The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 163 - You Girls so Shady

Perhaps only Qiao Shan didn't understand what the orderly said. Before she could ask about it, an angry growl came from afar. "Liang! Why are you slacking off again?"

Tang Liang, the orderly, shuddered at the voice of his boss-uncle, "D-Dr. Tang! I-I'm on break!"

"What break? Did you sift through the reports for this afternoon?" An angry Dr. Tang came, but his voice wasn't really loud and shouting. His tone was just too commanding that everyone always thought he was going to eat live humans. However, today, he was really angry. It's just that he recognized Ruan Jin in an instant. "Jin? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, yeah, Dr. Tang, they're part of the batch that came today. Jin and Miss Qiao here are from Noah, and then Miss Chuan and Mr. Li here are from Moses. I'm breaking them in on account of Jin." Tang Liang sounded so smug, but he didn't dare boast too much. "We're waiting for dinner. No, THEY are waiting for dinner."

Dr. Tang walked closer, and Ruan Jin bowed a little to the researcher—as well as the other three did. However, he didn't care about them and gently caught Chuan Nayi's chin. He turned her head from left to right before seemingly giving a rather approving nod. He then lightly slapped Tang Liang's head. "Come back to the office. We have a lot to do. Leave them to the real people that should handle them."

A sob came from Tang Liang as his precious break was taken away from him, but Dr. Tang gave him a few coins to buy drinks from the vending machine on their floor. That easily made Tang Liang happy as the staff here rarely went out, they had no need for money. Their loose change would run out, and these little bribes were enough to energize them to work harder.

He then sat down where his nephew was sitting earlier. "Jin, did you come here for Xiaodan? Drop everything you think you know about this place. You just jumped into hell. I'm giving you this advice since you salvaged my files from before. Don't bother looking for Xiaodan. He's not in the condition to meet anyone who used to know him."

"Why, Dr. Tang? Do you always see Xiaodan?" Ruan Jin showed a grave expression. However, the researcher shook his head, but the words he spoke froze them: "No, but I saw him hours earlier. Listen, he's not your timid friend anymore. Whatever that got inside him has already broken his mind and takes complete control of his body. It would be good if you try to speak with him anymore."

"That sounds wrong. I heard from Liu Xiaodan yesterday, and he didn't sound deranged at all." Li Feng frowned at the information being given to them. 

However, Dr. Tang frowned deeper and reached out to Li Feng's arm. His grip was like a clamp even Li Feng's strong arm couldn't escape. "You heard from him yesterday? That's impossible. How did he speak to you?"

Before he could get an answer from the other man, a figure walked into the cafeteria and saw Dr. Tang hanging out with a few young people. Her heels clicked against the floor, accompanying her voice as she spoke: "Dr. Tang, we are assigned to do a lot of things tonight. Are you done playing with these youngsters?"

Dr. Tang saw Fan Meiling, and he hurriedly released Li Feng and tugged at his white robe. "Playing? What nonsense. It's good that you're here now. Let's talk in my office." Dr. Tang swiftly left and led Fan Meiling away.

Li Feng rubbed his arm. "Sorry, I slipped."

"It's okay. Just be more careful next time." Chuan Nayi stared in the direction the two doctors took. She didn't know what the male doctor did, but she quickly dropped it for now. "Jin, who was he? I have a feeling that he has access to a lot of other projects in here."

"That was Dr. Tang, lead researcher of Cherry Med. He knows every name, essence, and goal of all the projects here. He might not have power and knowledge about the operations, but he's pretty reliable when it comes to extracting objectives and the current state of the projects." Ruan Jin scratched his head. "Though… how come he could meet Xiaodan? Didn't you say Xiaodan isn't participating in any project?"

Qiao Shan then dropped her gaze. "I… I actually lied. Xiaodan is part of Red Justice, but I have no idea what that project was all about. All I know was that I shouldn't interfere with it if I want to live… which is strange since… Xiaodan is needed alive."

Ruan Jin pouted as he was lied to, but he didn't take it to heart. Seeing the look on the faces of those people from the Qiao family, he knew everything was not as simple as they were. He only waved his hand. "Well, let's ask around about that… what? Red Justice… someone is bound to know something—"

"No." Chuan Nayi shook her head as she lowered her voice. "Red Justice is a secret program. Mother said it's a military venture so we can't openly talk about it. Moreover, I have a feeling that what they meant by you dying is because of what they do in it. You might get caught… WE might get caught."

Ruan Jin made a loud pig snort. "You girls so shady and secretive… I thought it's only Shanyue."

Li Feng was busy thinking about something else. Yesterday, Liu Xiaodan came to him and materialized as the miasma. That would mean that his consciousness had left the body. That Dr. Tang was so sure that Liu Xiaodan didn't leave? Were they watching him? No, that kind of grip was too forceful… something did happen on that day… and it involved Liu Xiaodan.

He then swept his gaze and reached out to tap on Ruan Jin's part of the table. "Ling, could you please look around and find rumors about Xiaodan? If he's famous here, then there must be people talking about him. Guys, let's not push everything in one go. We already know that it's dangerous here so we need to be extra careful. Let's see first what they're willing to tell us about other projects and patients."

The group only nodded their heads and realized that more and more people were coming to the cafeteria. It was time for dinner, and they had four more vacant seats at their table. Other participants had come, and a group of girls spotted Chuan Nayi. They then came to make friends with her and the cute Qiao Shan. 

Actually, Chuan Nayi wasn't surprised anymore. In a place like that, weak girls would seek protection. They all saw how Li Feng was close to her. Perhaps they thought that if Chuan Nayi cared about them, they could run to Li Feng if they needed help. It's not like Li Feng would say 'no' to helping them either.

Even if it was something Chuan Nayi didn't like, she needed information. More eyes, the better.

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