The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 166 - Missy and the Young Master

A strange smile tore Wu Zhong's lips into a wide grin. With his eyes shining brightly and menacingly, he quickly instructed the maid—even disturbing the others: "Go and fetch your Missy! I'll see her in the lounge after getting into my suit. Be sure to provide the best!"

"Missy?" The maid was shocked, but she quickly moved. They never had a young mistress, not to mention a Missy. The Master had indeed brought awfully younger women here before, but they were never worth anything to the Wu family. Now… their master was talking about a Missy?

"The Master is laughing so loud! What kind of joke did you tell him?!" The household matron caught up with the maid and almost berated her for sending their master into another lunatic episode. The few times, he was celebrating about this project; this time, it was from what the maid should have said.

"Uh, he said I should fetch and attend to Missy?"

"Missy?" The household matron paused in her steps, and her face was so horrified. She then held onto her c.h.e.s.t… "Q… Qianqian is here?!" The household matron there started screaming at the few maids with hurried instructions as if preparing the house for a sudden storm. She even pushed the young maid as an urge to hurry and not let Missy waiting. However, it still felt so weird… they really had a Missy?

The young maid put on her best smile and opened the door for Wu Qianqian and Liu Li. She took a longer look at the middle-aged woman; this Wu Qianqian was surely a mother at most. She couldn't be a Missy anymore unless she had no child. However, the young maid only walked her through the halls. What shocked the maid was that every other maid they passed was bowing and greeting this Missy now.

It's just that… Wu Qianqian didn't seem to be paying attention to them. Could it be that she was indeed too high and mighty that she merely ignored the maids? Most maids didn't even know about her; even a maid of six years didn't even hear anything about this Missy. This Wu Qianqian still dared to act so superior?

The young maid was discontent, but it didn't show on her face. Only when she turned to present the door to them did she realize the problem. Wu Qianqian was actually hugging the man's arm so tightly like she was terrified of the maids and even coming to this house. The young maid was puzzled that she couldn't even speak; none of the maids probably saw the deep terror in her eyes… aside from this maid in front of them.

"Is he inside?" Liu Li asked on Wu Qianqian's behalf. He might not be hailed from those big families, but those big families had shown fake and genuine respect to him for being one of Li Heilong's friends. This high and mighty status the young maid was looking for… it was on him instead.

"He..." The young maid forgot her script. The cold flash in the eyes of the middle-aged man terrified her as well. However, before she could attempt to regain her confidence, the household matron quickly came up towards them. She then held a very excited yet cautious smile. "Qianqian! You're back! I swear I haven't seen you for a very long time! Where were you all these years?"

Wu Qianqian twitched when she saw a face that seemed to be very familiar. The mother let go of her husband's arm and hugged the matron instead. "Yuye, I missed you, too." Wu Qianqian lived in this house for around five years if she remembered it correctly. This was also the first place where she met Li Heilong. However, this house was also filled with strange nightmares she would rather forget.

This matron… she was only fifteen when Wu Qianqian met this young girl with humble origins. Right now, the way she's dressed, Yuye must be the current household matron. Wu Qianqian felt happy seeing a childhood friend. "Yuye, sorry… it's not really something I..." She then twitched and pulled back, holding onto the man's arm. "Yuye, this is my husband, Liu Li. He also owns his own company, and it has expanded so much!"

"Hello." Liu Li gave a curt smile, and Matron Yuye only nodded at him. The matron gave a good look at the man, and he did look like a very reputable man back in his prime. Moreover, if not another CEO, who was worthy of marrying a family princess like Wu Qianqian?

"Please, let's take a seat inside." Matron Yuye gestured to the private lounge, and the young maid opened the door. The matron led the visitors inside. "You should have called first. Master Zhong has a very important thing to attend to today. He might not be able to hold you long."

"It's okay. I think I know what this important thing is… and we actually want to come with him." Wu Qianqian squeezed Liu Li's hand. She had been discussing this with Liu Li, and she finally decided to face her fears and see what her precious only son had become.

What she had allowed for him to turn into…

Matron Yuye narrowed her eyes, but she didn't carry it for a while. Now that she knew that Wu Qianqian had lived in peace all those years, she could simply rest. However, the expression on her face was worrying Matron Yuye. She couldn't help but ask about something. "Qianqian, since you're married… that means you have a child, right? They should be… hmm… in college already? Why didn't they come with you?"

" son..." Wu Qianqian knew that Matron Yuye only meant well, but there was a lot to unpack. She couldn't help but almost break down. Fortunately, Liu Li was there to hold her hand and speak for her. "We're actually here to ask for him. Your Master Zhong is in a good position to help us take him home."

"Oh? Oh, my, what a troublemaker. Making his mother cry—" Matron Yuye almost pouted and tried to dispel the bad atmosphere even if she wanted to comfort Wu Qianqian. It's just that… "Wait, you have a son?! Then, doesn't that mean we have a young master?! Y-You will be able to take him home, right? I'm pretty sure that, with Master Zhong's status, even the Li family would not dare to openly wage war against him!"

Matron Yuye took the excuse to be excited and offered to hold Wu Qianqian tighter. "Qianqian, Qianqian, don't worry. Now that you have asked for Master Zhong's help, there won't be anything that could keep your son away from you! So… what's his name? What do we call him?"

Wu Qianqian turned to Matron Yuye, but she couldn't say anything. She was scared that, if she uttered her son's name, her friend's smile would certainly fall down. She wasn't willing to blatantly see how even the people close to her would spit on her son's ruined image.

"Liu Xiaodan!" A burst of menacing laughter came from the door as Wu Zhong walked in, tugging on his suit jacket and walking proudly. "The young master's name is Liu Xiaodan!"

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