The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 171 - Newcomer Comes to Challenge a King

The one second of hesitance gave the shadow enough time to enter Li Feng's body. The man gasped as he felt like something had phased through him, but he didn't feel anything more than that. The shadow did enter his body, but it didn't possess him. There was very weak power, and it was strange since he was not a medium. He was a shaman, and this shadow shouldn't be able to get inside him.

Li Feng lied flat on the ground, not knowing what to do. He knew that the other psychics would find trouble with him since a ghost literally went through his body and stayed. However, he had no idea how he was able to house it. 'Could it be because Xiaodan has materialized from me just days ago? Dammit, so weird. Also, why didn't the black horse react? I still have it in my pocket...'

"Guys! Help!" A loud scream came from an incoming group, and five more people joined them. One of the girls gritted her teeth and continued to scream, but as she opened her mouth, the leader of the group of ten grabbed her mouth. "If you shout, I will gut you."

"Li Feng!" Another girl spotted Li Feng lying on the ground. "You have to help us! Nayi… she was attacked by some monster!"

"Nayi?" Li Feng turned to them. However, before he could get up from the ground, he felt the foot radiating heat that he thought he scalded his a.s.s with hot water. In his peripheral vision, the darkness on the ceiling wavered. He then looked up and watched the ceiling turn into some kind of thick black water. A black thing pierced through it, and it appeared to be as long as an arm. "What is…?"

Goggles then poked through the wavering black ceiling. The black thing moved along with what seemed to be goggles… Li Feng suddenly realizing that it was a huge bird. Then, the black beak opened, as the black bird King spoke to him: "Ah, so the fish gathered here..."

Li Feng then heard another voice from inside; it was the shadow: "That's a King! Move!"

"Holy shit!" Li Feng rolled away, and the black bird dropped from the ceiling. He then fluidly got to his feet and pushed them back, "Guys, we have to run! That's a very strong one! It's going to kill everyone!"

Its beak missed Li Feng with just a few split-seconds, but it struck the floor and broke a few squares of flooring. The bird didn't get mad as it was easy to tell that the man was aware of it. Actually, it was a better game than against those who couldn't see it. When the black bird turned to them, they had run away. It's just that the bird was a master of mobility. With a few steps and approximation, it caught up with the back of the group.

Bang! One girl was pecked by the black bird, and the beak slid in and out of her c.h.e.s.t. The hole instantly killed the woman, and the black bird laughed out. It then stepped over her and continued chasing the group. Li Feng saw what happened and decided to run in the other direction. He tried to get to the back of the group in a hurry.

Another girl was the target, but Li Feng was able to pull the girl close so the black bird wouldn't reach her. He then pushed her away so she could escape with the rest. Li Feng stared at the King in the eyes, but he didn't know how to exactly deal with one. Kings were only killable by those who wielded the ceremonial soul swords. Without one, Li Feng had no chance of killing it.

"Oh, such a very fierce one! I will be gentle and not kill you fast!" The black bird liked playing with its food. Instead of using its beak, its clawed hand swiped left and right while Li Feng tried his best to avoid it. It was not Li Feng's first time fighting mobile ghosts after all. Greater ghosts, however, were already his limit.

"What are you doing?! Run!" Li Feng noticed that the psychics were actually watching from afar. He couldn't blame them if they didn't want to leave him behind, but there was really nothing they could do to help him. It's just better if they escaped.

"Oh, but you have more than an hour to spare, right?" The black bird laughed again. "Pathetic creatures. Don't think that the real monsters of this place would spend human money for nothing. You want to be rich? Then, pay for it with your useless lives! You're not test subjects—you're food for us!"

Li Feng gritted his teeth and held out his left hand. A small white diagram appeared, and it slapped the black bird after Li Feng made a hand sign. That was a high-grade spell, but it would take a toll on Li Feng's body the more he used it. His body was still too weak to wield exorcism circles. 

The black bird screamed in pain as if it was splashed with acid. As it was familiar to the black bird who had encountered the shamans from the Qiao family before, it knew exactly what it took to produce that attack. However, it didn't know how come one was at his banquet. "Shaman!"

The shaman then ran off to the others and urged them to push further. However, in front of them came the big-headed frog that a few recognized. Li Feng couldn't run to the front anymore as the black bird chased them again. When he turned behind him and tried to attack the King again, the black bird swiped down very fast. Bang! Blood oozed as Li Feng watched his left forearm fly out of his reach.

"My arm!" Li Feng cried out loud as he grabbed at his severed left arm. He then brought his eyes up and saw the black bird angrily swipe down at him again. 'Really? Dying at the first test? Am I really that weak? Hm, even at this rate… Xiaodan wouldn't have enough time to come save me...'

Bang! Blood came from the far side, and it was like a powerful spit that hit the black bird's face. The blood sizzled again, and the black bird screamed again as it held its face. To Li Feng's surprise, the big-head frog ghost landed in between him and the King. Down on its fours, the frog ghost howled as if challenging the King in front of it. That was strange; a weaker ghost would never dare challenge a stronger one.

The black bird knew that as well. It then screeched at the frog ghost. "You! Damn newcomer wants to challenge me?! You're just a transcending greater ghost! What can you do against me?!"

"Back off, creepy shit!" The frog ghost yelled out words within its howling. It then moved its head, and that purple eye glance at Li Feng's face. "Big Brother Feng, it won't hurt to run right now, you know..."

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