded even the Lodging Hall." Qiao Yun soon returned the pointed look, with a completely serious expression. "I'm not telling men to r.a.p.e women, but if he wants to, he can try. But if I were him, I would ask the nurses what kind of ghosts are here first. Because as much as I remember, some ghosts hate humans who remind them of their demise. 

"Months ago, a doctor was gutted by a ghost when he was caught forcing a nurse to have s.e.x with him. Another ghost killed a male nurse who tried to molest a sleeping participant. Aside from ghosts, we also have other cases where victims end up killing their attackers. Moreover, we have a patient who walks through walls. If he catches someone doing immoral things, he will surely feed that person to his 'friends'.

"Which takes me back to what I said before." Qiao Yun regained her smile. "Accidents happen."

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